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Ammunition question (spoiler, I suppose)

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It is a shape charge, the primary AP round for these weapons.

Because the 105 and 150 are essentially anti-infantry weapons they have low muzzle velocities, so they rely on the shape charge to punch thru enemy armor.

AFVs like the Panther and the Hellcat can produce the high muzzle velocities necessary to punch thru armor with penetrators.


"I do like to see the arms and legs fly"

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Guest Scott Clinton

These are HEAT shells.

The range has no effect on their abilty to penetrate armor IF (big IF) they hit.

Also the 'slope' of the enemy tank's armor should have much less effect on the penetration of these shells than vs standard AP rounds.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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Guest Babra


That 150mm IG seems WAY too accurate against armour. Rate of Fire is predictably slow, but it doesn't miss much.

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Hell, I haven't managed a SINGLE tank kill with a 150mm sIG EVER and I've used them in at least a dozen PBEM games ( not VoT but DYO-created games and tester-created scenarios).

I love the 150 but it just dies so quickly that I prefer the 75mm IG now.

Babra, so I guess it depends on luck. I haven't EVER seen a single 150mm sIG even HIT a tank never mind kill it.

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ok as luck would have it I just managed my first EVER tank kill with a sIG 150 wink.gif.

Sorry about that Colin. At least the good news is that it was a quick death for 3 of the crew ( how do I know 3 died? Simple.. I have forces VERY near to the tank and can see all your forces there. have fun advancing into my killzone.)

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Guest -panzershreck-

my 150 always get killed by arty, no matter where i put it about 1 000 000 shells come down on it like rain.

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Guest Madmatt

What I find interesting in this (and a few other) threads is that there seems to be this sense from players that 'Gee, this big bulky incredibly lethal with crew exposed artillery piece keeps getting taken out by artilerry!"

Ummm, correct me if I a wrong but err isn't that how it's SUPPOSED TO BE DONE?!?!!?!?

The American player had about a Divisions worth of Artillery and he would be a fool not to plaster every single little hiding place on this map. I know I did! Just because there is a unit included in your OOB doesn't mean that it's going to be able to do anything for you... Welcome to Unfair War 101!

And just a hint for all you suffering from the constant American Death from the Skies...Ummm all that artyiller needs spotters to call in, those spotters need to have good LOS to the barrage areas in order to be accurate... Ever think about doing something to 'suppress' that aim??? Most of the lethality in the American forces in this scenario lies with 3 or 4 two man teams... Eliminate those spotters and it's a much different game...



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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 05-16-2000).]

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