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Do they want a second American Revolution?

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I am sick of hearing about police brutality! Are the police crazy? Are they trying to start a second American Revolution? It seems we are seeing more and more police brutality each day. If this doesn't stop escalating than we will see patriotic freedom loving Americans rise up and disarm their police forces. The Second Amendment will be used.

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Intrestingly consuming US media gives me the impression that, in general, US police is much, much more aggressive and violent than police in Europe. I ve read many reports of US cops using force against people where in the same situation police in Austria, where i live, wouldnt even think about or shooting or tazering that suspect.

@Boeman: i think the opening post is too specific for a spambot, plus spambots are usually not promoting political ideas but rather porn/viagra and such.

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Intrestingly consuming US media gives me the impression that, in general, US police is much, much more aggressive and violent than police in Europe.

Living here, that's been my impression as well. I wonder if that sort of thing is more common in multi-ethnic societies than more homogenous ones. If so, it may be a coming trend in Europe as well.


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I am sick of hearing about police brutality! Are the police crazy? Are they trying to start a second American Revolution? It seems we are seeing more and more police brutality each day. If this doesn't stop escalating than we will see patriotic freedom loving Americans rise up and disarm their police forces. The Second Amendment will be used.

It's Chicago.

Having said that, it does make me wonder if the patriotic freedom loving Americans will disarm all the police forces in the country or only some? If it is the latter, which ones? If it is the former, it strikes me that this would require a coordinated effort to say the least. Assuming that all succeeds, what happens next? Who will enforce the laws? Armed vigilantes?

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I can attest that the police are getting increasingly fascistic here in LA. I was about to cross a semi-busy street a couple of weeks ago carrying a bag of groceries, took a couple of steps and retreated. A squad car, lights flashing, siren screaming pulled up. I never saw it coming. The cop had me stand at attention while he inspected my DL and called Division to ascertain if I had any outstanding warrants (!). His demeanor was astonishingly arrogant and overbearing. The jerk was about to write me a ticket for 'attempted jaywalking' (WTF?) but ended up delivering a pompous warning. I considered demanding his name and badge number but desisted-that might have set him off. He had the Power. Acquaintances have had similar experiences the past few years.

Traffic tickets have become ruinously expensive in California. The state and municipalities are broke primarily due to out of control pension liabilities and need the revenue stream. A neighbor got ticketed for burning a stop sign on an empty residential street at 6am- on his bicycle. Cost: $500.

Living here, that's been my impression as well. I wonder if that sort of thing is more common in multi-ethnic societies than more homogenous ones. If so, it may be a coming trend in Europe as well.

You're correct.

Don't know the situation in Washington but there's been a massive immigrant invasion here the past 30 years- almost entirely Hispanic. The majority of these tend to be hardworking people with families who maintain a low profile- for good reason. You wonder if their perceived submissiveness goes to cops' heads, inflating their sense of power. A ticket for the most minor infraction can be a financially devastating event for these people. And the police know it.

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I can attest that the police are getting increasingly fascistic here in LA.

Wow, I wouldn't have believed that was possible. Seemed to me they had hit the limits a long time ago. I lived in LA during the '60s and everything you describe and worse was totally common. Chicago was pretty awful as well, but I think the LA cops were the scariest.

To be honest, policing is something we can't do without at our present level of evolution. It can also be both unpleasant and dangerous, so to that extent the cops have my sympathy. Probably a certain percentage are honest civic-minded individuals. Unfortunately, an equal number are probably power-crazed violent sociopaths. Police departments keep the second kind on because they are the ones who are most willing to do the dirty jobs.


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Unfortunately, an equal number are probably power-crazed violent sociopaths. Police departments keep the second kind on because they are the ones who are most willing to do the dirty jobs.

Because your typical cop has a little bully inside? Seems logical, you get to throw your weight around with consequences that seem to be diminishing every year. The French have a term for it: deformation professionalle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well what I loved when I was on the job was the people sitting there complaining about our brutality or how it was turning into a police state were the first ones bitching when they had someone come steal or assault them. Oh why werent you there to shoot them.

And there is no attempt in jaywalking. The first step you made into the street was actually jaywalking, so if you really want to look at it, they did cut you a break.

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Well what I loved when I was on the job was the people sitting there complaining about our brutality....

So, you were once a member of the Evil Blue Host. ;)

I personally never experienced brutality. My principal beef with cops in LA is their perceived ever inflating arrogance and, above all, the crushing fines for (often) trivialities visited on the population through their agency. The latter is is not the fault of the police though they cannot be unaware of the consequences. The base fine is reasonable. Sacramento, eternally desperate for revenue, then multiplies the sum with inventive fees, taxes and surcharges. Like the $500 boulder that landed on my biking neighbor's head: $50 before the 'enhancements'. He could afford it painful and ridiculous as it was. Many can't, e.g. the working poor, the retired*, the unemployed. Then the ticket goes to warrant and more horrors ensue.

This is from the state whose representatives claim they're for 'the little guy'.

*Unless you're retired on a lavish California state pension (the principal source of the state's financial woes). Then you're on Easy Street.

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My brother-in-law is a retired Beverly Hills fireman. (during a high-rise fire he and some buddies looked down on the roof of a ritzy hotel and watched Elizabeth Taylor canoodle with Mike Todd. Or was it Eddy Fisher?) Anyway, firemen were in constant contact with the police at accident scenes, suspect fires and such. Although he knew a lot of them he confessed he never made friends with a single one. After work cops and firemen went their separate ways, different hangouts, different bars. He feels the cop mentality and the fireman mentality are worlds apart, completely alien to each other. He never understood exactly why.

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Oh why werent you there to shoot them.

Some years ago, i was in my teens back then, someone attempted to rob me, held a gun to my head and threatened to shoot me over a pack of cigarettes and litterally 3 minutes later (i just gave the guy what he wanted and he left me alone) a police patrol on foot just randomly passed by. What an awkward timing.

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