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Avanti! BigDork vs Penry Reverse - ALLIED DEFENCE


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Turn 26 - Minute 20 to 19

A strange turn this one, with action at the beginning and end of the turn, sandwiching a period of inactivity during the major part of the minute.

To start things off, things got nasty up by the top bridge. BD's men were overrunning the foxholes, even though they were still drawing fire from two Italian infantry teams from the north forest. I'm eager to read BD's thoughts on these events. If he presumed I had men down there, even though he couldn't see them, and he was trying to suppress them while his men on the valley floor overran the position, then it would have been some awesome work. Of course I had long since vacated the position, so BD's hard work and planning were for nil.

My farmyard halftrack was also spraying the area with MG fire, and was soon joined by my SPG firing off two main rounds at the egde of the foxholes. This attention was too much for BD's men and they soon legged it back across the bridge to safer positions! I doubt I'll be seeing too much from them for a while, and if they do return they'll be fragile for sure!


At the end of the turn my SPG got in on the action once again. In the final few seconds he landed a penetrative upper hull hit on BD's R35 at the top bridge end of the northern forest, even though it had decided to withdraw back into the depths of the forest track. The hit was too late to confirm whether it was a kill, but hopefully I'll follow it up next turn with another hit to make sure!


The only other items of note were some infantry advancements from BD's men in the southern forest, an armoured sound contact on the far side of the top bridge and BD's two R35s at the near end of the northern forest shifting position.


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Apart from those orders already in place, I have ordered my SPG to follow up and attempt to confirm a kill on BD's R35 near the top bridge.

My MG team in the front farmhouse are to sneak back upstairs, and set up overlooking the southern forest where BD's men have just advanced to, still on tight gun discipline though! I want to deal with BD's armour before I start spraying more lead around!

81mm spotting rounds are incoming soon......


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Turn 27 - Minute 19 to 18

Pffffttttt! BD's under fire R35 managed to escape a follow up shot and reversed back and out of sight of my SPG, which did have another pop at it, but the round hit a tree trunk on its way to the target!

BD's other two R35s (yellow circle) continued to advance out from under the protection of the edge of the northern forest. I'm not sure I'd be so brave, but BD must obviously feel that they are in a safe enough position! They sure do have a good view over the farmyard!


At the other end of the northern slope, towards the end of the minute, the first (hopefully only) semivente (white circle) was revealed. Thankfully it is only the 47mm variety, which houses a crew of three in a hatch open to the elements.....


BD also continued to advance his infantrymen across the other side of the valley (red circle). One lot had the audacity to move across the open field, then take up a position by a hay stack. I think BD is trying to get my men to open up on them, so his armour can then pound my positions. Discipline men, discipline!

My rear SPG took the opportunity to have a potshot at BD's men on the far bridge. They were standing around on the bridge until a main round slammed into the side of it, forcing them to drop to the floor and take desperate cover for the duration of the minute.

Lastly, two 81mm spotting rounds landed in the northern forest. Hopefully at least one of them caused some damage. Let's hope the main strike comes this coming turn and hits BD and his men hard! With only 18 minutes to go it might just put an end to any thoughts BD has of assaulting from the northern forest!



As is. Nothing planned until the 81mm strike plays out!

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One thing you'll love about those Semovente "Tank Destroyers", is that if you kill just one of the crew, the thing is basically useless since they can't swap round to replace the missing crewman, and no one can double up, either. So if you kill the loader, the Commander can't fire the gun because there's no one to load it. If you kill the Commander, the loader can't load and fire the gun. If you kill the driver, no one can take over his role, so the gun is only useful if it's already pointed at something it might inconvenience (a short enough list already).

Basically, they're pretty much useless.

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Turn 28 - Minutes 18 to 17

Let it rain! Let it rain! My last 81mm mortar strike finally started, and ended, this turn! Twenty one rounds slammed down along the leading edge of the northern forest. I just hope that BD had a few men hiding in the forest, resting and ready to advance out of the trees when he felt the time was right. I know of one confirmed casualty and I'm hoping for quite a few more!


