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"In WeGo, it's not that big an issue for most ambushes."

Have to disagree with you there. I have given up trying to attempt ambushes in WEGO. It's too risky.

Then I have to respectfully suggest that you're expecting too much from either the terrain or the ambush. By which I mean that perhaps you're thinking that some terrains give more concealment than they actually do, or that you're perhaps letting the victims get too close before springing the trap. Or perhaps your opponents are tricksy and minimise your chances to spring successful ambushes. My tentative guess would be the first of these issues, since you appear (apologies if this is a misrepresentation) to be of the camp that would like Hide to change, or for an "Ambush" command to be implemented. I remain convinced that if you're relying on Hide to spring your ambush (and therefore having your oblivious pTruppen massacred by your intended victims, that wasn't a viable site for an ambush in the first place.

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I hear what you are saying, w. My experience with the game is that troops that are not HIDING can be seen a little too easily - esp by moving attackers.

The default usually shows one guy on lookout and the rest in the dirt. That one guy should be hard to spot, and the guys in the dirt should be impossible to spot or shoot at. But, it seems as if the unit can be spotted as if all the guys are lifting their heads and rubbernecking. (I see this happening a lot in woods.) Certainly, when fired upon, the guys that appear to be prone in the dirt seem to take casualties as if the game system/AI can see all of the unit rather than just the guy on look-out.

However, I agree that there are other issues that may be way more important.

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