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You're perfectly right. Karl XII was in fact the one who ended the Swedish period as a superpower. He was, as you say, VERY aggressive, to the point of stupidity sometimes. This aggressiveness is what those people I mentioned are celebrating. (I refuse to call them nationalists. Most of them are just tragic individuals who try to hide their revisionist sh*t behind patriotism.)

It was the only war-relate celebration I could think of, that's why I brought up Karl XII.

None of them would ever chose a name like 'Compassion', so I guess the only thing Compassion's got in common with them is hairstyle and footwear preferences. At least I hope so. smile.gif


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Wow interesting stuff!

I wish people wouldnt get thier hackles up about these issues. I am English and I have no problem at all listening to Fionns Irish holidays, in fact I think its an education.

As far as England the big one is Rememberance Sunday (held in November) that is widely observed. This day remembers the dead of both world wars but WW1 is still the most powerfully remembered. The scars of the great war which almost wiped out a generation are still felt keenly in families today.

The poppies which are worn on that day match the poppies which grew so quickly on the graves of dead soldiers in flanders. The poppy as a symbol of rememberance did not start in WW1 but dates back to at least napoleonic times and I beleive is observed in Canada nowadays too.

thats all I know wink.gif


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Dar writes:

" Renaud:

Thanks for the posting on the French military observances! I am curious, though, is there

any day marked to celebrate the revolution? Isn't "Bastille Day" that celebration?"

Yes, we have the 14th of July which we

call "Fe^te nationale" (i.e. "National

Holiday"), and which foreigners call Bastille Day, which commemorates the taking of the Bastille (a political jail, which ironically was mostly empty at the time) by the people to start the Revolution. I didn't include it because it's not, strictly speaking, military related, even though there is a military parade.

We also now celebrate "Win the World Cup" day on July 12th... smile.gif Ciao,


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Speedy writes:

" Were you talking about the Rugby Union, bloody good game wasn't it mate."

Oh yeah, great semi! That game between the

All-Blacks and Les Bleus will always be remembered...

I have no recollection for any games after that though smile.gif Only that the team that deserved it over the whole tournament and

the whole year won it, and congratulations

to them! Ciao,


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