For his part, BD let rip with one of his little mortars too (red circle in overview), trying no doubt to catch my AT gun crew in there positions out in the farmyard! BD managed to get off four rounds before its crew was suppressed for the rest of the turn by the nearby 81mm mortar explosions. I'll have to try and deal with them next turn though as I don't want them threatening my positions around the farmyard.


BD also pushed forward one of his infantry squads even further. They obviously have a mission to harrass or take out my AT crew, as they reached a certain point in the field then hit the deck and started taking pot shots at my AT gun position (blue line in overview). Thankfully I sustained no casualties, just some suppression, but by the end of the minute the AT crew had worked out where the fire was coming from, so will hopefully be able to let rip next turn!


BD's two R35s (white circle) pushed forward yet again. He must really be confident regarding these guys. I just hope they move into the line of fire of one of my SPGs!

Another Semivente (orange circle) also revealed itself by the far bridge, while the first one disappeared from view for most of the minute.

My rear SPG took some incoming small arms fire from one of BD's infantry teams in the southern forest. They soaked it up for a while, then lost their patience and sent two main rounds back at them, which caused a rapid retreat by BD's men!

Satisfied that they had dealt with that threat my SPG then turned its attention back to the far bridge and sent another round at BD's men hanging out on it. Needless to say they spent the rest of the minute cowering for safety!



AT gun and M3 halftrack in farmyard to open fire on the infantry team in the middle of the field. All others, as is.

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Turn 29 - Minute 17 to 16

BD's infantry team continued their advance towards the farmyard. Unfortunately for them my halftrack was ready and waiting for them. First one infantryman bit the dust, then, as the rest turned to run away, another two met their deaths. The last man managed to take cover behind a hay stack, but things are not looking good for him!


On the other side of the valley BD's R35s pushed forward once again! My SPG by the farmyard got eyes on one, but by the time he turned to get a line of fire he lost contact with it. At least now he is facing the correct way, so any further contacts should result in at least one round getting away!


My other SPG still had it's attention fixed firmly on the far bridge. It unleashed two main rounds at it. The first hit a tree by the farmyard, the second hit the bridge once more, terrifying BD's men once again! I can't believe that BD's men on the bridge haven't suffered any casualties yet. I would have thought that some shrapnel would have hit them after three direct hits on the bridge. At least they aren't going anywhere and their morale must be shattered bu now!

Also, note BD's Semivente at the far end of the bridge.


Here's an overview of the minute's events.


Orders: As is.

Let's hope that one of BD's R35s moves into my SPG's line of fire......

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Turn 30 - Minute 16 to 15

What a difference a minute makes! From being in a reasonable position and confident of seeing out the battle until the end, to having the confidence knocked and wondering how I'm going to keep these Italians out! How fragile things can be, turned in the blink of an eye!

I am, of course, referring to the loss of one of my SPGs! BD's advancing R35s finally made their mark. A first shot hit the trees just in front of my SPG, then a second shot impacted and penetrated its upper front hull armour. No casualties were sustained but it was enough to force it to start reversing back up the hill. Soon after reversing across the ploughed field a third round penetrated the lower front armour, knocking out the SPG but still leaving the crew unharmed.

Shots then started to come in from the Semiventes (note the plural, more on that later) on the far bridge, then another round hit home from the R35s, penetrating the superstructure of the front hull and killing the gunner. Still the crew reasoned that they were safer inside the hull, that is until a round from the bridge Semiventes penetrated the right hand side of the SPG, killing the commander!

The crew bailed out and hugged the earth as one of BD's R35s let rip with a horrific cannister round. Thankfully it fell short, although I'm sure more are to follow in the next minute!


So, back to the Semiventes on the bridge. The 47mm variety was joined by another 47mm model and by a 75mm version. Quite how I'm going to clear this lot I have no idea!


