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This question has probably already been answered so i apologise in advance if it seems repitive. My question is - why not allow the player to jump into and take control directly of units. Imagine being able to take control of a Schweres MG in a bunker and lay heavy fire on advancing US units while you cover the retreat of your other forces. I know this would make it a little 3D shooterish, but with such historical detail and the gameplay options which the game will obviously have, i think it would be an excellent way of providing a totally submersive environment in which you could really feel part of the action - not just a commander of the action.

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A detailed 3D first-person perspective tactical action game with a complex and sweeping underlying strategy engine? I'd love one, but I think BTS has their hands full designing the second part of your equation. And maybe they, like Tom, have no interest in the first part of your equation. Stubborn old wargamers! wink.gif


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I think a melding of something like panzer elite and cm, with the commander giving orders to real tankers on the net would be even better. It would be very high on the "neat-o" scale but rather low on the practicallity scale.

As for manning MG's and whatnot, I don't see much wrong with this suggestion, assuming you don't mind waiting for BTS to make an entirely new game. As it is, I don't think such a thing would work real well with CM's current graphics, interface, PBM system, morale model. But thats nothing that a few more years of programming couldn't fix.

For whats its worth though, the idea does score a few points on the neat-o scale.


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I'm certainly glad that BTS already knows what they are doing w/ CM and is leaving out things like 3d shooter aspects in a game where they quite frankly have absolutely no reason to be in the first place. Maybe in an entirely different game what is suggested above would be great to see, just not in CM.


Mike D

aka Mikester

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Guest Big Time Software

krn, simply put -> it is an entirely different game system, both in terms of simulation and in terms of coding. One thing at a time should be every Developer's motto wink.gif

One thing you *can* do in CM is afix the camera to a particular unit using any camera position (including Trench Level). While you can not directly control your HMG on a second by second FPS like way, you can look over the crew's shoulders as they do their dirty work. Best is to lock onto a tank's turret and see it drive around and fire at the enemy.

This is not only cool, but highly usefull sometimes. By locking onto a unit you can see exactly what happened in a tight shootout for example. Not sure which Sherman scored the kill on that nasty King Tiger? Ride on the turret of one Sherman and the answer will be clear! Of course, you could look at the confirmed kill stats, but where is the fun in that? smile.gif


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Dear BTS !

With respect to my post about Panzer General 3D Assault:

Please consider a camera movement where the camera rotates around an imaginary point on the map while looking at it. In Panzer General this would be the center of the screen, which is quite clear since they do not use a perspective projection. In Combat Mission, however, I sense that there is only the possibility to turn the camera about it's current viewpoint, which means that you have to superpose a translational movement to get a different aspect angle. I think that you miss a lot of spatial perception this way.

I think it would be best to have the option to center a certain object or point of the terrain and then orbit about this point/object with the camera ! This gives the best 3D feeling in my opinion ! Please do not miss this opportunity !

Regards, Thomm

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Guest Big Time Software

Hi Thomm, have no fear, it has been in since day one wink.gif Here is what you can do with the camera position...

Standard 4 directions: Forward, Reverse, Left, and Right

Spin using the current center of the screen: Rotate Clockwise, Rotate Counter Clockwise

Adjust Camera Height: 8 positions, from trench to satellite

Adjust Camera Angle: for the 4 "3d" camera positions (the other 4 are directly overhead) you can adjust the camera angle

Zoom - in and out wink.gif

Lockon - "stick" the camera to a particular unit using any camera position/angle

Finetuning - use keys to do fine movements for the standard 4 directions and spin


This covers all the viewing options one needs, and even a few that most people don't.


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