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Idiot in search of help.

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Posted this in the tech forum also.

This isn't so much CM related, ecpect for I have hosed my system. I'm really looking to see if anyone here has any advice.

Ok, here is my long and stupid story.

Bought a new USB joy stick. Plugged it in and worked great.

Tried to sign on to the net and I got a "modem not connected or in use by another job".

So I shut down and went to bed.

When I rebooted this morning I got a "modem conflict" error. Couldn't not go into safe mode ect..

Tried to re-install windows...same error..

So I did a deleate and re-install windows.

This got me into windows and everything appeared fine.

Now when I try to use connection wizard ect..

I get a stange "not enough memory, please shut down other applications" blah, blah blah.

I've got 128 of memory and nothing else is running. So I am thinking I may have a memory conflict of something.

Does anyone out here have any suggestions?




"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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err well first things first. Did u try unplugging the joystick? That seems to be the root of all your problems. If you unplugged it and stuff still doesnt work I would imagine that windows installed some USB support which wasnt present before and that is causing you some issues. have you searched the microsoft site and the joystick makers site for tech articles?


Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

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ahh just saw the win modem thingy. Win modems have a lot of hardware removed with it being replaced by software. You can very easily take one out of commission with other software programs. Maybe try changing around your win modem or removing any new programs. im thinking the joystick installed USB support or some other resident program. get rid of those and try. if modem works then you have the cause..


Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Posted this in the tech forum also.

This isn't so much CM related, ecpect for I have hosed my system. I'm really looking to see if anyone here has any advice.

Ok, here is my long and stupid story.

Bought a new USB joy stick. Plugged it in and worked great.

Tried to sign on to the net and I got a "modem not connected or in use by another job".

So I shut down and went to bed.

When I rebooted this morning I got a "modem conflict" error. Couldn't not go into safe mode ect..

Tried to re-install windows...same error..

So I did a deleate and re-install windows.

This got me into windows and everything appeared fine.

Now when I try to use connection wizard ect..

I get a stange "not enough memory, please shut down other applications" blah, blah blah.

I've got 128 of memory and nothing else is running. So I am thinking I may have a memory conflict of something.

Does anyone out here have any suggestions?




OKay.. here is what I do when all is hopeless. NOTE: THIS IS FOR WIN98

Boot into windows if you can and drop to DOS. If you can't get into windows then use your Startup disk and get to a DOS prompt.

Then from the Root type "DELTREE WINDOWS".

This will take a while....(On a side note a more drastic option, and if you are generally pissed off at windows then format the C drive. I do and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.)

OKay.. Windows is dead. You booted with the start up disk and selected to load the CD-Rom drives. So your CD-Rom should be working.


Okay.. Put the WIN98 disk in and type "Setup". You shoul dbe familiar with this part.

Now.. After windows is all done installing go and download from windowsupdate.microsoft.com a buch of pathes and upgrades for windows. Don't worry. The web site is automated and it will tell you what you are missing. There is some stuff specifically for USB support I am sure for WIN98.

If you have a modem I feel REAL sorry for you since this WILL take a while. Try to down load ONLY what you need.

Anyways.. Now after all this is done it sounds like you original problem was that you were running out of IRQs or some sort of addressing... Hey BTW is your modem a USB modem? If so then I think the joystick and your modem don't like each other. Then I would look for newer drivers for the modem or joystick. Otherwise I would just take the joystick back.

If your modem is not a USB modem try going into you BIOS and disabling your serial ports. I hope you are not using since there is really nothing out anymore that uses them. If they are not disabled they are just taking up space. So disable them.

Now try plugging the joystick in.

Any questions?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Oh sorry,

Little info:


P3 500

128 mem

56k win modem



Win-Modems suck ass. Sorry. They are SOOO not worth saving like 30 bucks. I would assume that IT is at the root of your problem.

ALSO is this WinModem a USB modem?


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Flash modem blaster by Creative. 39.95

Win 98 patch from MS.com 59minutes (56k)

Setting up the PC again 48minuts (est.)

Working PC to play CM on....Priceless


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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LOL Jeff,

I know win modems suck ass! (came with the system though). Might just go pick up a new external.

I did unplug the joystick before running the delete and re-install windows option on my restore disk.

The problem is that when I try to use connection wizard or what ever to use the damn modem. I get that crazy "not enough memory message".

Any thoughts on that?

Should I use the hardware manager to remove the modem and then reinstall it?

I really just have no ideas.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

LOL Jeff,

I know win modems suck ass! (came with the system though). Might just go pick up a new external.

I did unplug the joystick before running the delete and re-install windows option on my restore disk.

