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If I've installed Breakthrough and it's at patch level 1.00 - is there any further patch required? I think SC WW1 had patch level 1.06 but this isn't required once Breakthrough is installed as it wraps all patch changes into its' 1.00 version - correct?

Hopefully I'm making sense.


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It's always hard to give a definite timescale, but the intention is to have it released before Christmas.

Most of the changes will be to the Russian Civil War and 1918 Ludendorff Offensive campaigns, so if you're planning on playing one of the other campaigns then you might want to go ahead, and then you can always patch up later once you've finished.

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jjdenver - yes, that is the correct order. With a fresh install of SC WW1, you will want to install the 1.07 patch and THEN activate the license key (since the 1.0 version may have activation problems). Once SC WW1 is installed and patched, ensure that it is working. Once that is done, then install Breakthrough into its own directory (not a sub-directory of SC WW1). This should be the default, but just in case you were wondering.

Breakthrough is its own game, but it does require an installed and activated copy of SC WW1 in order to activate itself.

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