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SOE 1939 - Allies - Will vs Ash #2

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Woohoo! Back again....and this time, I am determined to beat Ash. I'll throw the kitchen sink at him to make sure I can pull this one through, using every dirty trick (that I can think of) in the book.

So, I'll be taking on the Allies once again after our brief (practise) game where a poor defense of....just about everything, and I'll be trying to make things right again. Ash isn't going to do an AAR this time (he puts a lot of time into his writing and it's quite time consuming), so you'll have to put up with me...:D

Opening turn summary (we're now on New Years Eve 1939):

- Poland wiped out within 2 turns as per normale, but we did 1 strength damage apiece to 2 separate German HQ's and several steps of damage to the Panzers. The Poles are good for something!

- The French sallied out from the Maginot Line to seize the German mines in no-mans land, muhaha! (thanks Strategiclayabout :))

- Meanwhile, the French are creating a strong(ish) defense based around rivers and crucial towns. We've got some nasty surprises in store for the Panzers....

- First MPPs for Soviets went into Industry, but after that the plan is to invest in some extra engineers to fortify the crucial areas (I'll show you guys my plans at a later date), and after that, army time. Let the Red Army grow!

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Seems the Pole dance was costly for german tourists :D . Allies situation is quite depressing at start so any axis MPP or step you can kill is good for morale (not allied countries morale, YOUR morale as a player :P ). You have to be the buzzing mosquito in Hitler's bedroom ^^ !

P.S.: sure, would be glad to play a game one of these days ;)

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That it was! Also, my cheeky taking of the mines has led to said mines staying in French control for several months now, and the artillery has done several steps worth of damage to the German armies and corps that tried to steal it back.

So, the phoney war? Well, a little. But we've gotten a few crucial little hits here and there, and it all adds up.

The bombing campaign against the Ruhr industries has begun in earnest, although heavy fighter support is now making the situation almost intolerable. 1 question- how is escorting worked out? Does the fighter need to be near the bomber land tile, or the target of the bombing?

At any rate, we've hit both improved bombers and long ranged aircraft in the last few turns, and with the Canadian bombers now in England, we can really start hammering the Hun!

Here's High Command's ariel photograph of the French defense. The Germans have now invaded, and forced a surrender from, the people of the Netherlands. Belgium is no doubt the next target, and we have prepared a short line staggered defense, with some AT backing. The British have been enlisted in the immediate defense of Paris, ready to sally forth if a counter-attack opportunity presents itself while the French take most of the flak.


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- Hehe, that corps on the mine will be a pain for Germans and it also somehow "protects" Luxembourg by adding its zone of control in front of the Capital.

- Fighters need to be in attack range of your bomber target to escort :) .

- The other solution is to send your fighter as far as they can near the target to engage interceptors and free the way for bombers but with fighters having two interceptions per turn it's hard to waste all of them. Depends how many planes each side has around.

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Roger that.

Well, the invasion continues, this time with Lux and Belgium going down. The Germans are now at the gate, I hope we can do a little damage! The British HQ has been stationed...defensively. I won't show it but rest assured that he's getting out of dodge at the first sign of trouble ^_^

We upgraded our bombers this turn, and recieved a new fighter wing. With 2 fighters and a carrier in the Channel, we should be in a good position to start bombing the crap out of the Ruhr, even earlier than before- let's hurt them for Stalin!

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Welp, here come the Panzers. We lost two corps as the German war machine seems to just roll over our forces without taking any losses. However, we have quite a strong line of French armies to be broken now, dug in and behind a river. Even for the high readiness and experience German units, it won't be easy to take them without losses.


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The battle for France is now in full swing. Our defensive line is definitely much stronger this time around- the enemy destroyed 1 army holding Amiens but our main line was strong enough to prevent the Germans simply running through us.


The troops at Paris are quite well dug-in. The bombing campaign continues, with one of the Ruhr industries now down to just 2 supply. With the losses we're taking though, we're going to need to take a break for a turn to reinforce- even if we only just about break even on the MPPs, it's important nonetheless to make things a little less nasty for Stalin further down the line. Speaking of Stalin, our first engineers arrived. I've marked out a few good spots, a little more intelligently this time.

