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Hi there,

another point I noticed:

I always thouht, that supply is not only "produced" by cities and towns but also from other objects like mines, oilfields etc... (please correct me if i'm wrong). I now noticed, that this seems not to be so. At least in the Ostaufmarsch-Szenario (but I think also in call to arms, not shure how it is in other szenarios) mines do not deliver any supply (for example the tiles of the mines near Düsseldorf have supply-level 9 (from the city of Düsseldorf nearby) but not ten like they should have. Even so the silesian mines and even others. For me most confusing is, that if I click on the mine-tiles I get the information: Supply-Level 10....

Did I missunderstand something...?


P.S. What about a supply-Card neglecting supply from HQs and showing only the "original" Supply by towns and cities? It would make it much easier to plan where to march the HQ to when the Supply-Map was not interferred by actual HQ Supply...

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Hi Will,

thank you for your comment.

Hi acrashb,

Is this your Explanation or can I read this somewhere in the manual?

You are right when the mine is symbolizing just a mine (or an oilfiled just an oilfield). But there are many areas on the card where the mine doesn't just stand for the mine itself but even for a town or city build around the mine (for example the Ruhr-Area which doesn't only consist of Düsseldorf and Essen but also of Duisburg, Bochum and many other cities, but on the map there are just mines, where the other cities had to be...). In other areas (for example the oilfields in mesopotamia there is nothing else than the oilfiled and it is consistent that this doesn't give any supply...

If it is fact, that mines may not give any supply I can accept this (even if it would make sense to give at least a supply-level of a Town [5] which is almost always near a mine) but then i would remove the information "supply level 10" out of the information box of a mine because it's confusing.


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