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It was the number of greeks that was keeping them in the war. New question. Lots of times I have eliminated everyone in a city and then find myself unable to advance in. This happens even if I haven't moved yet before combat. Very frustrating to clearing a tough city only to have the enemy reoccupy it and have to do it all over again. What is that deal with that? Anything to minimize this?

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This is probably caused by the fact that the field is "locked down"(Idk what the offical term is) by other enemy units.

If two or more enemy units make contact to the field you are trying to enter you have to use an extra movement point to enter it.(as such if you attack and kill a unit in a city you can't move in because there are probably still the two units left and right of it stopig you. As for having not attacked, maybe you are in low supply, or it is already a mountain region that takes more movement points?)

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Sapare is correct, as the zone of control imposed by other enemy units could make this be the case. At least one flanking unit will need to be destroyed or at least forced to retreat.

However, if that and/or low supply don't appear to be the cause please let us know and we'll be happy to take a look.

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