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German East Africa AAR!

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The fall of Morogoro will undoubtedly soon be followed by the loss of Dar-es-Salaam. It’s time to cut our losses in the north east and replenish our strength elsewhere.

Wintgens is already making himself useful against the Portuguese, as his forces batter a Portuguese Askari unit near Lindi, while at Ujiji the fighting continues to rage against the Anglo-Belgians. It may be tough, but it’s far from all going the enemy’s way here.


For once, all is quiet at Neu Langenburg!

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It’s time to make a decision on whether or not to make anti-malarial drugs as our stock of quinine has run out. I think this will be best to do, so invest the money.


Wintgens liberates the village of Nyangao and hammers the Portuguese Regiment to the south of it. These Portuguese really aren’t good soldiers!

The fighting at Neu Langenburg swings back our way as the 3rd South African Brigade is shattered in a devastating attack by von Lettow-Vorbeck’s forces.

Reinforcements arrive at Lake Tanganyika, possibly in the nick of time! Major Kraut proves once again that the troops under his command can be relied on to save the day, time after time.


No surprises to guess that the British are trying to take advantage of Kraut’s absence in the west by making another move on Dodoma. This is a key location, and the outcome here will determine the fate of our whole colony. But our Askari will fight, as can be seen by the poor condition of the enemy’s Nairobi Defence Regiment!


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We are intrigued at the British plans, because Dar-es-Salaam remains German despite being only held by a unit of African Levies. Perhaps General Smuts is more interested in events further west?

It is all quiet this turn, apart from on the Portuguese frontier where Wintgens continues attacking a Portuguese Regiment.

It’s so quiet in fact that many of our Askari are enjoying their first good rest in months.



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Entente numbers are beginning to tell now, and the time of the decisive battle is almost upon us.

Portuguese cavalry learn the hard way that you don’t mess with our Askari.


You may recall that I said a few turns back that Major Kraut had gone to Lake Tanganyika to help our comrades there. Well, I must now confess that this was disinformation. He did send reinforcements to the west, but remained near Dodoma to plan a counterattack.

This counterattack has been launched, and a British cavalry unit has been destroyed while in low supply south of Dodoma. It's certainly been a bad turn for Entente cavalry. :)


We are still astonished at the lack of a British move on Dar-es-Salaam…

Our turn ended with a rather nasty surprise for us, when the Wahehe tribe rose against us near Irindi, inflicting heavy casualties on some of our units!


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It was a nasty surprise that was sprung upon our cavalry near Dodoma. German strength in the area is much more than anticipated, which may yet translate into opportunity elsewhere for the Entente.

Other than the action at Neu Langenburg, which actually did not accomplish anything, the Entente forces took a bit of a breather.

Morale and fatigue still hinder some units, especially those near Dodoma and the Portuguese troops in the south.

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It’s time to teach the Portuguese a lesson, so we destroy their 21st Regiment on the coast near Cape Delgado. That won’t help their morale! :)


Von Lettow-Vorbeck is considering writing to the Chief of the Imperial General Staff in London to ask him why the British commander in Nyasaland is allowed to keep attacking at Neu Langenburg. Even the western front hasn’t seen such a catalogue of repeated failed assaults as this one.

Some African Levies are defeated further east near Dodoma, but it’s only a small victory. The real battle is surely coming here soon and we are resting most of our units ready for it.

The turn ends with some welcome news from home, as our commander is awarded the Pour le Mérite for making such a successful stand in defending this colony for the fatherland.


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More suffering for the Portuguese as two of their units of Levies suffer heavy casualties. One of these was advancing up the eastern side of Lake Nyasa, and no doubt hoping that we wouldn’t notice it.

The British Nandi Scouts are destroyed near Ujiji!

The Anglo-Belgian offensive here has really ground to a halt.

Meanwhile, all remains quiet at Dodoma. Is it the lull before the British storm?


As it is now November 1917, I thought I’d show the strategic map from our point of view:


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Wintgens regains the upper hand against the Portuguese, using our superior mobility and firepower to restore communications with Masasi.


Wahle reinforces his units defending Ujiji, and shatters a Belgian Brigade with a skilful counterattack. We are very pleased that we put him in charge here, as his competent defence has really helped to maintain our presence on the shores of Lake Tanganyika.

Our Levies defending Dar-es-Salaam are starting to feel that they will be the next British objective. There is an ominous feeling in the air, as the British have not made any attacks near Dodoma, but have pulled back to regroup.

No doubt their next attack will be even fiercer than the last!


The turn ends with some good news, at least for us, as there has been a revolution in Portugal and one of its after effects has been to lower their prestige in Africa.


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The British have advanced on Dar-es-Salaam, but they appear to have forgotten to bring any supplies with them, as our Levies have managed to inflict losses on them at no cost to themselves.

The Portuguese really aren’t having a good time of it fighting against Wintgens near Cape Delgado, as one of their regiments is destroyed in low supply, which is a bonus.


We are reorganising our forces and preparing a nice surprise for the enemy. Hopefully it won’t be long before we can unleash it and cause some panic in Entente circles.

And the turn ends with a real stroke of good fortune triggering rejoicing throughout the colony!


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It is now January 1918 and much of our colony remains in German hands!

While Wintgens continues to cause trouble for the Portuguese, we send some patrols into Portuguese territory much further west, on the banks of Lake Nyasa, to test enemy strength here. Finding an Askari unit and some Levies, it doesn’t denote much.

As pressure is building on Dar-es-Salaam, Kraut decides to launch an attack at Dodoma with a view to relieving some of the pressure from our capital. The attack goes well and heavy casualties are inflicted on the 2nd King’s African Rifles.


It’s time to withdraw one of our Askari units from the front line at Neu Langenburg as they really need, and deserve, a good rest. Unfortunately no other units are available to replace them at the moment, so their positions will have to be left empty.


The Belgians have failed to make any further progress against Ujiji on Lake Tanganyika. In fact, one of their regiments succumbs to a counterattack.

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Wintgens is resting his men after their recent successes against the Portuguese, while we really are astounded at the bravery of our men defending Dar-es-Salaam!

In the western portion of Portuguese East Africa, an invasion has begun, as our few remaining cavalry attack and destroy some Portuguese Levies that were defending Mtengula on Lake Nyasa.

Further north, von Lettow-Vorbeck masterminds a bombardment of the 4th King’s African Rifles at Neu Langenburg, leaving them in a rather sorry state.

Kraut continues his run of victories against the Entente by destroying an enemy brigade near Dodoma. Despite having been dug in, it proved no match for our worthy Askari!


The enemy are finally attacking Bismarckburg. We have been expecting them to attack here since the invasion began, so it comes as no surprise.

Wahle has things once again under control at Lake Tanganyika, where the 5th Belgian regiment has been beaten to within an inch of its life!

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It’s time to start giving the Portuguese hell, and Wintgens leads the way by smashing one of their Askari units and attacking all other Portuguese units that are within reach.

On Lake Nyasa, the Portuguese settlement of Mtengula is captured, and our cavalry race south, clashing with some Portuguese Levies and spotting some British that are holding Fort Maguire.


Meanwhile the enemy have finally taken Bismarckburg, but amazingly not Dar-es-Salaam. Every man holding the city deserves an Iron Cross!

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