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Seems rather linear

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I'm very much just getting into this system, but based on one limited experimental run of the early part of WW2 via 1939 Storm over Europe/SC2 it seems things are guided via the Event Scripts along a very linear historical path.

I was running Germany in the scenario that starts March 1939 just to become familiar with the Research section, but on the side I also decided to forgo the pleasures of invading Poland and be a good european citizen. My reward for being a good little non-aggressive member of the great european community was for Russia to invade and occupy the Baltics and all of Poland. Then France declared war on me. Then Russia declared war on me. Then UK declared war on me. This, or at least the UK France part, is very hard to believe as happening. Knowing the inevitability of the Allies attacking forces Germany to be very aggressive and move forward in lock step with history, a history in which Germany can be criticized for not being very adroit. I don't like this.

Given the linear drive of the stock game, is it even possible to avoid US entry into either WW1 or WW2? Especially, in the case of WW2 it should be quite possible to avoid US European involvement.

However, this is the SC engine, so I can go in and mod the scripts to my liking. Hence, I like SC :)

Still, it seems the scripted events might have been more imaginative.

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Hi Akmatov,

Sounds like you modded the game to start in March 1939?

If so then the existing Storm Over Europe campaign may not play as intended, as you noted above, as the scripts take into account the idea that the game starts with Germany at war with Poland and so on.

As you mentioned, editing the scripts is the way to go if you change the start date and mobilization and at war status of majors like Germany, and the scripts would have to be adjusted so that it takes into account a neutral Germany as desired... hope this helps!


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Thx a lot, now it makes complete sense.

You are ofc correct that I had changed the start date. Was primarily interested in having some time to play around with the Research section and noticed the seemingly odd DOWs.

The ability for to easily mod event triggers in SC is one of the main reasons I have purchased such a chunk of your games this week. One thing I will try is to modify severely the chances of the US coming into the war in Europe - first, Germany declaring war on the US was weird and second, I've long wondered how things would have turned out in Europe without the US. Granted this is 'only' a game, but it is likely a higher level 'guess' than sitting sitting around sipping bourbon and SWAGing it. :)

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