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Cannot believe the AI did this

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So much for the improved AI lol. The AI moved the unit out of this square so I now not only get the extra resourses, but can now have a pathway into France. In Jan '40 no less. Who needs the Low Countries when this happens :)

I put this up in my dropbox folder, as a jpg but it will not display in the message. What am I doing wrong? Well here is the link where you can get the picture https://www.dropbox.com/s/9s1pqzrbi9e1v1f/AoD.jpg

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Why not? What should the Germans do with this small pocket. Any unit could easily destroyed by the Allies.

Why would the AI leave a hole in the line like that? Against the ai, that small hole is the end of France. Even a weak unit would be better than none in that square.

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Hi Numdydar,

That is a very odd one, could you tell me if the USSR had entered the war against Germany?

Also, did you perhaps weaken that unit to below 5 during combat?

I can't say I've ever seen the AI retreat from that position so I'm just trying to narrow down some of the possibilities and then make any necessary adjustments.


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Why not? What should the Germans do with this small pocket. Any unit could easily destroyed by the Allies.

Well, I put a unit in the square and was able to completly overrun France without losing a single unit. So your thinking that a German unit there would easily be killed is incorrect. The AI did attack it, and got it down to a 5 but I kept moving additional unite in and was easily abble to expand and expand the hole.

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Hi Numdydar,

That is a very odd one, could you tell me if the USSR had entered the war against Germany?

Also, did you perhaps weaken that unit to below 5 during combat?

I can't say I've ever seen the AI retreat from that position so I'm just trying to narrow down some of the possibilities and then make any necessary adjustments.


I never attacked the unit that was there. It just left. Which is why I was so shocked. Made things nice for me bad for France :)

No other wars going on execpt France and England.

I did notice that Italy attacked England even though France had fallen. I seriously doubt that Italy would have gone to war against England since there was absolutely no gain for Italy at that point. So you may want to change things so that if France has been defeted before, say June '40, Italy will stay netural. Maybe change it that Italy will go to war with England once a German unit is in an English port or something like that to reflect the opportunist nature of Mussolini :)

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Do you happen to have a saved turn from when France moved out of that position, preferably even a turn right before they moved out?

For Italy, I believe we had a setting similar to this at one time but the general consensus was that Axis players wanted Italy into the game regardless or otherwise it felt like penalizing yourself for a quick victory in France with the Germans.


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Really? Wow. I would never want Italy in the war unless I was invading England. Having them stay netural (which is what Hilter wanted them to do) is a huge benefit to Germany since the entire Sorthern front can completely be ignored.

Is there a way to mod this or is it hard coded?

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You can definitely mod it so that Italy stays out of the war.

What I would suggest is making sure that all Mobilization scripts regarding Italy are set with the parameters that France is Allied and not surrendered AND that USA is Allied and not Fully Active (adding USA will ensure that after France is liberated post d-day these mobilization scripts will not start working again)

This can be changed in the editor, under Edit AI scripts, but I would suggest reading the template instructions before making any changes.

You can also do one better and add a decision event that pops up at the same time as the decision of Vichy France. The decision event can let you decide on the status of Italy, so that even though you've changed the mobilization scripts you still have the option to let Italy join the Axis if France has fallen before Italy has joined the war.

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This can easily be modable... one way to do it is to take a look at all the applicable MOBILIZATION#1,2,3 events and disable them for Italy by setting the entry #FLAG= 1 to #FLAG= 0.

Alternatively, you could leave those alone and simply disable the applicable BELLIGERENCE events that bring Italy into the war against the Allies by setting these to #FLAG= 0.

This way Italy can become fully mobilized but will not actually go to war unless you decide to have them enter the war on your own.

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Hubert's right that the Belligerence script would be the easiest, but keeping Italy at 100% mobilization would allow you to collect too many MPP's and eventually their army would be so large that you would want them in the war.

If you keep Italy below 100% active you can set a script that will gradually decrease their war readiness (and MPP collection) after the fall of France, which will mean you are not creating a powerhouse nation to DOW on the Allies at your whim.

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Just one more thing, because I actually found this very interesting. If you did keep Italy out of the war it would be a great idea to let Italy's war readiness eventually drop to 0 over time and create new offensive scripts for the Allied (AI) stationed in the Mediterranean, such as an Amphibious attack on occupied Greece, Yugoslavia, or Vichy France (if any are occupied that is) once Italy is neutral and no longer a threat.

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I am only getting 60 or so per turn as Italy so I don't see how that can turn Italy into a power house :). But I have not played the game that much so I do not know if over time what the effect that amount would have. It just does not feel that it would be that decisive.

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Just one more thing, because I actually found this very interesting. If you did keep Italy out of the war it would be a great idea to let Italy's war readiness eventually drop to 0 over time and create new offensive scripts for the Allied (AI) stationed in the Mediterranean, such as an Amphibious attack on occupied Greece, Yugoslavia, or Vichy France (if any are occupied that is) once Italy is neutral and no longer a threat.

If Italy had stayed out of the war, then there was no reason for Germany to even bother with the region. Unlees the Allied coup took place in Yugoslavia of course. I am not sure the British would have cared if Yugoslavia went Axis or not if Italy was inactive.

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You're right that Greece may not be occupied, it is even possible that Greece could have joined the Axis if Germany was able to force Bulgaria to concede Macedonian territory and Italy to concede Northern Epirus from occupied Albania. It's interesting what you can do when modding, I actually have scripted a decision event about just this in one of my mods.

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