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Chance encounter *SPOILERS*

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Well I just finished playing the new scenario as the Americans and I had a blast. My experience with the first scenarios held me in good stead this time and I managed to pull of a Major Victory (albiet a mangled one) first time out. I feel remarkably pleased with myself.

In my starting setup I decdied to take the breifing at face value and assume that the town was indeed not guarded. I placed two foot platoons on each flank and advanced the armour down the road at normal movement. From this initial plan things went very well. Although I ended up losing all but one of my tanks (nail biting stuff with the last STUG) I still feel rather pleased by setting a plan and sticking to it.

One thing I noticed from the setup is that parts of the town were basically sheilded by a gully formed by the hill near it.

After basically defending the town and farms for most of the game all that was left was for a mass infantry assualt on the wooded objective on the hill that was defended by the germans. This didnt go very well and my casualty rate was pretty appalling ,I woefully underestimated the forces there and I quickly discovered that those Volksgrenadiers are actually rather tenacious in defence.

Some highlights for me were.

1.) Losing two tanks to an unknown source. My tankers then treated the offending wooded area as "trouble" and backed the hell away from it.

2.) The last enemy Stug performing "pop up" manuevers. Creeping over a hill taking ONE shot at my Sherm + then popping smoke and withdrawing into it. It did this three turns in a row then maneuvered to shell my infantry rather than take on my Sherm directly. VERY cool.

3.) The grenade filled battle for the church. Excellent and nail biting close combat.

Anyhow I had a great time. At first I thought "uh oh, this terrain looks WAY too open to be fun." Of course I forgot about rolling hills and LOS. As it turned out the map is full of cover.

I would be interested to hear of any Americans who ignored the breifing and just played very conservatively allowing the germans to get to the town first. Must be a different battle if that happens.

Thans BTS, yer heroes smile.gif

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Hi Dumbo,

Ahh, the simple joy of playing a pristine scenario!

I played as US too - fairly conservatively and came up with a total victory. The bad guys surrendered after 30 mins.

I held the tanks back for a couple of minutes, then raced them and their mounted platoon forward to spread out at the crossroads. thereafter followed a cat and mouse game with the StuGs. I experienced the up-fire-smoke-move thing too. Veerry impresive for the AI.

Two questions: did you seem to be missing the 81mm FO? I couldn't find him anywhere.

The other: will it be possible in the scen editor to annotate the map? In the breifings for both sides extensive mention is made of north, south, etc - but its kind of hard to figure out which is which, and whether you have it right. Being able to 'write' on the map edges which was which would be handy.

Thanks again for the scen guys. yum yum yum smile.gif



Quo Fas et Vino du Femme

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Guest phoenix

Curse you for releasing this addon!!! It's

3am right now, I've just finished...

I didn't trust intel at all!! LOL!

So I moved everyone to the left flank to attack. Slowly and surely. After all was said and done I had routed the Krauts BIG time. Only had 10 kia on my end. Captured

42 and KIAd 53 of his. Got all stugs too,

lost one of my Shermans to the stug that

also did the hull down, shoot, smoke, back up. Very cool.

Sigh...how many times can I play this one?

Who knows! smile.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

Phoenix, great job! One tank lost is pretty darned good for this scenario (even taking good luck into account).

This shows exactly how a smaller force can waste a larger one of lower quality. Keeping cool heads and not being too anxious to assault really helps. The Germans in this scenario are, uhm, more or less "typical" for late war wink.gif I'd be interested to see how you do against the Americans!


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Just finished from the Axis side - total victory on turn 36, Allied surrender. Played this one very cautiously and got lucky with a Stug... 4 kills with 5 shots and an immobilization with the 6th (Never lost a Stug BTW). Have to buy that gunner a beer or two. 69 casualties with 18 KIA. Man, I love this game.


ps. I guess I'll really have to keep quiet now that you gave this to us, eh BTS.

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Darn, I lost all three StuGs for no kills when I tested this scenario frown.gif.

I am SO damned unlucky...

Steve, I want the "IF Fionn plays then ALL rolls go against him" code removed wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Dumbo wrote:

I would be interested to hear of any Americans who ignored the breifing and just played very conservatively allowing the germans to get to the town first. Must be a different battle if that happens.