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Yeeeeeeah I think I'll just stick to playing defense for now :P

So, the Axis got really stuck in this turn, knocking out a few more armies and taking down another to 1 strength. Those within reach or Paris were evacuated to defend the city....those that weren't were left as speedbumps. Our troops at Nancy and Dijon should prevent the Maginot line getting totally cut off, and we even got a little cheeky and sent forward a French corps into unknown territory, hoping to find some undefended territory. What we found was even more interesting- the Luftwaffe! Unfortunately the corps is so low on supply now that they will probably be destroyed, but they might take a few valuable planes with them- or force them to move, meaning no bombings next turn.


The French tanks and the British army hit back at an advancing German army, taking it down to 3 strength and forcing a retreat. The British corps took a hammering and the British HQ edges ever closer to the nearest port. If the British corps goes down, I'll probably evacuate the BEF. If it survives, I'll leave them there a little more. The Axis armour seems to have shifted from the north to the centre, but we needed to restrength out ATG's before moving them. Next turn will be painful for the outlying French armies, but the Paris defense corps should go unmolested yet.

Even better, we have 2 fresh French corps on the way next turn!

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France continues to take a battering into August, but it is not without a little counter-attack: a German tank group was badly damaged by our ATGs which moved into range just outside the city. The city itself is now exposed, and one of the HQs just behind took quite a beating, but we're well entrenched. The French tanks reinforced, ready for operations next turn.


However, it was time for the British to make their exist. The BEF had done some damage and taken even more, so they operated, quite literally on the 'last train to Saigon'. It is said that the enemy were firing at the trains as they pulled out of the station....

The British HQ also took flak and I feared I would lose it yet again, but fortunately it was out of range of most of the army. It too was operated out of danger, and will move back to Britain next turn.

One of the nicest things about the France battle so far is how well French NM has held up- more than 50% even into August is very good indeed. Our 2 extra corps were immediately enlisted in the defense of the city, now surrounded on virtually all sides.

Our bombing campaign continues, although not without a few losses, but we finally knocked out one of the Ruhr industries proper.

Down in Gibraltar, we've had a u-boat trapped for a few turns now. They're sturdy buggers when upgraded, even against destroyers, but it should go down next turn.


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Welp, the Axis tanks could reach us at Brest after all. Probably should've moved the British HQ elswhere, but oh well. It's only Gort, after all.


The British Expeditionary Force and accompanying corps made it out of France alive though, which is more than can be said for the rest of the French troops. Paris was captured after a brutal tank siege and the government moved to Bordeaux. The French may yet have another turn or two in them. French tanks managed a bit of damage to an exposed German army, but not more than that.

Tech wise, the British continue to invest in heavy bombers to support their bombing campaigns.

Tech focuses are:

British - Air and sea power. The land army isn't insignificant but as soon as we can confirm Sealion isn't going ahead the BEF will move to North Africa to support operations there against the lackluster Italians. Bombers and naval warfare are the particular targets.

Soviets - 2 chits in infantry tech, but also some love given to AA and industry. The Soviet war machine is a mean thing once it gets going but as we get closer to winter, Red Army resources will increasingly be directed to unit production.

USA - For now, Intel, Production and Industrial tech. As we get closer to their entry at the end of 1941 however, we will start shifting MPPs into infantry and tank based warfare. I plan to play a very aggressive land-based campaign with the Americans so as to relieve the pressure on Stalin as quickly as possible.

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Damn, France fell due to the collapse of morale before the enemy even reached Bordeaux. Shame, but we're still on good time. I continue to follow up bombing attacks on German industry, taking some casualties in the process. We also did some damage to a grounded bomber in occupied France. As far as I'm concerned, any British casualties taken now are just casualties that the Russians won't have to take in a year's time.

Now begins a very important phase of tech and army build up, particularly for the Russians. With 2 chits in infantry tech, we hope to reach level 1 well before Barbarossa, maybe even level 2. The rest of the MPP supply will focus on building up the Russian army.

