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Some aspects of this game....

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I have another way of looking at it, if your battle plan falls apart because you do not get the spotting of a few units as you expected it to happen. Then your plan sucks. So in other words, you suck at the game, because a good plan will take into account that a few fire fight are not going to go your way as you hope for. You need to create firefights that can win even when a few units cannot see the enemy.

It sure is funny how once I became familiar with the game, I hardly notice or complain about how spotting works, I have learned to work with it and accept it as it is. And as some have pointed out, in some ways it's imperfect way of working is in some ways just how real combat does not work by logic and common events either. There is plenty of crazy events in real life so having a few in the game is no end of the world event.

And believe me I was one of the ones complaining on this same forum pretty loud after the first few times I had units not able to see enemy tanks in the clearing directly in front of them. It still happens at times, but I know why now and most of the time I can promise you, they don't stay unspotted for long. :)

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Perhaps I'm too accommodating, but when I encounter a problem like soldiers failing to spot and and fire on the enemy instantaneously, I chalk it up to fog of war and battlefield friction. If it happened all the time, I would hate it, but I encounter it rarely enough that I can simply build it into my game narrative.

Yes, it's a game engine limitation born of hardware limitations, but I'm not sure that it doesn't actually add a measure of unpredictable realism to the game.

That's the way I look at it too. Not that I don't have the urge to rage quit now and then...

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