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New AARs of an ONGOING game between Bryan Corkill and Peter Tyson of Last Defence have been posted to the CombatHQ.

I have also posted the MOVIE FILES and the passwords you will need to see them.

Only five turns are posted so far but I will be posting 1 to 2 turns a day from now until the game ends so be sure to go back every day.

ALSO I will be posting the first 2 or 3 turns of an AAR I wrote of a PBEM game against Lee Contini in which I was the US defender TOMORROW at Combat HQ.

I will be including the movies and my password also so you can watch them. I will post at least 1 new turn report from that particular game per day also.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Watching other peoples movies is so much fun. You don't have to do any work. Just sit back and eat popcorn smile.gif.

I really hope the feature to see the whole movie gets in. You will get a much better sense of tactics when you see it all in one shot.

Would be nice if the creator of the movie can type in notes,(by pausing his playback), so that when others see the movie, notes can scroll at the top, telling the player's point of view.

Movies take AARs to a new level.

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Fionn, thanks for all the work in putting the AAR's up. They are very interesting. However, I unfortunately watched some turns yesterday and they were saved over the game I was playing. I had saved my turns to the autosave file and didn't realize playing the movies would effect my game. It is no big deal. I stopped banging my head against the wall in my computer room after about 15 minutes, and I think I stopped bawling like a baby about 10 minutes after that. So as you can see I handled it very well. I was playing Last Defense as the Americans and in my last turn I had knocked out the Tiger and 2 Stugs with my Hellcats. Oh well, at least I learned a lesson.

One question, with the new AAR format should I just highlight the PBEM movie text and save it or do something else? I noticed that saving the page created a TGN folder in my Combat Mission folder. Thanks again for the hard work.


[This message has been edited by Larry Marks (edited 11-11-99).]

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Ok, while I did the pages on the site I am NOT an html expert... I just use the idiotbox that is FrontPage wink.gif

Simply "Save as". That's the easiest way.

More AARs will be going up tomorrow and I think the Bloodbath Bend battle shows an interesting approach to defence in Last Defence which some others have hit on also.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I can't access any of the new (CM) stuff at TGN.

Clicking on the three new buttons or the 'go to battle reports' line doesn't achieve anything; it seems to be loading-up, but then nothing!

All the earlier entries, up to and including the Demo line; no problem.

Any ideas?



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Java. Bloody java !

Ok to DOWNLOAD the PBEM files you need to hit SAVE AS... I'm what is know as CRAP at html so you need to bear with me until Panzershark and John Morris make a new site this weekend (which will take into account various browsers etc).. Now the pressures on boys, I've told them you'r doing a site.. Now THAT's what I call motivational technique wink.gif

To access the AARs go to


To access the names go to


That should help those with java disabled.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Charles

Sorry to be an idiot here, but where do I save the movie file? I saved it to my desktop and it opened a text file. Maybe I need to put it in my Combat Mission directory? Right?


Not THE Charles from BTS

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Guest Charles

Duh! I figured it out.

For those of you who have not played a PBEM game (like myself), save the movie file in the scenario directory. Launch CM, and click on Load Email. Viola! Click on the file and you are all set.


Not THE Charles from BTS

[This message has been edited by Charles (edited 11-12-99).]

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