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Rocky, Cemetary, and presumably...

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Regarding CMx1, CMAK. Does not appear to be an issue in CMBB:

Certain terrain features are not showing up on in my game. I do not know when it first happened, but I have recently noticed it within the last few weeks. Cemetary and Rocky terrain tiles are not graphically representing themselves in the game. I can see they are there when issuing movement commands, but I do not "see" them on the tactical map at any zoom level. I can live without seeing the tomb stones, as from what I've heard they aren't the best cover nor impedance to my motorized vehicles. But the rocky terrain issue is quite aggravating. I've considered swapping in new textures, but I'm not quite adept at using GAJ's website. Furthermore I can't put my finger on how many seasons, territories, etc. this affects my game. It seems that no matter the conditions, they are not showing up period.

Trouble shooting efforts: I just loaded up the map editor and placed both textures on the map. When I viewed it in the terrain viewer, they were not there. (I lassoed them in with marsh terrain to reassure me it wasn't all the textures that weren't working.)

I even reinstalled and brought my game back up to 1.3, still, no dice.

Anyone have this happen to them before? Any idea for fixes?

(PS: It appears that when I isolated what I believe to be the rocky terrain from Aristotle's Arid rock's mod, the terrain files within the BMP folder were damned near identical, IE: the BMP file is there, its just not being read.)

Unfortunately I am mostly newish to Modding CMx1, but I am also cognizant that this at least helps me cancel out mod issues as to why this is occurring. I can't remember ever downloading a terrain mod and even if I did, I would have thought the re-installation of the game would have fixed this. I've done everything short of a total nuke.

Again, I reinstalled my copy, thinking even if I did load up a mod at some point it would be whitewashed with the original files.

Any help would be much appreciated, and if a mod will quickly remove this error, (... not sure how but perhaps just with new BMP files) I am more than willing to use it. As stated previously, I am new, but definitely open to suggestions to great visual mods for this game.)

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Hello Fry30,

This is probably obvious, but did you go under 'Hot Keys' and use 'Shift & N' together to get the variables from 'No Terrain Effects to 'Extreme Terrain Effects' ?...While there, you can look at other 'Hot Keys' of interest...I generally use 'Moderate Tree Coverage ( shift T )and 'Moderate Terrain Effects' ( shift N ).

I believe Both CMBB & CMAK defaults are at 'Moderate Terrain Effects', and at some point you might have accidentally used the keyboard and clicked it off without knowing ( I do that from time to time ).


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Oh my... I meant to list possible remedies that I had not tried yet, and that was at the top of the list. I am going to check.

And I commend you for your quick response, its nice to see there are still some people creeping these CMx1 forums.

Although I own most of the CMx2 games, this version runs on my everyday computer and can be a blast when I can get my friend to play TCP or hotseat with me.

Can't wait to pick up CMGL, but man oh man the possibilities with the old engine is endless, so long as you can use a little bit of your imagination..

PS: Kick-starter campaign for CMC? I think yes. Have any idea if there is an openware site available for the game somewhere?

Thanks again for your quick response, I'm off to do some more troubleshooting!

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No problem as all is Good :-)

Unfortunately, I don't believe there is an openware for CMC ( I was dissapointed when CMC was cancelled several yrs ago...Sigh ).

- Side Note -

I have been playing BB & AK for several yrs, and it gets difficult to find opponents over time...I'm playing the same opponent now for past few yrs.

If interested in BB or AK, 1000 point Combined Arms, QBs or Scenarios, then let me know ( however, I only play AXIS in BB, but either AXIS or ALLIES in AK )...I don't own any of the CMx2 games as of yet.

I generally play by PBEM ( 1-2 turns day ), but sometimes TCP on late night weekends.

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Well we both seem to be Eastern Standard time... perhaps some weekend we can get a TCP together, or rather, I'd be up for a PBEM. PM me for more info or I'll get to you when I can commit to this. As of right now, I'm still messing around with maps and slogging it out against the CPU.

I loved playing PBEM with CM match maker, it made things so easy, when I used to play CMx2 CMBN online before the latest round of patches and modules came out. When I upgrade/acquire the new modules I'll get back into it.

Until then, its CMx1 for me. As for CMC, its a shame it never got picked up by the open source community, just reading that AAR on the Battlefront Page had me licking my lips. Its like a working... ahem... its like it would have been a functional hybrid tactical/strategic war simulator ala APOS (which is terrible to update, and has massive amounts of flaws to it. And its RT, which just doesn't work for a game on that kind of scale). Really, CMC would have blown that game out of the water and for much less money, one would think. The re-playability would have been much higher, I would presume. It also would have probably ignited a few more CMx1 releases, if only to supplement the Campaigns release. I honestly think the full force of the CM community could have gotten it to a point where it was at least playable.

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Sounds Good, and will get back with you next week...

When playing against the Computer AI, always give a +2 to the 'Computer Experience Bonus'. This will help eleviate the AI's dumb down effect during the game.

ex- The AI doesn't know the difference and moves Support Weapons as regular Infantry to the Front lines -or- Vehicles will approach objectives at unusual angles, or stay away from it altogether, etc, etc. You probably have an idea by now of how the Computer AI thinks and the +2 helps balance the game alittle ( +1 might be to little and +3 might be to much ).

When I use the 'Scenario Editor' and use the 'Random Map Generator' ( just to give me a base map to work with, then manipulate the map for Realism ), I delete-add things I want. ex- I don't like how Villages are represented, so I move buildings around, add fences-stone walls to their appropriate places, add Streams, etc ( adding Streams is the difficult part as I have to lay where I want it, then use the elevation tool )...I don't want to take the time and build a Map from scratch as that will take to long for me, lol.

When Selecting Units for a Scenario, I try to do this to make it more realistic:

Troop selection ( Green through Elite ), I always give all HQ's a +2 to Command, +1 Moral. If troops are Recon Oriented, then I will also add a +1 to Stealth. If troops are specialized ( Para, Ranger, etc ), then I will make it a +2 to Command, +1 Moral, +1 Firepower, +1 Stealth. Never use Conscripts, but instead use Green without any bonuses.

Unfortunately, we can't do any of the above in a QB and have to take with whatever the Computer deals out.

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