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Waiting is the hardest part

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Hi everyone, I'm finally unlurking. Let me start by saying I've learned more about WW II from this board than anywhere else! Anyway, I thought y'all should know that PCGamer has a monthly "column" where they list the top 10 games people are waiting for. Diablo II always wins. I thought it would be cool if everyone sent in an entry for CM. I mean, I doubt it will get on the list but who knows? Send to eyewitness@pcgamer.com with waiting is the hardest part in the subject line. And thanks BTS for everything!

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Is this column a "poll"?

I mean, I wouldn't want to flood the guy who runs it with "votes" if he isn't actively taking votes...

If it IS a poll though then I suppose it is fair enough to actually encourage and publicise the possibility of voting wink.gif (CMHQ involvement etc).

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As far as i know it's a "vote" you have to mail to the PCGamer-staff. But i'm affraid that when everyone on this board mails this staff...CM won't reach the top 10. It would be nice for BTS ofcourse, but if you look at the other games (Diablo2, Team Fortress 2, Duke Nukem Forever), which prolly get over a couple of 100.000's votes, i don't think CM will make it.

But maybe we can make the PCG-staff aware of the game, which might also help.


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One thing I've learned about voting on the net is that very often these sorts of polls (especially email polls) receive FAR fewer emails than you might otherwise think they would.

So, it wouldn't be totally out of all expectation to get CM somewhere in the bottom of the poll if a concerted effort was made.

Now, since this really appeals to the anti-establishment streak in me I am going to check this out and come up with a plan which I'll tell you all about on tonight's CMHQ update wink.gif.

I'd love to just subvert this sort of poll wink.gif.

In Ireland we recently tried to mess up the "Man of the Century" poll by all voting for an irish 19 year old footballer who is playing in the reserve team of an Italian team just for the hell of it.. Eventually they had to ban him from the competition to stop him from coming in in the top ten wink.gif.

I feel a little mischief coming on wink.gif

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I'm not sure it there's a URL, just the e-mail address. The magazine is at www.pcgamer.com I'm glad you're into the idea, not only is it fun but it might help BTS get some publicity. They do have a wargame column that's pretty good and I bet they'd do a piece on CM if they saw enough interest. Also, if you e-mail in you can win a free game.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

What's the exact URL of the poll?

I want to check it before making any decision.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fionn, et al...

I have a recent issue of PC Gamer in my hands right now. It is a column and it states:

"So go ahead, send in another email to eyewitness@pcgamer.com with "Waiting Is The Hardest Part" as the subject line and tell us that you just can't wait for (insert fav. game here). ..."

So, lets start flooding that email address...! smile.gif

Oh yeah, One lucky person gets drawn to win a free game or something.

[This message has been edited by CEO (edited 03-01-2000).]

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Oke, call me silly, but i see us readers as "sturmgrenadiere" and BTS as our "commanders". Now wouldn't it be logic for BTS to give us some orders? Like..."go ahead...sent those mails"?

I mean, CM is something that, IMHO, will be the game to look up to for any other wargame. BTS knows this, yet they do not give interviews or other things (yet) to the "better known" magazines. Sure there were some, but mostly at sites i never heard of (and i use the net for over 4 years now).

Could it be that there won't be a BIG commercial because of money-reasons...or does BTS want to keep this game a bit on the background UNTIL it is released (for strategic/commercial reasons).

If it's the latter it would be a bit painfull if we all started spamming PCG smile.gif

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I think there might be some amount of backlash from something like this poll.

I'm sure BTS wants to capture as much of a share of the market. If I were CEO of BTS (the other guys could be president and vice president), I would try to do the following.

1. Decide on a release date/season.

2. Do a limited release of final demo to about 100 people with all types of computer systems (about 6 months before the above). Try to get 95% of most popular video/sound/cpu setups out there as a sample group. Fix any glitches.

