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SC WW1 Newbie Question

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Hi All. I'm loving this game and between reading the manual and these forums am catching on quickly. I do have one question....One of the new features is supposed to be the ability to "swap" units.

Can someone please tell me how you do this? Sorry, this has eluded me so far.

Thanks all!!


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Welcom to the forum Dave!

I'll try to answer your question:

If you have two units standing next to each other, and both still unmoved, than click (left mouse button) on the unit you want to swap.

Next: hold down the SHIFT key on you keyboard.

Now you should notice that your mouse button has changed its appearance, showing now a doublesided arrow. While still holding down the SHIFT key click now on the other (unmoved) unit. This should do the trick.

Little help suggestion:

you can alway use the "search this forum" feature. Most new gamers questions have already been asked and answered before, like this one.



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I have sort of a newbie question:

What is the patch strategy for SCWWI versus Breakthrough? Does the new 1.07 for the main game affect or enhance Breakthrough, or will there be separate patches for the expansion. Which is most "up-to-date", if there is such a thing.

Thanks for the help!

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