BD was also on the move on the northern flank, his mortar team upping sticks and running down the hill to the orchard wall (white arrow). I wonder if BD is intending to shift his mortar's position, or if he has run out of rounds and is using it as bait to get me to reveal my positions around the farmyard? So far my men have exercised excellent gun discipline!

Lastly, BD's lone survivor by the hay stack recovered enough to start firing the odd round at my AT gun. I'll have to try to deal with him next turn.


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AT gun to target the hay stack! I can't see BD's last man, but I'm hoping to at least flush him out with some nearby explosions, then let my halftrack mop up as he runs away!

My last SPG is to turn it's attention to BD's R35s. Here's hoping he gets a shot or two......


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Turn 31 - Minute 15 to 14

Just about the only thing that happened this turn was for BD's 75mm Semivente to pound my leftmost farmhouse with half a dozen rounds. It forced my MG team out of the building and exposed the whole front edge of the top florr of the building. It won't be long before the building collapses, so I think it must be time to get the hell out of there! If he does the same to the other farmhouse (I would) then I'm really up the proverbial!


My AT gun got a handful of rounds off at the haystack, but by the time they did BD's infantryman had continued his suicidal rush of the farmyard. Thankfully my bailed SPG crew held him up with some small arms fire. Quite why my halftrack can't see him I'm really not sure!


Everyone out of the crumbling farmhouse!

Take out BD's lone infantryman. He's just 18m from the other farmhouse!

Try to take out BD's 75mm Semivente commander, who I've noticed pops up for spotting purposes before every shot fired! Time for another sharp shooting hero to step up to the plate! ;)

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The ammo on those Semovente 75s is quite limited. The commander doesn't so much "pop up for spotting purposes", as pop down for shooting purposes, as he's the gunner as well. BD, it would seem, has it unbuttoned, so the commander's default posture is "up". If it were buttoned, you'd not see the commander.

With only one 75mm you're a bit outgunned now, looks like. But anything .50cal and up is useful against the Semos; hell even .30cal is good agains the 47mm open top types. You did snag all the zooks out the halfies before you separated your men from their rides, didn't you? Cos they'll ruin the day of any of that little armour.

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Thanks for the advice and apologies for the delay in my reply. Had a few computer issues this week and coupled with pre Xmas madness at work it has meant that free time and energy have been at a premium.

I have a bazooka in the bridge buildings and one just outside, one by the bottom bridge, one in the left farmhouse and one by the right farmhouse. I've also got two with my halftracks in the southern forest. I'm guessing, as we are playing v1.10, that they can't be fired in a building and I'll need to get within 100m of my targets?

I wonder if I can persuade BD to update to the latest version..... ;)

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Turn 30 - Minute 14 to 13

A bit more action this turn and things went relatively well for my men.

My M2 halftrack by the bottom bridge spent most of the minute spraying .50 cal AP bullets up the valley, in the general vicinity of BD's Semivente trio. He managed to connect enough with one of BDs 47mm machines to force it back and then take out two of the crew. Soon after the third crewman bailed out and hit the dirt! I'm glad to see that I've got more options than just my SPG. I'm also glad that BD isn't having it all his own way and I've given him something to think about!


My M3 halftrack by the right farmhouse aloso had some luck this turn. BD rallied his infantrymen by the far bridge and made it across to the foxholes on my side, but as soon as they were settling in to their new accomodation my halftrack opened up, raining .30 cal rounds amongst his men, taking out at least one man!


I didn't have it all my own way though. The crew of my knocked out SPG were the target of the other 47mm Semivente at the far bridge, a single round dealing death to two of them.


Meanwhile BDs 75mm Semivente continued to pound the left farmhouse. My men have long since evacuated the building, although in a less than orderly manner. Hopefully in the next minute or two I'll be able to complete their retreat and reorganisation.


