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Minor Script Error & Armistices?

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There is a minor script error in Axis High Tide and probably other standard scenarios as well.

It is in the Surrender_2 group and relates to the Axis taking over Tunisia if the Allies capture Algeria (as actually happened).

Here is the script

; Italians and Germans Invade Tunisia

; Historical date of event was after Allied Invasion

; in Mers el Kebir on 1942/11/09


#NAME= Germany And Italy Invade Tunisia (Historical)

#POPUP= Allied Landings In West Africa Prompt An Axis Invasion Of Tunisia


#SOUND= combat1.wav

#FLAG= 0

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 0


#GV= 1[1,100]

#LINK= 0[0]





#DATE= 1942/11/09

; Set variable conditions:

; 1st Line - UK politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered

; 3rd Line - Vichy Algeria politically Axis and surrendered

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0]

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 37 [1] [100] [1]

; Allies control Algiers

#CONDITION_POSITION= 72,26 [0,0] [1,1] [2] [0]

; Axis control Tripoli

#CONDITION_POSITION= 80,28 [1,1] [1,1] [2] [0]}

The error is that the condition re Tripoli only triggers if Tripoli is Allied owned rather than the intended Axis owned. I noticed it because I had occupied both Algeria and Tripoli in the same turn and was suddenly told that the Axis had taken over Tunisia but of course, since I already had Tripoli, they had no forces there so I just walked over Tunisia and conquered it whereupon I was given an understrength Tunisian Corps as an Allied unit!

In practice when correcting this error it might be better to specify that the Axis has 3 or more rather than 1 or more units near Tripoli otherwise the Axis would not be able to defend Tunisia and it would be better for the Allies to have to DOW Tunisia rather than have it as an ally.

Two other comments - there is a variant on this script further on in the group and it has the same error re Tripoli so both need to be fixed.

Secondly I have not seen ARMISTICE=0 before. I presume it is a hang over from a WW1 scenario but is it usable in GC? If it is, then there was a historic possibility of the SU coming to a negotiated peace with the Axis. It might be fun to have a scenario where the Axis player can be offered an option to have at least 12 months of Armistice with the SU once the Axis has captured Moscow. This might give the Axis a chance to focus on the Western Allies and defeat the UK before the US is powerful enough to stop that. the SU would of course be able to build back some of its armed forces during the pause but the aid convoys would stop.



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Yes, the simplest way is generally to assign Decision Events to trigger the surrender scripts. The result will be that the country affected will pull out of the war, and their armed forces will return home.

It can even be used to make a Minor country change sides - we use this in the Russian Civil War campaign so that there is a chance that the Makhnovists will switch sides if the Bolsheviks treat them badly.

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Sure. This example is from the Russian Civil War campaign that comes with the WWI Breakthrough! expansion:

Decision Event:

; If UK Political Standing falls to 1%, UK will surrender (withdraw from Russia).


#NAME= DE 109: UK Withdraws from Russia




#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 0


; Set global variable condition to always trigger (dummy value)

#GV= 1[1,100]

; Set link value to always trigger (dummy value)

#LINK= 0[0]




; Set decision value (first internally stored decision)


; Set how many MPPs should be collected over X turns if player selects 'yes' (dummy values)




; Set AI acceptance %



#DATE= 1918/11/11

#TEXT_RGB= 0,0,0

#SHADOW_RGB= 191,168,131

; alignment position


; UK Political Standing falls to 1%:


; Set variable conditions:

; 1st Line - UK politically aligned with the Whites and not surrendered

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0]

; Dummy condition position (always satisfied)

#CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0]


This triggers this SURRENDER_2 script:

; If UK Political Standing falls to 1%, UK will surrender (withdraw from Russia).


#NAME= DE 109 YES UK Withdraws from Russia

#POPUP= UK Withdraws All Troops From Russia

#IMAGE= uk_withdraw.bmp


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 0


;Set global variable condition to always trigger (dummy value)

#GV= 1[1,100]

; Set link value to always trigger (dummy value)

#LINK= 109[1]






#DATE= 1918/11/11

; Set variable conditions:

; 1st Line - UK aligned with Whites and not surrendered

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0]

; dummy condition position

#CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0]


In this case the British will withdraw from the war, and all their units will be removed from the map (in Global Conflict Gold there is no remove feature).

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Hi Bill

Thank you for the scripts - would the effect in Gold therefore be that the relevant countries just stopped fighting each other and their units could remain in situ when they were on conquered areas? Would there be any way of reactivating the war, say, after 1 year and would the production of either side be impacted if they went to a state of non-belligerence?



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I would say that almost all of these could be accomplished. If their was an armistice i'm sure the terms of the armistice would determine their gains of conquered areas. For example there could be multiple armistice decision events that are triggered depending on conquered territories, so only the correct armistice decision event would fire. Territorial scripts can be linked to the proper armistice script as well. Also if a decision event is used to trigger the armistice then there will always remain a link that can be used to trigger unit positions/strengths upon reactivation of that country. There are ways to maintain higher production, despite lower war readiness (MPP helpers for major countries) however, war production would probably have to be lower as per terms of any true armistice. Also War Entry scripts can be linked to the armistice to reactive a nation, however I don't think there is a clock timer function to activate in 1 year, but rather some event would have to trigger a nation entering war a second time.

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Regarding the Armistice event, as far as I remember, the units will return to their home countries and the country will de-mobilize from the war, i.e. drop below 100% mobilization.

After that they are treated as any other country that is not fully at war, i.e. they can increase in mobilization if scripted to do so or even be declared war upon etc.

But quick tests on your end should give you a better idea on just how it works and what the effects and limitations might be.

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