The problem is that when I try to use connection wizard or what ever to use the damn modem. I get that crazy "not enough memory message".

Any thoughts on that?

Should I use the hardware manager to remove the modem and then reinstall it?

I really just have no ideas.


Hmmmm... Kill Windows. See my post above. Make a STARTUP DISK and DELTREE WINDOWS and then Re-Install Windows. Keep the joy stick unplugged. Make sure you disable those serial ports from the BIOS if you have them.

Is that WinModem a USB though?

Also... Don't be a fool! Buy a internal 3COM 56k modem with voice! Only buy the best!


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Hey Lorak what company makes your system. Compaq and Dell and whoever else use a slightly different version of Windows that has been developed to work with the hardware they implement. THe re-install may not work because windows does not automatically support the hardware. Or it is possible (although unlikely) that the BIOS was changed at some point and the WinModem hates it.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


[This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-20-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Priest (edited 10-20-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Ok, Trying to track down the modem I have.

I'm about 100% sure that it is a PCI modem.

thanks for the suggestions so far.


If the modem is INSIDE the computer then it is NOT a USB modem.

You may have a serial port problem.. Also Priest may be right about the company specific software. I hate it when they pull that crap. If I were you I would go out and by a new Modem.

Check out those modems...


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OK guys thanks.

My machine is by gateway. I used the Gateway restroation CD when I deleated and reinstalled Windows. Seems everything else is back to normal, except for not being able to get the modem and net connections working.

And yes the modem is an internal US robatics 56k win modem. So I'm pretty sure it is a PCI.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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AHHHHHHH stop the presses gentleman. I hope you got it working with all that hoopla but it seems a bit extreme to trash windows and start from scratch.

I know some will argue but stay away from Norton or McAffee fixer programs, they not only bog a system down with unneeded junk but almost everything in the programs are already in with Win98 under system info/tools.

The USB tools for the joystick obviously conflict. Ur probably in deep now already so go with some of the advice about reinstalling u got from the others but don't drop the $40 bucks for Norton. Save that money for CM2!


"Free your mind!"

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Suggestion : The one thing I didn't see advised is when you do a clean install, be sure to fdisk (delpart if you have it), so that you have as clean a hard drive as is possible...FYI : only delpart gets rid of all Win2000 files (maybe NT also???); fdisk won't...(I see that Lorak has Win98, which fdisk is fine for Win9x systems)...

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Guest MantaRay

You also may need to install a PCI bridge, you can usually find it where the BIOS updates are. Not sure how old your system is, but it may be why your system is getting the conflict.


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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

Not sure if this was already posted but here goes as I was too lazy to read the other posts...

To get rid of the "Out of memory" message you will have to do a clean install of your Win95,98,2000,ME whatever and that should take care of your problem with that. As far as your modem goes... trash it! WinModems are horrible besides you can get a nice Diamond Supra (I prefer over USR just because of the fact that they do pretty much the same thing at a lower price) modem and you will be all set. Now the biggest thing is DRIVERS! Go grab all available updates including those horribly big Windows updates, as well you may also think about flashing your BIOS and installing the latest mainboard drivers for your system. This is especially important if you have a system with VIA based chipset. If this doesn't help you may get to "TINKER" with the BIOS...

Anyway just my view hope nobody else posted this.


"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

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Thanks again for all the help guys.

It was indeed the sucky win-modem that was causing the problem.

I managed getting everything back working. Only problem is I had to re-install the original gateway.net software.

Needless to say I need a new modem.

I decided to go ahead and be off-line for another week. smile.gif Since it will be next monday before the nice people from road-runner can get there. smile.gif

can't wait for cable!



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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Since I support PCs for a living, I thought I'd throw this in here:

If you have a CD-R or CD-RW one of the best things to do is to make your own restore CD.

First, make a clean install of your OS (whatever it is) with all of the necessary patches/drivers/programs you need to survive. Try to avoid big programs like games or MS Office for now; this is just a bare bones deal. Once that is done, use a disk-imaging program (like Norton Ghost) to make a backup copy of the OS and put it on a CD-R. You will also need to put a copy of the imaging program on the CD. Now, whenever you have hardware woes and need to reinstall, just dump the image you made back on the hard drive and you're ready to go in minutes instead of hours. This is how we load PCs where I work and it takes about 2-4 minutes to load Win95. (We use a network server to store images instead of CDs. Loading from CDs will usually take a little longer.)

Note: you will also need a boot disk that has drivers for your CD-ROM. THe Win98 boot disk usually works OK for this.


Cats aren't clean, they're covered with cat spit.

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