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New file at the Repository: It's Quiet - Too Quiet (Tiny Recon) (2012-10-14)

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Good point, thanks, but I think you've now given people an adequate heads up and the link in my sigline has now been updated.

(FYI, editing a Repo file without resubmitting the entire thing is a hassle -- I mistakenly typed an ethnic slur into one of my other file descriptions ("bigger") and my attempts to correct it never went through. Mortified).

ACHTUNG! I have only playtested this H2H once. While I made some corrections subsequently, for H2H play, it remains my gut feeling this scenario may be slightly unbalanced in favour of the Germans, so if players are of uneven skill levels the more skilled may want to take the US side.

In the Designer Notes, I also omitted to thank my playtesters: Broadsword56 and Erwin. Apologies and thanks here!

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Emrys is, once again....(wait for it).... Correct! (tack another 3 lines on the ol' sig)

Apologies to Harry. If I reissue the scenario due to some major bust or other, I'll be sure to correct the above and any other nits -- please list any others you find below. This stuff matters.

Please do take care with the SPOILERS though -- knowing where/what the Germans are takes away a lot of the play value and suspense for the US. That's the terrible beauty of recon -- you can lose both by being too bold and too cautious! (per Harry's book).

Lame excuse: I'd been sitting on this scenario and map for about 8 months and wanted to get the dang thing published already while CMBNers were still waiting for Arnhem. So some of the Briefing stuff got fuzzy.

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I'm very glad to see someone tackle an armored cavalry topic. I had a fantasy of doing a few set in August during Patton's rush to the Seine. One would be an advanced road recce like you are doing here but with slightly larger forces, say a troop for the US, encountering a German roadblock. Another topic would be seizing and holding a Loire River crossing against German stragglers.

But I am far too lazy to actually put anything together.


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