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Some beautifully complex scenarios.

Guest Pillar

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Guest Pillar

From this front page, scroll down to see his CM Scenario selection and take a look. Very interesting and beautiful Bulge scenarios, most (if not all) researched first hand I hear.

Make sure you email him and tell him if you like them.

Thanks to Airborne for pointing this guy's work out to me.


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I was also intrigued by the scenarios offered there after jpinard's post last week. But, as Henri pointed out -every scenario I loaded crashed my system.

too bad -they look really great.


"Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

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I'm a big fan of the maps used for these scenarios. They are truly amazing. I've been around the Ardennes and I can say that roaming around these maps in view 1 makes me feel like i'm back there.

I also took various measurements of some Trois Ponts area maps I have and the dimensions match up almost exactly with the game map (maybe +/- 5% off at most). Also, the correct bridges are shown as blown for the specific day of this battle...nice touch. Some books I have say the main Trois Ponts bridge was blown prior to the date of this battle, but evidently only partially, so it is depicted here as still standing. After this battle the bridge was subjected to demolition again which completely destroyed it.

The actual Trois Ponts scenario uses only about half of the map which is too bad. However, I doubt the AI's ability to navigate the more complex sections of this map. I have yet to confirm if the AI can navigate the Trois Ponts map using a more challenging set of objectives and units.

These are the kinds of maps I've wanted to see since the game was released. The only reason I can think of that complex terrain is not represented in the included scenarios is so the AI will provide a better challenge.

Another good example of stretching combat mission map editor capability is "THE BATTLE OF SAN MARTINO" by Thomas Klimisch. You can find it at:


The map gives a good idea of editor capabilities for making mountainous Italian/North African terrain. Practically all that needs changing is the colors and some textures.


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Hey great mods and maps! They look really great! I am pleased to see information maps and mods for the battle of the bulge battle. The screenshots look beautiful. Also the next site on that site the link, Toms CM headqurters is a great cm site as well.


needs java enabled though.

Cant wait to get my copy of CM !!!!

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None of these scenarios run on my system.

CM 1.05 (PC)

PIII 500

GeForce card

Every mod under the sun =)

Just throwing my 2 cents in. I've known about these for quite a while now, but they don't run. Too bad because the screens look really nice...



What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

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OK, I found the problem: when I downloaded them with Netscape navigator, they crash, but when I downloaded them with Explorer, they work OK, so it is a Netscape compatibility problem. Ten to one the programs wre made with Explorer.

Unfortunately I don't know how to fix it so they will download with netscape; I have both Netscape and Explorer on my system...


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I used Netscape to download, and I'll try IE, but that is insane. It shouldn't matter at all; a file is a file. If this is the case, I suggest you zip the files. That should protect them from whatever the heck Netscape might be doing to them. I'll post later after I try.



What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

I am about 10 minutes into the Stoumont scenario, and my goodness.....

This is a whole new way to play Combat Mission. The detail and natural feel of these terrains is unmatched.

Who was that masked man??????

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Guest Pillar

In my opinion, these scenarios really bring manouvre into the ballpark. Now it's not just a matter of trying to get that elusive flank shot, but even to penetrate a really comprehensive defence.

Instead of one or two possible avenues of approach, there are several.

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Guest Michael emrys

How the heck do you get the scenarios to download? When I click on them I get sent to a page with a brief description and a broken image icon. A couple of them had screens with code written on them, but no DL. WTF?

Michael, very confused.gif

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Well, 8 minutes from the end of Stoumont, and the AI has used this beautifully crafted scenario as a medium to hand me my ass.

OUCH! but fun at the same time...

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These scenarios make me ANGRY...

Why you ask? Please, all who read this, believe the praise being heaped on them by other posters. They are some of the most lovely I have yet seen and are the best I've downloaded at creating that "you are there" feeling that only CM makes possible. (As a side note, it is not immensely frustrating not to be able to "sneak up" behind my troops in Sid Meier's masterful "Gettysburg!") Just load up "Trois Pointes", lock behind one of the Amis, go to ground and wait for the Germans...you'll see what I mean.

So why am I angry? Simple, as I have noted in a post in the tech section, my video card (I think) is hosing CM...this CANNOT be allowed. I have pretty scenarios to play and foolhardy Gerries to harm...grrrr... frown.gif

Many regards (and thanks for pointing these out...and the maker for making 'em),



"Watching others make friends, as a dog makes friends. I mark the manner of these canine courtesies and say, 'Thank God, here comes another enemy'" -- Rostand

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