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Bazooka team by first brideg to hunt through trees and haev a go at BD's R35s. (purple)

M2 halftrack to overwatch the R35s, hoping that they make a move..... (orange)

SPG to do likewise. (yellow)

M3 halftrack by farmhouse to continue to concentrate on foxholes by far bridge. (red)

Various teams around farmhouses to seek cover (blues)


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Thanks for the advice and apologies for the delay in my reply. Had a few computer issues this week and coupled with pre Xmas madness at work it has meant that free time and energy have been at a premium.

Glad to see you're back in the saddle :)

I have a bazooka in the bridge buildings and one just outside, one by the bottom bridge, one in the left farmhouse and one by the right farmhouse. I've also got two with my halftracks in the southern forest. I'm guessing, as we are playing v1.10, that they can't be fired in a building and I'll need to get within 100m of my targets?

I'd say 100m is a "practicable" maximum range; you could fire "speculatively" at 250, but you'd need a lot of luck or ammo, and for the target to be obligingly oblivious... :)

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Turn 31 - Minute 13 to 12

Much the same as last turn. My halftracks continuing to to spray large caliber rounds down the valley. BD's 75mm Semivente continuing to pound the left farmhouse. There was another event, but I'll leave that until later......

BD finally succeeded in bringing down the left farmhouse. Thankfully all my men were outside the building and no casualties were sustained as a result. It has also opened up a line of sight between my AT gun and BD's R35 at the edge of the northern forest. Now who can get their rounds off first?


As mentioned, my halftracks continued to fire on BD's smaller Semiventes and his infantrymen at the far bridge. I had no further luck with the Semiventes but I did managed to force his infantrymen to turn and run back over the bridge. The level of fire coming from my halftrack in the farmyard was just too much for them!


The eagle eyed amongst you might also notice that BD's two R35s pushed forward a bit more too, right into the line of fire of my bazooka team. Unfortunately, the three rounds he fired at them all missed. The first round overshot the left tank, the second fell short and the third fell short of the right tank. He's now got one more try before he is out of ammo and will have to return to the halftrack by the bridge buildings for more ammo.


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My bridge bazooka team will let loose one final round at BD's R35s.(91m to 101m)

The collapse of the farmhouse building has also opened up a LOF for a bazooka team in the foxholes besides it. They'll have a pop or four at BDs R35s too! (95m to 105m)

My bridgeside SPG will try to get a LOF against BD's R35 duo too!

My AT gun in the farmyard will hopefully draw first blood against BDs R35 at the edge of the northern forest.

Time may well be running out for BD......


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I noticed that I messed up the turn counter the last few turns, even though the minute count was correct. Everything back to normal now......

Turn 34 - Minute 12 to 11

Blood was spilt in abundance this turn - for both parties!

The minute started in spectacular fashion for me, with my AT gun firing of a penetrating round at BD's R35 sitting at the entrance to the northern forest. One round was all that was needed to knock it out and cast a positive outlook for the turn ahead!


Shame that positivity wasn't to last. My bazooka team by the ruined farmhouse let loose a round at BD's R35 pair, falling way short of it's target. Then BD's 75mm Semovente retaliated by firing into my farmyard, wiping out the MG team stationed just in front of my AT gun!


Another bazooka round missed it's target, but BD's 75mm Semovente was far more accurate, slamming in a further five rounds over the course of the minute, wiping out my 2nd Platoon HQ in the process, killing a member of my MG team in the other farmhouse and killing two members of the above mentioned bazooka team, including the bazooka holder! BD is really turning the screw in his preparations for his final asault!

I did have some more joy of my own though. My M3 halftrack by the side of the other farmhouse kept hosing down BD's infantrymen on my side of the far bridge, recording two confirmed kills and possibly more that I was unable to verify. I don't think he'll be making much of an infantry assault from that direction!


You will however notice that BD's infantrymen in the northern forest came out from hiding this turn. A sure sign that he will be making a move soon. Either that or he is going to try to overwhelm my defences with small and large firearms for the next couple of minutes before making a dash for it just before the final whistle!