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It's the fairly dry period between the fall of France and the beginning of Barbarossa, although we're having quite the Battle of Britain. I have maintained the total destruction of one of the Ruhr mines and the other one is close to getting there, although we lost a carrier for our troubles. Out in the Atlantic we're having quite a battle too, resulting in the loss of a destroyer and a cruiser, but the destruction of an enemy level 1 cruiser. Anti-sub tech just kicked in, so hopefully our destroyers can start really sticking it to the nasty trade raiders.

In Russia fortifications are coming together nicely, and we've got large waves of forces arriving every turn from 1941 onwards. As we get closer to spring I'm going to stockpile a few MPPs so that we can afford to buy back all of our initial losses- of which I expect there to be many. We are going to give quite a bit of ground, I have decided, before digging our heels in.

In Italy we've discovered a sizeable Italian army around Tobruk, but as soon as the British income gets back to something sensible we'll be able to operate a large task force from Britain to assist in the first proper land offensives of the western Allies.

Christmas Day of 1940 coming up, and overall the Allies have had a mixed bag- the British have taken heavier attritional losses than I would have liked, but it is not without reciprocation. Overall I'd say the losses we have taken are probably slightly higher MPP wise than those we have delivered, but still worthwhile to delay or weaken Barbarossa.

Intelligence tech is beginning to come in for the Allies across the board so hopefully when the Axis do arrive it won't be floating on a tidal wave of technology.

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Fortifications are coming together nicely on the Eastern Front, and the troop pool due in March is growing every turn. Even better, the Red Army scientists cracked level 1 for infantry warfare this turn! We got almost to 100% before the breakthrough, but c'est la vie. It will mean that our troops will not only be well dug-in, but upgraded before the Hun arrive. Fantastic.

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Well, that was a fun revalation to have. But better late than never!

At any rate, an Italian battleship was sunk, and the Italians appear to now be packing level 1 infantry in force in Egypt. This, combined with our "new" carriers and naval warfare 1 that hit this turn should mean the end to the Italian navy sooner rather than later.

I do hope that the Italians try something in Africa- I'd welcome Ash trying to smash his way through the forts at El Alamein. Not least because it ought to increase US mobilization.

With the winter clouds now gone, the bombing campaign begins again. It seems Ash has purchased an AA unit to guard the Ruhr industries...shame it didn't stop me from destroying one of the mines again! With 3 bombers and an apparent lack of German fighters, the British bombers are going to have a fun time with German industry.

In Soviet land, I feel extremely lacking in troops....but I don't think there's anything to be done about that for as long as Soviet mobilization remains so low. Here's some images to show the defensive lines forming.

Down in the south the main defense is coming up in the south around Dnepropetrovsk. It's quite chokey around here and with fortifications we can probably make this a tough nut for the Axis forces to crack.


In the north it's going to be much harder to avoid being encircled. We're going to try and hold at Riga, but we will fall back to Leningrad if that doesn't work out too well.


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Oh boy, here we go. Barbarossa begins shortly- at the end of my latest turn, Stalin declared war on Germany. The troop build up on the eastern front is positively scary, and that's just what I can see. Ash has built up an army of over 70 troops to my 32 land units...we're in for a bumpy ride (is that normal? it seems....like I'm gonna get raped xD). I stockpiled some Russian MPPs this turn so as to be able to buy back all my losses that I will no doubt incur with the first wave of Barbarossa.

We destroyed another U-Boat in the Atlantic and have blocked another into the harbour in Iceland- convoy raids have all but ceased for the last month or so.

Further bombing revealed a significant build up of AA units around the Ruhr industries, so taking them down is going to get a little more tricky.

All eyes to the Eastern Front now....glory to Mother Russia!


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Ash opens with a powerful Barbarossa, striking with what appears to be 4 major thrusts.


The first turn saw the loss of virtually all STAVKA reinforcements (with the exception of 1 tank, left at strength 2, which I suicided to do some damage to a Panzer...possibly not a great decision but it might have been destroyed next turn having accomplished nothing). However, with the releasing of the war funds we were able to rebuild all 3 of the lost tanks, fully upgraded, which will arrive in October. We also rebuilt some of the main corps lost, but that was only 2 units.

