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playing via icq or other message service

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ss_panzerleder and i have been playing a game via icq for about an hr.. and it is going great.. no long wait for each to send via e-mail. we hope other will take advantage of this method to get a quick game in.. good hunting...maybe big time should have a place for your icq # or other message service id along with your e-mail addy

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Yeah, actually I have been playing with "Father Odd" via ICQ a few times, but at his protesting we have decided to do a game completly via E-mail. At this point I must admit that he was right about a few points when you consider the two. With an ICQ game you tend to rush through your turns more so the other guy is not sitting there for 30 min. waiting on you. Also, if you include things like Battle reports and such in an E-mail game, it really adds depth to the game. For a quick game with a buddy, ICQ is great, but for a good solid indepth game, I don't recomend it.



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Good points about ICQ vs. pure PBEM

ICQ might have 1 advantage over pure PBEM, however, in terms of team games.

As I understand it, only 2 players will be able to get into a TCP/IP game frown.gif. However, you CAN do teams with PBEM. 1 guy gives orders to some of the units and saves the game as a .cmb file. He sends it to his partner, who gives the rest of the orders, hits the GO button, and sends the PBEM turn to the enemy. This is pretty cumbersome, both in multiple mailings of the replay and in having to wait longer to complete 1 turn due to more people in the email loop.

However, if you were using ICQ, you could shoot the files to everybody much quicker. Plus the team members could chat and strategize interactively instead of having to correspond via email. And they could also chat with the enemy for taunting purposes at the same time.

Still, it would be best if TCP/IP allowed more than 2 players to be in the game.


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Yeah BH, I agree with you, I'm pretty amazed that there is going to be a 2 person cap on TCP/IP games, really seems to me like it's limiting a game that has such HUGE potential.. I mean I LOVE everything about this game!! it's just purely AWSOME!! IMHO CM is to ground combat what Aces High is to Flight Sims.. Would just like to see it use up it's full potential is all.



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I saw the riposte on the pbem-vs icq so at this point I'll add my two cents - I've attempted 3 email games completing none of them so far, and my first attempt at Icq was successful, I must admit that I had file problems playing via email, some of which were my own due to it being a first attempt, some had to do with email clients.

It seems to be to be so much more of a pain to have to keep up with email, than to play via icq. With the regards to the lengthy turns,I myself have been chastized in the CC2 arena for being the result of long realtime games, when prudence was indeed the better part of valor.

IMHO I can see no reason that if you want to play lengthy turns why this cannot be accomplished by IcQ if its discussed before hand - personally at the demo level in the game, I can see no reason for 30 min + moves - but maybe that COMMAND AND conquer version of CC2 has developed my ability in the dextrous area :-P

As pointed out above You can play multiple opponents in ICQ - so Play an email game or something at the same time, then you have something to do in downtime.

Personally Im glad tcp/ip is coming out and I am very hopeful where will be a turn clock as I dont want to sit for 30 minutes for every gameplayed in TCP/IP no more than I am interested in playing chess via snail mail, Games of such length to me personally represent campaign endeavours as far as time investment goes and Im sure I dont stand alone in this.

Maybe when competitive play begins for tournaments and ladders, it will be possible to divide game competitions by turn time, in order to accomadate all styles.

When the full game comes out, and the detail depth does entail quite abit more actions per turn, my view may change somewhat. Yet I personally wouldnt find it to realistic to be able to take 30 minutes to plan out every minute of combat in a compteitive game. Not trying to offend anyone here I love to strategize, feel free to blast me


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ICQ is a Internet communications utility. You run the program and create an account with ICQ (it's free). Then you give your ICQ account number to your friends, and they give you thiers. Once you put their numbers into your IQC, you'll basically know whenever your friends are online. So how does this relate to PBEM? Well, ICQ allows you to send files back and forth to each other, so you would just send the email files back and forth. It work about the same as emailing your turn, but it's nicer to use since it's pretty much an instant transfer, you can send instant taunts to your opponent, ect. Go to www.icq.com to download the latest version.

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