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If we are all good and not knotty? Christmas eve Dec. 24th.

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Thanks for watchin my back SS..I would have been stoppin him last night via icq,but he did so much crying after the thrashing he took saturday night that I felt he needed a few days off to decompress.

Elvis "I'll be stringing MrPengs entrails on my Chritmas tree" out

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So that's how it gonna be. SS, you don't frighten me with your puny taunting ways. it takes at least a sixpack of whoopass to even phaze me. throw in a bottle of tequilla and we'll have a little party of Death.

And Elvis, you filthy swine. be glad i don't tell the rest of these guys about your little "habit" or the amount of time you had to spend in stir for it. Short eyes. registered with the local constabulary yet? perhaps officer krupke down at the precinct would be interested in your new address?

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ROFL guys. Is there a FAQ on taunting here somewhere? smile.gif Maybe we should have a ladder for this sort of thing. Right now I'm ranking MrPeng #1, and Elvis and SS are tied for second. (although the entrails line pushes Elvis a little closer to the top hehe)

Craig (remember, if life was easy, everyone would be doing it)

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Ha! Surrender Dorothy. One clean hit doesn't win the war, PAL. Oh sure I was a bit flummoxed there momentarily with that Paulie Shore thing, but I am back in the ring. Prepare to ooze pus from a thousand festering, febrile wounds. Spavined, starving, palegra plagued children will pick the scabs from your mortifying flesh for sustinence. I am not afraid of you. "King of taunts." Bah! King of Tushies, is more like it.

Peng out... of aliteration.

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Ahh he speaks- Mr Peng, who we shall refer to now as MR PING due to his Lag in response time, has risen from his innate period of sulkling to leave himself open for more attacks that he cant repel. So I shall ozze pus from a thousand festering wounds huh? lol; Good it'll give me something to have on my toast during breakfast, while I'm simoultaeneously kicking your arse back in to oblivion! Oh and was it Shore I compared you to? From your sissy antics with Elvis, I should think its more like Diana SHore. Christ man pull yourself together and stop whining like a chick. As far as the children go, I think they'll have to pick the flesh from your decaying bones, right after they fight off the buzzards. Of course Your ears will wear nicely around my neck at my next cocktail party. Getta Grip I think be for you stray to far from your mothers coat tails you better finish your lessons or else ya might wind up dinner for the big bad wolf



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-23-99).]

[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-23-99).]

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Ok SS_captainunderpantsleader

As for kicking my arse. Ha. I got chunks of guys like you in my stool. I make guys like you eat the chunks of guys in my stool. I make guys like you eat the puke from the guys i made eat the chunks of guys like you in my stool. I make guys like you eat the stool of the guys that ate the puke from the guys that ate the chunks of guys like you in my stool....hmmm. any farther with that one would be a superfluity of chunkage.

As for that giggling ninny Elvis...You wish you were worthy to lick his boots. You are the jam to his big toe. Don't think he's going to be you PAL now because he threw you a bone. That SOB is a lump of pure evil and will turn on you like a cobra. A retarded, pathetic, self-loathing cobra, but poisonous none the less. trust him as you would trust a thrice convicted forger trying to sell you treasury bills.

now piss off, i have barbies to wrap for my kids.

Peng Out of town for xmas.

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MR Lag

Oh my my poor ears - is that the best you come up with after three hours of deliberation an analogy on stool eating?, is this a subconcious analysis of what you KNOW you will be doing once we meet onthe field of battle? Wow THat PSYCH 101 was actually useful :-P

As far as Elvis goes well I'll let him trash ya -not that there is much left of that crusty shell of a wannabe to pounce on.


PLEASE dont LIE to us about the damn BArbies. Elvis already told me about your high heels, mini skirt,s and world class colection of Barbie dolls - so please don't use your poor children as a cover for your deviant ways :-P

IM ready to plaster ya any time your are feeling froggy



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-24-99).]

[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-24-99).]

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Nothing gets my Irish up during the holidays more than the crazed whinings of a couple of limp wristed,peace loving bleedings heart liberals. Their kind can really get a guys shorts in a bunch. And at Christmastime no less.......boy do I wish I had a new scenerio for Christmas to keep myself away from those two.

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Oh hell, never mind. That last one from you was so pathetic it doesn't really rate as a taunt. Take a little break, collect your thoughts, and try to string together few syllables with at least tangential relationships to one another. Please take your meds like a good boy. You know they help to keep the voices quiet and your little duck thoughts all in a row so you don't toss any more word salads. Remember the last time you "forgot" to take your Zyprexa and Klonopin? That little episode was not pretty. I'm sure your therapist would be interested to know what is going on with you now. Shall i give her a call?

Peng, out...of Xanax.

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Ahh yes Ping, SS_pantywaster thats me - I have laid waste to many a panty in my time smile.gif Unfortunatly for you just wearing panties doesnt make you a qualified applicant so stop dreaming. Speaking of dreaming - that is what I was doing; getting some sleep. Otherwise, I'd have trounced ya worse if ya were a one-legged-man in an arse-kicking contest. So, the side effects of your thorosine once again forced you into an all-nighter, leaving you to groggily try to and salvage the tattered remnants of what you call self-respect. Oh, what it must be like to have thoughts of how to reply, occupying that one cell that constitutes your mind - Eventually making way for you to post some half-baked reply over medicine; a sad day in the institution indeed - have you told your little friend Elvis that you're posting from CHATAHOOTCHEE?. Therapy is a good thing if its needed, but damn i think they need to turn up the voltage on you man. It is nice to know you'll have that shoulder to cry on though, because after I'm through with you they'll have a brand new condition to write about. Tell me MR LAG how is that Shock therapy coming after that humiliation you recieved at the hands of the transexual Elvis impersonator? I mean to be reamed by one who isn't even sure who the hell he is nevermind where the hell he is, is a sad state of affairs in nutball land. So you snivelling little whelp, stop your feeble attempts at taunting its time for you to watch re-runs of Judge Wopner like your Idol in Rainman. Any time you are ready to be handed your ass, just feel free to have somebody write you an email and make your mark at the bottom. As far as Elvis went I think the king shoulda left the building a long time ago while he was ahead, infact when he tried to do performance with me at RIESBERG he found he got a warm reception - of course it wasn't what he was hoping for lol. HEy Elvis BTW how are those nice new shermans running these days? :-P Maybe a little less hip gyration and feigned glamor and you wouldnt have gotten your ass shot off. So Girls I suggest you keep playing with each other before ya start looking to embarrases yourselves where the grown-ups play smile.gif



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-24-99).]

[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-24-99).]

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