3. Release final demo to Mags for CDROM demos distribution about 3 months before dat/season targeted.

4. Start campaign like the one mentioned in this post after 3 so as to build up success for 1.

I would probably target next fall. The fact is that grogs, slugs, warheads, etc aint going to buy me a new mercedes. I need to get the rest of the market to convert. I would want the panzer general types to get my religion. I am talking Holy Grail type of software marketing.

Just my thoughts


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Well, I can't imagine why they would want to limit free publicity in any way. I've seen previews and hype start for some games years before they're released (Daikatana, anyone?) Most of those games never live up to the hype. I think for the good of mankind we should try to show that, yes, some games can live up to the pre-market hype. Since BTS is fully busy getting the thing out why not us Panzergrenadiers generate some?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrD:

Well, I can't imagine why they would want to limit free publicity in any way. I've seen previews and hype start for some games years before they're released (Daikatana, anyone?) Most of those games never live up to the hype. I think for the good of mankind we should try to show that, yes, some games can live up to the pre-market hype. Since BTS is fully busy getting the thing out why not us Panzergrenadiers generate some? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Exactly my point. Most games and marketing in the game world don't live up to the hype.

Face it, most people here (that post and read the board) are already sold. Theres already signs here that people are tired of the "OBOY WAIT TILL YOU CAN PLAY THIS!!". Its preaching to the choir at this point.

I would not want to do this to the masses of potential customers. I would try to bring the initial interest, demo distribution, magazine reviews and interviews and ads and finally sales in a planned manner.

I would rather sell a million products through a distributor and make a buck on each than sell 15000 and make 10 bucks on each. I have read the company philosophy BTW.

But this is just my opinion and I am in no way saying that BTS or anyone should agree.


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I think i didn't make myself clear about the publicity stunt. What i was trying to say is:

PCG is one of the biggest (maybe the biggest) PC-Mag in the USA. To me it would be "logic" to contact those people and say "ooooiiii YOU !!!! PC-Mag-editor....i have a fine game...LOOOOK !!!".

BTS has as far as i know not done such thing yet. There can be multiple reasons. Ofcourse it's extra work, it takes time, etcetera. It could however also be a "way" to conquer the market: Launching CM all of a sudden with a BIG BANG. That's why i was wondering if this thing would be a good idea, or that it only ruins BTS's strategy to take over the world smile.gif

"I've seen previews and hype start for some games years before they're released (Daikatana, anyone?"

Well, that's exactly my point. Who started this campaign? All the gamers? No it was Ionstorm itself. I think every pc-mag has a Daikatana add since 2 years ago, every month.

Therefore i think it's just a save thing to wait for Steve or Charles to reply.

That's all.

PanzerShark (waiting with the mail BUT when the light goes green...ready to spam ohne ende smile.gif

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I remember reading in William Trotter's column (in pcgamer) that he was planning on an article about CM in, I think, the December 99 issue. But he put it off due to the non release (not delay wink.gif ) of the game.

So, they are aware of it, anyway.


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Chaos, Your right. I do remember reading that in the magazine. My question is this... If he is a "wargamer", then wouldn't he be on this forum? hiding under a false name... I guess I just don't see how your could be a real "wargamer" and not be here.




This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


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Guest Big Time Software

"Go ahead... send those mails." cool.gif

Your Commander wink.gif

p.s. You are getting sleepy. Veeeery sleeeeeepy. You should send us mooonnneeeey. Very sleeeeepy. Buy multiple copies... so sleeeeepy... biggrin.gif

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Still, I think there'd be a better chance for CM if there was this Supreme CO with a power jewel in his forehead, and you find him on the 10th level in the woods on the hill in Chance Encounter... flaming Hitler heads fly from his mouth... you need the 88mm chain gun to take him out...

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Guest Germanboy

Shurely PCGamer ranks right up there with the worst sites I have seen -it refuses to load on iCab and crashed Netscape 4.7, after looking really crappy beforehand. Amazing, can I be a webdesigner too rolleyes.gif?



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrD:

I've seen previews and hype start for some games years before they're released (Daikatana, anyone?) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

yeah, but by over hyping so early, Daikatana is the punch line of jokes now more than an anticipated game in action circles.

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