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Request for Mod - France 1940

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Having no idea of the sorcery you mod guys work, I humbly request a mod of the situation in the West in 1939-1940.

I've long been fascinated by the French collapse in 1940 and there are precious few games dealing with this period. And those that are available are mainly operational in scope. The situation at the tactical level was much more evenly balanced.

I suppose BF will eventually get to this....after the Eastern Front, Africa,

hopefully the Pacifc....either way it's gonna be a long time coming. If I had a clue, I'd try it myself. Just wondering if anybody is comtemplating something like this? I have scads of documentation regarding OOBs etc. so I could help in that area.


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I have other theatres that interest me more, but I'd think the CMFI Italian Bersagliere, with their greatcoats, relative absence of submachineguns, plus a modded helmet, would make reasonable stand-ins for poilus if you're desperate. Many of the requisite .wav voice files already exist in CMBO. Machine guns are a bit different, yes, but ah well.

The Renault tanks are also there of course, together with the more frequent direct fire support weapons: light mortars and infantry guns for both them and the Germans. Reading Knappe, Guderian, et al., I get the sense that in spite of being the banner year for blitzkrieg, 1940 combat was a lot less "combined arms" at the tactical level than later. The poor bloody infantry was left to its own resources a lot more. OBA was a lot less coordinated except in front of fortified lines. And I also suspect a lot of hype around the vaunted German CAS coordination; overenthused Stuka pilots racked up a number of own-goals....

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