I played as the Axis, and the computer AI allowed me to get to town first. It wasn't pretty for them. My StuG's took out all but 1 Sherman at the cost of 2 destroyed and 1 immobilized. Luckily the immobilized gun was next to the church, where it helped throughout the game as a fixed pillbox.

I mistakenly allocated too much strength to the woods and my right flank, but I quickly adapted once I saw no opposition on that end. Once I got the Church defenses bulked up 3 MG's and 3 SMG squads the Americans just couldn't break in. They hurled themselves at the church relentlessly but all they managed to do was rack up serious casualties on their end.

The last Sherman was a pain, as it took me awhile to get a 'schrenk in position to take it out, but once I did the third shot did him in.

With the Sherman out of the way, it was counter-attack time. I had to make extensive use of the HQ's to rally the poorer quality troops, but in the end most got back in the battle in time to participate in the route. Took 20+ prisoners, which was cool.


PS BTS, you guys are GODS!

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I remembered someone suggesting I play a scenario without reading the briefing (to even the odds with the AI,) so I did. Turn 21, the Krauts surrender, Allied total victory. I took major casualties (116 down, 33 KIA) but the Jerries lost 206, 60 KIA, 41 captured. In the battle of the big dudes (tanks,) I knocked out all 3 StuGs for 1 Sherman. They did the up/fire/smoke/down thing, but with a lot more smoke/down than up/fire. They only got off 3 shells at my one hapless Sherman (knocked off a track, then the gun, then put one straight into the hull, after which the crew ran like hell,) plus one more from their last StuG at my W+ in a face to face standoff (it missed.)

I approached very slowly for the first 5 turns, then realized it was empty, so I charged. Got there with 2 platoons by turn 8, no Germans. I thought it would be a walkover after that, so I sent my one remaining platoon supported by the 2 Shermans I put on the left flank to clear out the woods and heights. Bad idea. If the 4th platoon hadn't arived, those guys would have been wiped out. By the end of the battle, I had sent 3 platoons and all my armor against the Germans in the woods. One platoon was basically destroyed, and another was so shot up and panicked that only 2 squads with 10 men were still firing. The third one had its HQ annihilated by a lucky close range shot by ONE GUY WITH AN MP40! Ahhhhhh!

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That was alot of fun. I rolled over those poor Germans like they were not even there.My first try at the scenerio Total Victory. 86 US vs 14 Germans Points


214 lost

the rest captured (surrendered turn 26)

3 Vehicles KO.

US (me!)

44 men lost

1 vehicle KO

Most interresting part. Sherman shoots StugIII from 68 meters away. Round richocets off the Front Turret.

[This message has been edited by Darstand (edited 11-21-99).]

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I played the germans first and my three Stugs were killed. But one took 2 Shermans with him. I took 2 more tanks with one Panzerschrek and other with Panzerfaust, from less than 10 meters (maybe much more less) When I lost the last Stug, I did a rush with infantry over the 2 Shermans left and take it out. Was fun. I took almost the same casualties than the USA, but I win a Total...


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I played conservative (Yank). I put a light platoon (no MG or mortar) in the trees on the left, another in the center and a third platoon in the woods on the right. I had one MG, the .50 and a mortar behind the middle platoon and two mortars and a MG on the right.

I held my tanks back behind cover until my GIs could recon ahead after advancing to the treeline. One on the left, one in the middle, three on the right. I had four tanks cover the whole town in intersecting fields of fire and I moved one up to the notch in the woods on the right.

I took the close southwest objective before seeing any troops, so I moved my tanks up to the treelines even with my infantry. At the taken objective, I fanned out on either side to get a good look and lo and behold I saw the Germans moving in - infantry on my right, and three tanks/assault guns from behind the hill on the right. They weren't in town yet!

I threw a couple of mortars at the advancing infantry on the right just to make them think. I ran my GIs in the middle to the wall in the middle and my left infantry got into the two houses by the wheat on the left. My tank on the left sped up to the wooded hill where I hoped to ambush the Stugs as the came around.