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AT gun to rotate and let loose at BD's R35 pair (purple). I'm not sure if swivelling on the spot messes up the limber status, but it's worth a try and it's all a learning experience!

SPG to cover the rear arc from the R35 pair back to the edge of the map. (orange arc)

M2 halftrack to cover the rear arc from the forest road back. (red arc)

Bazooka team by my bridge to run back to the halftrack by the bridge buildings to resupply with bazooka ammo. (yellow arrow)

Other infantrymen at the bridge to cover the rear arc from the dividing trees and closer (black arc)

Men at the bridge buildings to do likewise (white arc)

Two halftracks in the southern forest to cover the rear arc (light and dark blue arcs)

Men around farmyard to hold fire and dig in!


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Turn 35 - Minute 11 to 10

Damn, not a good turn! It's only a matter of time before BD wraps this encounter up with a victory, providing he realises how weak I am and makes a push for it!

I lost pretty much all my AT capabilities this turn, my last remaining assets are my bazookas!

BD's R35 took out my AT gun with two shots (red). The gun is still operational but the crew are all toast!

BD's 75mm Semovente crossed the far bridge, while my SPG was trying to focus in on BD's R35s, and knocked out my SPG with one shot (orange). The crew are fine, but the vehicle is useless!

So I'm left with a bazooka team in the bridge buildings, a bazooka team in one of the halftracks in the southern forest and a bazooka team with no ammo working their way back from the bridge to the bridge buildings.....

I also lost my M3 halftrack that was the side of the farm building. Whilst trying to reposition slightly, it took a hit from BD's little Semoventes at the far bridge. No casualties were sustained but it rattled them enough to shift position again, when they took another hit. Still no casualties but they felt the need to wiggle again and this time the driver was killed. The gunner took over the driving, slammed it into reverse and withdrew back through the farmyard, into the ploughed field and continued to reverse until one final round took it out, right at the end of the minute. The stand in driver is still alive, but seriously shaken! (yellow)

My M2 halftrack by the bridge buildings also came in for some attention. Small arms fire came down the hill from BD's infantry as they advanced. In return my halftrack returned with some MMG fire. I recorded one confirmed kill, maybe more as plenty of rounds disappeared into the forest, but, as luck would have it, my gunner was taken out by some return fire! (white and burgundy)

My M2 by my bridge also sparayed BD's men repeatedly. No confirmed kills, but they certainly held up BD's advance and might have caused some casualties in the depths of the forest. One can only hope! (black)



Bridge buildings M2 to try to get back under cover by the buildings. Two men from the nearby building will attempt to man the gun before BD makes his push down the hill. (yellow)

Bazooka team inb the building will wait until BD's R35s come within 75m..... (orange)

Ammoless bazooka team will ruh back to halftrack to top up their ammo (red)

Halftracks in southern forest will hunt forward a bit. (white)

Let's hope BD overestimates my defences........


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Turn 36 - Minute 10 to 9

The screw is being turned tighter each and every turn! BD has a host of men up in the north forest and they are peppering my men down in the valley. So much so that my halftracks are getting the wobbles and pulling out of position! BD has a huge fire superiority and all I can do is hang on and hope that BD fails to capitalise on it! I did manage to lay some 50cal fire back at BDs forest men, but the best I could manage was to get them to keep their heads down for a bit while my halftrack withdrew towards the bridge buildings.


While my hands were full with BDs men at this entrance to the northern forest he pushed men down from the other end of the forest to the far bridge. BD has far more men than me and I can only presume they are in a better state than my men too. Looks like my earlier artillery strikes were pretty ineffective after all!


BD also moved his 75mm Semovente forwards, towards the farmyard and looks to be moving one of his R35s to the road down form the northern forest. As soon as his infantry are in place I expect the coup de grace and the final push on my bridge and farm.....



Get back into/under cover and hang on tight!

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