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BOB (Berlin)--huge casualty coverup doc

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A few years ago, the Military Channel (?) aired, once, a then-new doc showing Stalin had covered up massive losses in the BOB, losses far exceeding the published stats. Moreover, the doc cited reports from a nurse who worked in and showed pics she drew of shattered Russian soldiers in a classified hospital. Per the doc, Stalin built a bunch of them. These men were in some cases little more than a torso with a head. Reportedly, Stalin believed revealing the true losses and the ghastly effects of vicious street combat on many survivors to be more than even the war-hardened Russian people could bear. In any event, it would've taken considerable gloss off the shining victory and end of the GPW. ISTR the new combined loss figure was circa 600,000.

Does this a) ring a bell with anyone and can B) anyone supply me with the name of the doc? I remember being absolutely stunned by the figures and appalled by the descriptions and the nurse's drawings.

Thanks for any and all help.


John Kettler

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They had the technology to keep human torsos alive in wartime conditions? I've heard Rasputin's story but I thought it was a one-time kind of thing and black magic was involved. I'm assuming they were alive since a dead torso with only a head is not exactly news in a war.

Can't really offer any insight, but since the Soviets blatantly lied about Finland starting the war with them no amount of bull**** will amaze me. I'm a little biased.

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I was just thinking of you the other day John. I read a paragraph in a book about Courland and here is what it said

"Following the disbandment of the Livonian Brothers of the Sword in 1562, the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia was created from the area of Latvia between the west bank of the river Daugava and the Baltic Sea. It's first duke was Gotthard Kettler, the last Master of the Sword Brothers. Although he was a vassal of the King of Poland, Kettler, whose family came from Westphalia, ran his duchy on strictly German lines, supported by the German nobility, and reduced most of the native population to the status of serfs."

John Kettler, member of the Livonian Brothers of the Sword? Just makes you go hmmmmmmm.

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Zebulon Pleasure Beast II,

No idea how they did it in medical terms, but the drawing is seared into my memory. I distinctly recall that (seen as an adult awful) childhood joke about the kids who come by the house and want Johnny to play baseball. The mother's confounded and tells the kids Johnny has neither legs or arms, to which they reply "That's okay. We want to use him for home plate!" Now, imagine a grown man, in constant pain, in that same configuration. Frankly, I lack the vocabulary to describe that drawing. The nurse could've been sent to the Gulag or even executed for making that drawing.

ASL Veteran,

Not only is that a new one on me, but I can practically guarantee the amateur genealogist of the family, my sister-in-law, Mercy, has never been exposed to this information. Shall copy this remarkable discovery of yours and send it to her forthwith. Would you believe there's a Wiki on this highly obscure organization, the Brothers of the Sword?



John Kettler

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SS Nazi scum training Speiseeishund for the final climatic battle of Berlin. The plan was that in action these highly trained elite dogs would have 120kgs of nuclear eis explosives strapped to their backs in a special harness, then be released to surge forward towards the Russia trucks and self-detonate.

An earlier incarnation of this scheme tried to strap the 120kgs of nuclear eis explosives to the back of Jewish slave labourers, but their stomachs tended to explode during training due to the unfamiliar influx of calories.

Note the lack of jungle jangle. This top secret purple image must have been taken early in the training cycle, before they started acclimatising the S.hund to the sounds of battle. Note also the use of a frauhundlehrer (female-dog-teacher). Clearly in April 1945 the Nazi scum were running out of able bodied men to carry out their foul vanilla flavoured plans. The only time these dogs were used in anger was a utter failure - the dogs took fright, and retreated to the familiar sound of the German jingle jangle, instead of advancing towards the vodka soaked strains of the Russian jungle jingle. This was the terrible result, all that remained of the Kurfürstendamm:


In the background you can see two smaller craters caused by the detonation of Jewish slave stomachs.

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This isn't the B0B doc I was looking for, but Battle of Berlin: Lost Evidence is well worth a look, despite being marred by visual annoyances like I-16 Ratas! The program is very good at providing context, but not good in terms of casualty specifics, Russian own goals via artillery and tacair and other matters, but the interviews are excellent, the re-enactors well-equipped and the footage riveting at times. Of particular interest is an account of the havoc one of the flak towers wreaked on forces in the Tiergarten and Russian inability to do much about the towers, even with the B-4 203mm howitzer! And don't miss the first person story of the man who was part of a tank hunter team.


Still looking for the right doc.


John Kettler

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