My left tank blundered into some Germans just as they appeared on the treeline. Fortunately, they were as surprised as me and never got a shot off. That tank backed off 250m from the trees and spent the next 30 minutes pounding the crap outta Jerry.

To make a long story short, The Germans concentrated in three places - infantry in the church (I stayed in the trees on the right), Stugs in the middle, and a ton of infantry in the woods. My tanks were set up so that I was able to take down three Stugs for two Shermans. Meanwhile, another tank and two mortars churned the church into rubble.

Once the Stugs went, it was just a case of pounding with the tanks (my mortars had been used up) and advancing. Other than the church, the farthest the Germans got were the two houses east of the middle wheat. They tried a few SMG and did some damage before being torn up, but by the end, just about all German units were down to 1-3 men.

I lost 94 casualties (28 KIA) and two Shermans. I inflicted 210 casualties (51 KIA), captured 36, and destroyed a nice Lutheran church. Eight Germans got away unscathed.

I took too many casualties, primarily to one Stug that took a while to kill and SMG suicide attacks. I toe-to-toed it for a while in the two-storey near the middle wheat with the Germans in the trees - that hurt a bit too.


Laurie Nyveen a.k.a. Webs, member of the WarBirds training staff


Editor, Netsurfer Digest - http://www.netsurf.com/nsd/index.html

101 Sqn opus-in-progress - http://101.warbirds.org/

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I ignored the briefing since I wanted to play! I played the US and sent three tanks to the far left and two to the left of the road. Immediately three tanks bogged down (in what, I don't know) and the two left both got killed near the big deutsche woods.

Even so I ended up with a total victory by the end of the game. The Germans made assault after assault on the church and the two-story wooden house nearest the German-controlled woods, and simply wiped themselves out. It was moving to see German units with 90% casualties charging fixed positions, but not too bright.

And wonder of wonders, my three bogged tanks all happened to have good fields of fire and helped stop the charges, plus killed all three STUGs as they chugged into view!

Anyway, many, many thanks to BTS.


Max Molinaro

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quick comment.. Post your points scores instead of a total victory, major etc.. Most of you getting totals and majors aren't getting them. Most of you getting minors or drawing too wink.gif.

It's a pity that bug about the victory levels made it in but I might be able to help clear it up a little.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest R Cunningham


Played the Germans first time out and got 88 points, "Total Victory". I had 10 KIA and lost two StuGs. I think the US had 53 KIA but I can't remember exactly.

I lost those StuGs on the turn after contact was made (turn 6 or 7). One was parked on the left side of church. He was engaging grunts in the woods to his front when he died. The other StuG picked off one of the three Shermans that had gotten the first StuG before dying. The last StuG rolled up behind a slight rise and killed three other Shermans one after another. Unteroffizier Pfeiffer saved my ass. Later he got the last Sherman that had waddled into the wheatfield.

Oh I also used my last StuG to attack US infantry with our favorite toy, the nahverteidigungswaffe. It wasn't very effective, but it did get a mortar crew to abandon theit tube. I like StuGs, but they don't carry enough ammo.

[This message has been edited by R Cunningham (edited 11-21-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Max, the ground was "Damp", so you got bogged down in mushy, but not muddy, terrain. Wow, REALLY bad luck as most people aren't even getting one tank bogged down. But at least you had clear fields of fire wink.gif

Cunningham, you *most* probably got a Major Victory, but it could have been a Tactical one. Seeing as you lost 2 out of three StuGs, it is doubtful you got a Total Vicotry. And give that Unteroffizier Pfeiffer of yours a BIG pat on the back! That was some amazing shooting wink.gif


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Well, playing as US the results were:


216 Casulaties (59 KIA)

36 Captured (they surrendered on turn ?30

3 Stugs KO


50 Casualties (16 KIA)

1 Sherman KO

I didn't write down number of points, though.

The woods on the hill by the objective must have had something like 100 HE shells fired into it. Oddly, I didn't see much in the way of enemy HQs. They must have all perished to long range HE fire.

I said 'Hah, no puny AI is any match for ME!'

Then I replayed the scenario as the Germans.


(sound of bubble deflating)


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