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Allied AAR on CM Battle in Ribera for CMPzC Sicily '43 Operation "A Route to Ribera"

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US Army 2.3 minutes to deploy 30 cal LMG.

German HMG....20 seconds?

2.2 minutes for me (IIRC). It's a pain to watch. I also had one team who would never deploy - had to move them to another floor. Also had the 'repositioning causes redeployment' bug that was in before 1.11

Add to that that the HMG teams came without ammo bearers. So I had to undeploy them to get fresh ammo. I really would love to be able to acquire from other teams or split off ammo bearers from HMG teams.

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lone survivor of an already battered LMG team out of 30 cal ammo,

using his .45 cal pistol, runs out of ammo with THAT, another team arrives, we get instant ammo support, Blackshirts surrendering!!!!

That LMG gave me a headache like no other. Couldn't get good LOS on it and the rangers are hard to supress. Usually they just keep on firing.


German GSG9 SWAT team entering MY building.

1st floor: 5 man half-squad.

2nd floor: 2 man platoon HQ.


Lots of dead hunting German troops so far. Like 8 or 9.


Yeah, that was really bad. Three buildings behind each other. I'm in 1, he is in 3. But I can't shoot from 1 into 3 for suppression and 3 has no windows. I had to blow a wall into the side of 3.

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I salute my worthy opponent. Thanks for a great battle.

I feel good about the numbers. Maybe some of my boys are in a German field hospital healing up and then maybe hardly a few weeks in a POW camp and they might get rescued before Sicily falls?


One of my LMGs had 19 enemy casualties. It didn't show his name.

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I salute back - this was a great game.

2h time for an urban attack with 6:1 forces would not happen in a QB or even a scenario (although I think it would be worth it). It showed me how very difficult such an attack against a determined opponent is.

IMHO the engine handled it quite well. Only thing is not getting LOS to some place which you should - that drives you insane in some situations.


I guess I lost 10-20 men to obviously stupid actions - usually going too fast towards something or not running fast enough away. The rest is more or less inevitable. Advantage in numbers does not help too much in the actual fighting. The numbers mostly help while scouting.


The Italians had a total of 6 - 3 infantry and 3 mortars. Mainly because they mostly did long range fire. The German mortars had no(!) kills. IIRC that's a first for any of my games. ATG did 3 and the IGs 1 each. The HMG had 1 or 2 each. So the killing was done foremost by infantry on short range.

There is one oddity. My results screen is slightly different. Maybe this came from the update we did during the game?


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I don't know why it is different.

Looks like the medics worked some magic and a few guys moved from KIA to WIA.

Like that scene in a Bridge too Far when the LT is not dead. He almost got plopped on the dead guy pile but his eyes must have responded to stimuli...

That ATG was sure lucky. I blew that stone wall up but your guys were OK.

You did a really good job blowing down walls. I had times when I wanted to move a team but it was stay and die or run and die.

See you on the battlefield!!!

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