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Ah, thanks... Have been completely intimidated from looking at the Editor...

I've found that everything in the editor (everything in the game, actually) tends to make itself clear once you've managed to do it correctly for the third time. :) I recall back when triggers were first introduced in the beta. The board comments usually followed this pattern: "I don't understand at all... I can't get it to do anything... Oh! That's how you do it, that seems pretty easy... Ah, I see now -its SIMPLE!" :D

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I will take back some if not all of my comments on quantity over quality :D At least if you have green infantry with normal motivation agains an h2h opponent with elite or crack pzgrenadiers with fanatic morale. It seems that quality does indeed matter at least if you go overkill with it. I can tell i'm slightly dissapointed when by pixel truppen are broken with "only" 30-40% casualties across the board. Shoudl have at least invested in their morale if not in experience.

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hehe, reminds me of the worst thumping I've gotten from a quickbattle AI. Masses of conscript low motivation foot sloggers. spent some time setting everyone up, had 3 heavy duty lines of mutally suporting defence ;) had so many guys I felt confident my firepower would win. The panzergranaders show up and start shooting and everything just completely fell apart. Mutiple platoons/whole companies were throwing up white flags like syncronized swimmers. My hundreds of men barely even fought.

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