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Is the Bulge just as popular as France '44 as a game topic?

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Hopefully I have my facts right but I believe CMBO was Battlefront's best seller ever, with CMBN #2.

As we all know CMBO included all the Western Front to the War's end while CMBN with the Market-Garden Module takes us to Sept '44. I don't know sales figures, but judging by number of posts in the time they've been out, it looks like Red Thunder is more popular then Fortress Italy. It's hard to judge Shock Force as it's been out so long and the Black Sea forums are relatively new.

  I'm curious though if the Bulge Family will be as popular as Normandy? In some ways the Bulge is more tactically interesting. The initial German armored offensive without Allied air interference doesn't really have an equivilent in France. The terrain is tough just like the bocage but quite different. Some people took a dislike to all the bocage battles. Will this occur with all the trees in the Ardennes? The Commenwealth will have less to do in the Bulge but Battlefront might give us some interesting choices for the Commonwealth Forces that aren't directly tied to the Ardennes battle when the Commonwealth Module comes out  What do you think? Is it Bulge > France '44 or the other way around?

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I reckon Bulge will be a pretty big seller. My feeling is that the wargame fraternity has slightly more Normandy-philes than Bulge-philes, but there are a lot of very commited Ost-philes too. BN (and BO) had the advantage of being the first "new engine" or "first of its kind", so it's really difficult to know whether that means there are more people who are exclusively interested in ETO than OstFront; I haven't bought RT (yet) for example, not because I don't covet it, but because there's little point having "another" game that I won't have time to play when I've not even come close to exhausting the possibilities of BN.


While you're correct that the defense of the Ardennes was primarily an American affair, the family is set to take us to the Oder, so there'll be plenty of things for the Empire troops to do when that module comes out.

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