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Just Updated to 2.0

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Earlier today I updated to version 2.0 and have a couple of initial comments and a question. The graphics for the armoured vehicles looks better in that I hardly have any of the cross hatching I experienced in previous versions with shadows turned on. I like the new armor target arc command.

It takes a lot longer to load a scenario. I did load two, Amreville and Wittman's Demise. Just wondering if other people have noticed this as well.

Once my friend upgrades it will be time to try out one of the above scenarios by PBEM. Looking forward to it.

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I cant remember if i have played Amreville or, but i did play Wittmans Demise and i think long loading times are normal for scenario of that size. It almost felt like 5 minutes on my machine but i guess that is because most people would get that nostalgic feeling if they took a look at my hardware :D.

Wittmans Demise is worth every minute of loading time, though.

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In my own tests thus far with 2.0, map load times are directly-proportional to map size.

It doesn't take too long for small and tiny maps, anything over medium gets you tapping your appropriate appendage(s) waiting for the game engine.

Not like we can get around it anyway.

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How is loading time effected by the number of figures (men, vehicles, etc.) on the map?Michael

Hmm... good question Michael. I haven't gotten to anything resembling a scientific test yet. I will keep an eye out for any differences based on amount of men and equipment though.

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I cant remember if i have played Amreville or, but i did play Wittmans Demise and i think long loading times are normal for scenario of that size. It almost felt like 5 minutes on my machine but i guess that is because most people would get that nostalgic feeling if they took a look at my hardware :D.

Wittmans Demise is worth every minute of loading time, though.

Wittmann's Demise loads in about one minute fifteen seconds for me. :cool: :D

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Wittmann's Demise loads in about one minute fifteen seconds for me. :cool: :D


I knew my PC was old. But only now i became fully aware of how old it really is. Damn, i could even make myself a cup of coffee while loading some of the larger scenarios.

How is loading time effected by the number of figures (men, vehicles, etc.) on the map?


I have not tested it, but i think that i read somwhere in the tech support forums that the numbers of figures you have to load does not affect the loading time if all of them are of the same type. Like, If you have 100 equal units of type X, it should load as fast a single piece of unit X because you will only need to load a single copy of unit X into your memory. It will only load longer if you have a unit Y included wich is different from all units X. However that behaviour is only true for loading times, FPS are of course affected by the number of units you place on a map, no matter if they are all of the same type or all different.

But that may be incorrect, as i said.

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