Cities held by whole Soviet armies were left unmolested this turn, achieving their basic objective of slowing the advance as German units stack up around them. The real test will be how well my fortifications at Riga will stand up to the northern assualt. The southern assualt is weaker (comprising mostly un-upgraded Hungarian troops), although my units here are lesser in number too.

Rather disconcertingly, the enemy invades with level 2 infantry. We're about 70% complete on Soviet infantry level 2 but if the tech gods are not in our favour then it may not arrive until the fighting of 1941 is over.

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Wahay, the Soviet war funds were released and we had a hell of a boost. Tactical bombers, replacement fighters and heavy armour are en route, set to arrive between October and January 1942.

This turn was surprisingly quiet, as the Axis advance made good ground but destroyed little (1 army, rebuilt instantly). The fortress at Riga will probably come under assault next turn, and Kiev is also about to face the might of the German forces.


The Southern thrust


The Northern thrust

In Africa, a sideshow is emerging in the form of the Italians vs British. Next turn we should advance into enemy territory.


This was a good turn for industrial tech- the Soviets hit level 2, and the British hit level 1 (thank **** for that, I was getting frustrated with their lack of MPPs, even worse now that Lend Lease is going to the Soviet Union).

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Riga was assualted by paratroopers this turn, a very nice move by Ash, killing the HQ there. Riga is all but lost now but we should be able to get most of the troops out of there.


Things are going rather nastily at the moment in the south, with a large amount of troops stacking up at Kiev. We hit back where we had the chance, knocking one of the front line armies down to strength 3. We need more troops as stop-gaps here, which will hopefully come in the form of corps next turn.


However, 2 things are keeping spirits up amongst the Red Army troops:

- Level 2 infantry hit this turn

- We have an ungodly amount of troops due in October- armour, tac bombers, armies, you name it, it's hitting then.

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Ouch, Kiev went down this turn and we lost another HQ in the north- no matter, all losses were rebuilt, glory to Stalin!!!

...or, something. I'm getting pretty pummeled and have yet to inflict a single land causalty on Ash, but I remain hopeful. The first days of October will see 3 tank groups and a HQ arriving. We will concentrate them wherever needs them most, probably the north, and surprise the Germans with a wall of steel.

Also started readying up the half-strength US divisions across the Atlantic. By the year's end, and the US intervention into the war, we should have all technology required to present a large-ish force to the continent by Spring 1942.

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Well, nothing to report this turn that will come as any big surprise- we're getting pushed back all over the place, although perhaps not quickly enough to brand the operation so far a catastrophe. New corps arrived this turn to take up defensive positions in the towns leading up to Moscow...the Germans still have a long way to go before they reach our crucial points.

Now, to unit production. Every time I think the war is going sideways, I simply look at these beautiful panels:



This is Stalin's countermeasure when he feels like shooting another bodyguard for sport due to the current situation:



Still, it could be worse- still doing a bit better than history!

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Soviet forces are now very thin on the ground...but we're getting closer to October, which brings 2 things in abundance; snow, and reinforcements. The Germans are having a rum old time with our underdeveloped armies, but they will soon feel the might of the Red Army...

Elsewhere, things are actually going quite well. I haven't mentioned the Atlantic in a while but it's been going well- almost every turn we find 1 or 2 subs, and do heavy damage to them. This turn we found 2 and are putting in some serious hurt.

In the Baltic Sea Russian subs were raiding German supply convoys, which led to a dual destroyer response- the result? Our subs back to port fat and happy from the convoy takings, and 1 German destroyer sunk.

In North Africa, Ash has been doing a great job hurting my supply with bombing attacks on the scant supply sources. However, carrier support allowed me to destroy an Italian army regardless. A 2nd HQ is on the way to provide support, and next turn I'm going to bring the might of the RAF to bear.

Speaking of the RAF- their job in Europe is mostly complete. The Ruhr industries and Paris are destroyed- we now turn our attentions to the remaining industry in the Rhineland. One British bomber can be left to deal with those while our fighters and Canadian bombers head south to smash the Italian lines.

In the USA, mobilization continues to increase, now at 70%.

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