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Looking for Opponents (CMBN 2.12)

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basically i am looking for opponents who want to play cmbn 2.12 (v2 engine)

currently i dont have CW / MG expansions but that is likely to change in the near future

my skill is (1-5) around 2 (considering 5 is absolute master)

add me on


or steam:http://steamcommunity.com/id/praventore/

make sure to let me know why are you adding me, some other people might add me for other games/things

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Lost two matches (forgot how tough Panthers could be in the first, was too cautious pushing my TDs forward in the second) and for the third my internet crapped out a few minutes after knocking out his only Tiger with a well-placed bazooka ambush, chopped up his forward platoon with a close ambush at map edge and bocage preventing him from redeploying in a meaningful fashion.

Kinda bummed about the third, I was sure I had that in the bag.


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