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question about artillery on map

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The other thing is that for indirect fire to work properly the location of both the target and the firing unit need to be known within a certain degree of accuracy. I guess the assumption is that on map arty has recently moved and hasn't had time to survey its position adequately. That's just a guess and would not be consistent with the behavior of on map mortars, which move and fire indirectly pretty freely.



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As ME stated; On-Map Arty would need to have it's Radio-Net setup, and beyond the scope of CM. This is why you need to purchase an FO for that...On-Board Arty type Units ( which are not used as On-Board Arty ) are on the Battlefield for other reasons, such as Direct-Fire Support, or in Rear-Area Support Scenarios ( attacking an Arty position ), etc.  



Edited by JoMc67
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