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New Screenshots

Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Time Software

Two more winter shots are now up for you guys to check out. Some of you will ask, so I will head off the obvious -> no, the sky coloring is correct. Just using the standard bright sunny day one at the moment.



[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 10-04-99).]

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Ohhhhhhhhh, KingTigers coming round the bend, Doo-dahh Doo-Dah.

Twas the day before christmas and all through the house, not a creature was sturring, not even a mouse. Clank, clank, clank, but the mighty KingTigers could be heard in the snow. Dohhh!

Richard Kalajian

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Dear BTS !

Of course the pictures are great ...

But could you nevertheless consider a different texture for the faces of the soldiers which would make them look less like mice or somebody who just got his teeth kicked in ! Should be a minor adjustment !



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I don't believe in GOD but OH MY GOD !!!

Snow flakes ?!!!! This is unbelievable !!!

Small question:

Will you guys add a bit of snow on to the vehicles ? Also shouldn't the paint on the vehicles also be a bit white, I mean at least in some areas...

Though it's really beautifull !


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Is that even an 82nd AA patch I see on the MG gunner? Damn! You guys are going all out for the little stuff!

However, you know that by doing this, you're opening yourself up to all kinds of flak from people that are going to want the 101st, or have their regular dogfaces show the Big Red One patch, etc.

Dar Steckelberg

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Guest Big Time Software

We do not have time to even manage the production of winter textures, so they won't be coming from us. But they will be done sooner rather than later wink.gif

Yes, that is the 82nd arm patch. It is there to show you that they are airborne. Since the Americans are very dull and boring when it comes to uniforms smile.gif, this is the only practical way to tell. There are no other arm patches for US units at all. German and British paras had different uniforms, so they were a piece of cake.

Faces... hmmm... not as easy as anybody thinks, but I will play around with it some more.


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i think Tomb Raider is less famous for Lara Croft's face than her other attributes.

Thinking about this a bit more, why not add Lara? Or a whole bunch of Laras? A squad of Laras firing double handguns John Woo style as they bounced and tumbled across the terrain could be kind of interesting.

And why not a couple of *real* tigers, not just the tanks - Lara would kick their asses!

Not mobile enough? Give the Laras a few assault snowmobiles, the ability to leap across rooftops... be a damn tough unit.

I'll stop wasting bandwidth now. wink.gif

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I can tell from his post that Brian is suffering from CM fever- staring at those screenshots and old AAR's long enough trying to will them into a full blown demo and the mind starts to morph them into strange and bizarre juxtapositions. hehehahahehe.....(demented laughter)

I have too tell you there is some evidence that Charles, Steve, Fionn and Moon are all pseudonyms for the same evil genius and that now that your sense of anticipation has built to a crescendo CM will be beta testing for eternity.

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Errr... gentle criticism...

I've noticed that those Tiger's textures look kind of washed out compared to the soldier's uniforms. The color black, for instance, is much more gray. You might have a go at adding a little contrast? Maybe?

I can't judge what the effect is on the battlefield of course.


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Guest Big Time Software

Yeah, I actually noticed that when I took the screenshots. The textures weren't more than a few minutes old at that point, so it took a while to register. I am going to darken them and increase the contrast.


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Guest John Maragoudakis

Nice shots. The snow gives a nice relaxing winter silence feel to the environment.

Small note, since it is winter wouldn't the soldiers have gloves on? Not a big deal at all though .Add a few scarfs to give that cumfy feel to being out in the cold.

In the king tigers on the move shot, the soldiers appear to be looking at the 'camera' as though someone was taking a picture of them. Interesting. Game looks very polished at this point.

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Guest R Cunningham

Re: 82AB patches and uniforms

Couldn't US Paratroopers be depicted in their baggy jump uniforms with the leg "cargo" pockets?

Why is the patch on the right shoulder? I couldn't tell from the screenshot if they're on both shoulders, but AFAIK they should "really" on be on the left shoulder only. I can understand putting them on both sides for player convenience, though.

I don't know if the "combat patch" tradition of wearing one on the right shoulder got started in WWII (I don't think it did).

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Guest Big Time Software

John, we don't have the time to make winter figures, but we might be able to squeak in some "gloves".

R. Cunningham, good point about the pants. Why we never thought about that... wink.gif I'll see what we can do. The patch is on both shoulders for an even simpler reason -> we only have one arm texture that is used for both arms. Gotta save on VRAM whenever possible.


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