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Need some help

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I'm doing the Road to Montebourg campaign but I'm stuck in the mision called the Labirynth.I tried 4 times with diferent tactics but I failed.In one occasion I acomplished the ground objectives but I didn't pass due to the friendly casualties I sustained.

Somebody can help me with some advises?.Thanks.

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This is this mission. You can see it at the begining of the campaing briefing. It's the number 5 or 6 I think...


I played this one a long time... I remember to advance from the centre and open holes in the bocage for the vehicles. If the problem are your casualities, avance with more caution and you will acomplish the mission for sure...

Hope that helps. Regards

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It's the mission I currently play. Your given approach depends on what AI plan has triggered for you. Use scouts with which you determine enemy positions. Shower them with artilery, supress them from the adjective bocage frontally on them and flank them with a second unit to finish them of. Use engineers to blast holes in the bocage. Use your AV's as an infantry support but do not have them be recconing first because they are easy targets. If enemy is surpressed you can use their speed to flank enemy fastly but be aware of possible secondary enemy line behind the one you are flanking. When you reach the open ground before the farm, amass all your firepower overloking the farm and send scouting units in the direction of the farm. They are kamikazi but when enemy starts shooting at them they will reveal their position and you will have an upper head over them due to your superior firepower. Good luck soldier!

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