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Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Time Software

Just posted our first Night shots. Both pics show a small force of US tanks and troops taking up positions overlooking a big field.


Note that one thing we can't show you is that LOS is VERY restricted. So although you can see the distant edge of the field, the units in the pics can't. They'll have to wait until morning smile.gif


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Nice work guys! You anticipated my question about units' vision vs. mine. I guess what you mean is we can see the terrain but, because we need our units' vision to spot the enemy, we cannot see enemy units that might be in that field. Makes sense.

Couple of questions:

1.) When you say, "they'll have to wait until morning", I assume that means in order to see anything from where they are. They could move into the field in the dark and stumble upon something, yes? I know that is not advisable, just want to know if it is possible.

2.) If it is possible, what are the negative impacts of night movement on unit cohesion, morale, command and control, etc. if any?

As always, thanks.


The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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As a follow-on question to Pixman's post:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Nice work guys! You anticipated my question about units' vision vs. mine. I guess what you mean is we can see the terrain but, because we need our units' vision to spot the enemy, we cannot see enemy units that might be in that field. Makes sense.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How is this going to be handled for rain/snow/fog? While it'd be mighty cool to see a tank come rumbling out of the fog, It could pose problems during the planning stage if you can't see all of your own units at a glance. Perhaps just having the weather effects shown during playback would be a solution...

Anyway, the night shots look great, but that's a mighty dark sky smile.gif Any chance of some stars being added, kinda like the clouds in the day pictures? I assume it's just a texture being put up there...

Oh, one other thing. I think the shadows under the tanks look great in the day shots, but seem a little out of place in the night ones... Unless it's a full moon or something wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Ben Galanti (edited 08-20-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Yes, if this were a campaign game, and the US forces were getting into position during the night, they would have great positions for the next day's combat.

Yes, moving around at night is like moving around in the day, just with VERY reduced visual range and shooting accuracy. So you can stumble upon an enemy unit quite easily. Moving at night is not advisable because of this and...

Units at night are MUCH more likely to panic when they get into firefights. Nobody likes fighting at night, especially when spooked. There is also a chance of causing friendly fire casualties from small arms fire.

In short, if you are going to move stuff around at night, be careful!


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Night Combat:

My understanding is that many times the Germans would launch attacks at night (i.e. more common for them to do so) vs. the Brit's and American's who most often would not make such attacks. This would lead me to believe that through a combination of experience and training in actually conducting attacks at night that the Germans should be less likely to panic at night and have better overall unit cohesion and command & control while conducting night op's vs. the Western Allies. Is this true, and if so, does CM model this correctly????

Mike D

aka Mikester

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Nice cloudy sky. Will you place stars, moon in the night sky? Will a full moon have an effect on spotting? I hear the country can be very dark without a full moon.

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Guest Big Time Software

Misc. answers...

The background shot is a placeholder. Can't put in stars though as it is a REALLY low-res pic and they would come out as large greyish smudges. Will try for the Hell of it, but I am sure it won't work smile.gif

I think we will have a moon lit night as well as pitch dark. Certainly they are different things. I go out to the boonies often, and there isn't a house/street light for about 14 miles. You have NO IDEA what dark is like until you have gone to such a place without moon or stars out...

Ah, yes. I don't think we need the shaddows at night unless their is a moon out smile.gif

Germans probably should get some sort of night fighting C&C/Morale bonus. They were much more used to fighting at night on the attack than the Allied forces were.

Uh, I think I got them all!


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Looks great.. then again, every other screenshot I've seen before was gorgeous to. If anyone out there doesn't think so and want to complain, then I assign you 4 hail marys and 2 games of the the TOAW Korea 50-51 scenario in "3-D" mode.

My only minor quibble is that trees look sort of bright for nighttime... You can sort of see in the light in the leaves. Forests at night should look dark and evil. If the existing graphics could just be darkened, and maybe have a little of the color washed out, I think they'ed look alot better.


Hail Mary, Full of Grace.........

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"Germans probably should get some sort of night fighting C&C/Morale bonus. They were much more used to fighting at night on the attack than the Allied forces were."

This maybe accurate but then the US troops got used to these repeated attacks. Example: I've recently finished "Seven roads to Hell" by Donald Burgette, he describes several night attacks by the germans(tanks and infantry) on the town of Noville (outside Bastogne). These night attacks were also in thick fog. The visibility was so poor that german tanks would litterally stop in front of or on top of GI fox holes without noticing them. Anyway, these repeated night attacks were repulsed by the 101st AB and elements of a Anti-tank batallion and 10th armored division. My point is that US troops pretty much knew that the night attacks were coming and when they were entrenched could defend just as well if not better than during the daytime.

[This message has been edited by Pak40 (edited 08-21-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Yes, I was thinking of this being an attack bonus. The Allies were, by the end of the war, quite used to fighting defensive battles against the Germans at night. However, Allied attacks at night were rare.

Yeah, the Fall trees are a bit too bright. Not sure what we can do about that without making a whole new graphics set. Right now the gamma is being darkened, so while the buildings, ground, tanks, troops, etc. seem to darken well, the Fall trees still are a bit bright. Summer and Winter trees look fine though.


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