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What would make Sealion a viable option? Now it mostly seems just like a roadblock for the allies. Right now a succesful sealion spell disaster... for the germans. Sealion is hard to pull off, rightfully so, but we need a greater reward for it to compensate.

I'm thinking something like instant joining of spain and turkey provided manchester and london fall maybe india suffering disorder event (or even going neutral) and vichy and iraq joining axis? An additional trigger for all of this would have to be that neither USA or USSR have declared war yet.


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Historically Spain didnt join the Axis because UK was in the war. If Sealion was successful they probably would have. Turkey didnt want anything to do with either side. Although I would imagine if the Axis took Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran they could be pressured into joining.

Brute Force 1939 has these elements BTW.

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I find brute force intimidating so I never started a game of it yet. I'm affraid I'm going to die under an avalanche of unit. :D The standard game as a lot of unit to manage and each turn is quite long but because of brute force scale, it has to be like at least 50% longer.

Plus from the victory conditions, the whole pacific battle seems like it's just there for flavour. Might as well get that whole fleet through the suez canal since you only need london and moskov. :0)

Speaking of which, any good europe only mod?

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Hi All,

I have played a couple of games (Human v Human) were the Germans pulled it off. The British were a little too sure and moved some units away from the Islands. I think the threat of an invasion should keep the British home in 1940 less they leave an opening. IMHO the game seems good as is.

Maybe Spain would join the Axis, maybe not. There is a DE that gives Germany a choice. Besides, if Germany takes the UK they can invest in Spanish diplomacy – and that does work.


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