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Campers, Camping, and Camped out

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How will CM deal with campers, if at all? If some one should be on the offense (ie a historical game or someone with a much superior force) will CM deduct for camping? Campers are the reason I don't play tournys. Maybe it is just one of those things you have to leave to the honor system.




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If they're on the attack and camp then they'll capture no VLs and will lose.

It copes with unrealistic tactics by using quite realistic victory conditions and accurate weapons modelling. If it didn't work in real life it won't work in CM.

Simple and effective IMO.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Heheh.. now that was a well thought out post Blackhorse smile.gif

If your defending camping should be a plus if your attacking it's not wise, in meeting engagements you can try a mix... LOL.

I can understand your concerns tho because you're still thinking in CC ways, I remember playing against someone called Blackhorse on the Zone so I know you used to be an avid CC player smile.gif

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Howard on the zone I was Scout/Sniper, _19D40B4, my name is Pete. I just thought that if your on the offense but conduct a defense that is kind of bogus. But then again it can work because the other guy is inmpatient and wants a fight so they attack, and it is on your terms. I have been accused of camping, but in reality I was conducting recon, so when they accuse, i drop a little indirect there way to change there mind. It was kind of a dumb question, I guess its up to the players.



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Camping is when some just sits there and lets you play alot of times they will move only short a distance. stop and wat for you. Meanwhile your expending all your resources. At first this sounds trivial and quite all right but after you experience a couple of times it is frustrating.


Did anyone use this as a tactic, Its kind of like playing dead on the battalion level.



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Guest Captain Foobar

Have any of you heard of Dien Bien Phu? I am sure the French troops would accuse the Vietnamese of camping. (for weeks) But of course, they had to make these claims from a prison camp.

The whole term "camping" originated in 1st person shooters, where the implausable situation of 20 well armed individuals in a daethmatch *requires* all people to run around aggressively for it to be "fair". A Camper sits and hides, picking off haplesss victims as they run by. And if everyone in a deathmatch were to camp, it would not be fun for "twitch" game players. Not enough action.

Now in Combat Mission, as Fionn has said, if it works in real life, it should work in CM.(paraphrasing) If you have superior firepower at say 700m and you can simply wear them down over 10 turns, that might be the best and most realistic move. However, if you overestimate the effect you are having on your opponent, the penalty for camping will be defeat. Thanks guys, interesting topic.


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Guest Captain Foobar

I forgot to say this Blackhorse. I hate it when my opponent camps though! The coward I'm playing in Chance Encounter is just fiddling around out of my range w/ his Shermans. I keep telling him to come in and fight like a man!!! hehe wink.gif

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This moronic term has no relevance in CM. If your opponent is sitting there doing nothing he is very nicely passing the initiative over to you. Anyone who thinks this game is best played with their forces coiming out to do fair battle on the open plain is sadly misguided.


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Camping... LOL

I remember a couple guys that took 1st and 2nd on cases for CC2 that were huge campers.

To the point were you could leave your pc on and go run errands for literally hours and not worry about them doing anything.

These same guys would be down to a couple one man squads yet never concede hoping boredom would eventually force their opponent to submit.

I'm glad CM has turn limits and determines victory results as it does.

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Well I can think of a couple of players too that fill that spot. I think I know who you are referring too but just in case I'll say a bit in my defense. I was a cautious player and retook 1st several times until I got bored. Some probably viewed me as a camper - but I didn't play recklessly, my moves were planned and deliberate- If I was defending of course you can call me a camper - but if I-m not the attacker the best form of defense isnt always attack despite the saying. I'm glad this has turns too and hopefully time limit options for turns during TCP/IP. I do recognize your name but I'm not sure if we ever played.


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Hello SS, no I wasn't referring to you smile.gif

I think you know who I meant, I would rather not post thier names on this public forum but I will say that Cases rules for CC2 were revamped due to their manipulation of the system.

And yes, I kicked yer ass once wink.gif

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LOL I was pretty sure who you were referring too but I too didn't want to mention any names lol. Their names were mudded enough in CC2, hopefully they learned something and if they show up in the COMBAT MISSION arena their previous *AHEM, AHEM* tactics will be not brought with them. AS for that reaming My memory is fogged that far back so maybe we can play a gama of CM an you can refresh my memory :-P


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Camping in CC was easy as the maps were so small you never HAD to move to be in range. CM maps are larger, so your deployment zone will most likely not be in LoS of your opponent. CM will end the fight if no one is shooting or making significant movement. In that case, the defender holds the victory locations and will win. I'm sure it will come as a shock to some...

To all scenario designers: Please make your maps larger than 500m x 500m. I hate the small CC maps.


(Personally not designing any maps less than 1k x 1k...)

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Guest Big Time Software

Funny thread smile.gif

Blackhorse, there is yet another reason why camping doesn't work. If a Campaign sees no serious action for x turns the particular battle is ended. Imagine the shock this is going to raise for the unaware camper? smile.gif "Let's just see... I'll sit here for another turn and maybe he will finally come after me... WHAT?!?! The battle ended? And I didn't get any more reinforcements either, since I didn't lose anything? How unfair!!" smile.gif

We like raining on campers 'cause we don't like them at all smile.gif Note, recon actions won't be a problem in campaigns as motion is partially factored into the decision to end the battle early. So only if you are just sitting on your ass, not shooting, then you will see the battle come to a close early.


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