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The Death of Computer Gaming As We Know It?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Spook, while I'm totally involved with CM at present, I too have an interest in other wargames that might be good ... not much chance that they will be as good as CM but you never know. In that vein, I got a notification recently that the company that did the SMG follow on for Antietam, can't think of their name right now, is going to be using the SMG engine for Waterloo! Now that might be worth getting, despite the fact that Waterloo has been done to death.


I would be overjoyed to play this game. I love the SMG engine to death but the only thing missing (because of the scenarios covered) was cavalry charges. Since they are taking on Waterloo, they *must* do this. The last time someone tried to do Waterloo in RTS was Fields of Glory, a game that is very similar to SMG but poor in execution.

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Guest Bad Ju Ju

About (it seems) a decade ago, I was waiting for Road to Moscow. Apparently, it was vaporware. Anybody know what happened to RtM?


"I didn't go to evil medical school for six years to be called MR. Evil." Dr. Evil

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I will bet my $1 bill here that within

6 months, we will start to see many

CM clones on the market. Both traditional

turn-based and real-time based game makers

are looking very hard at the success of CM

and wonder what they have to do to catch

up with the new standard set by CM.

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I only buy a few games a year. While waiting for CM I bought Baldurs Gate it was an unexpected treasure. My point... you never know whats around the corner that is going to interest you. CM still has a long way to go before beating out Starcraft for most time spent on a game.

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To Joe:

The company you have in mind is Breakaway Games, if you're talking about who did Antietam for as a follow-on to SMG for Firaxis.

Truth is, though, I would prefer battles with such panorama to use the WE-GO system of CM. Between turns, let the gamers check command/control, plot movement of units/formations in "control", order charges, etc. Then let the real-time engine take over for a given timeframe---say, 5-15 minutes---before the next orders phase. (Similar to SMG, a time "accelerator" might be necessary during the real-time execution.) My experience with SMG is that anytime there was more than one division of troops to command, it got to be a clickfest. All the same, though, the multiplayer of SMG was LOTS of fun (like giving the Rebel Yell into a microphone for the other gamers) and its clickfest nature did give me a taste of "command stress".

[This message has been edited by Spook (edited 07-26-2000).]

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Guest BigAlMoho

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tank_41:

I will bet my $1 bill here that within

6 months, we will start to see many

CM clones on the market. Both traditional

turn-based and real-time based game makers

are looking very hard at the success of CM

and wonder what they have to do to catch

up with the new standard set by CM.


I don't know about the time frame but if a CM clone comes out that has the scope of Steel Panthers with a Windows compatable interface it will be huge...

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Oh hell Spook, I would too. I think that would, in fact, be the best way to do it. But as long as I get to see Napoleonic infantry, artillery and cavalry done decently and the combat modelled accurately I'm going to buy the game. I agree about SMG as well, there was a limit to a single player's capability. The multi was fun but I was never able to get a consistent 4 player or more game going. And after all, we can't even seem to be able to talk BTS into doing CM - Pacific, let alone CM - Napoleon smile.gif But as someone mentioned, clones of the WEGO system are bound to pop up, perhaps there ...


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CM is obviously going to be my obsession for a while, but I am certain I will always break out Rising Sun or Steel Panthers for the rest of my life. I actually went and got an old P200 and loaded DOS on it just so I could play SP, Panzer General and the origional Red Baron, along with a few of my other old DOS favorites.

Someday I will do the same with CM - it will never really lose it's attraction because of the QUICK BATTLE option. I LOVE THAT! I wish every game had some form of random map generator.

I love flight sims, Heroes 3 types of games as well as Military Games, so I will always be on the lookout for new stuff (or old stuff I missed the 1st time around). My biggest problem lately is that Graphics and Candy have replaced elegance and replayability in too many titles. Which made CM all the sweeter to find: well done, replayable ad imfinitum and just plain fun to PLAY.

I tend to heap praise on things I like. Can you tell?

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