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Planning Stage

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I'm wondering some more about the planning phase. I've seen the screenshot in the FAQ which shows the movement path of a tank drawn on screen. Is this the only such "drawing" shown on the screen during the planning stage? Will there be a visual indication that a tank has been ordered to fire on a particular target?

It would nice if in your next swag of screenshots you could provide a shot of the game in the planning phase (a top down shot would be best showing lots of movement paths and other orders) and then the resulting action. Something like: "So here is a shot of what we planned to do with these units, and here is a shot of what actually happened in the execution phase."


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Guest Big Time Software

There are various shots and movies that show what goes on during the Orders Phase (planning if you will). There are basically four "drawing" elements:

1. A "box" around current unit

2. Lines showing movement paths. Each line is color coded for the particular action of that "leg"

3. Targeting line from current unit to target. Line is Red if target is a unit and in LOS, Orange if LOS but target is area fire, Black if no LOS at the current moment.

4. Incoming fire lines. These are yellow and you get one from every spotted enemy unit shooting at the current unit. Note, I mean it when I say spotted. You can get shot up without knowing what/where the punishment came from.


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Steve when you are being shot at why is their an incoming fire line from the enemy.

It should only be a direction for you could directed other fire team to suppres the enemys fire. When in fact the enemy may have several fire teams in the general direction all of them may not fireing and who would stick their head up to see who is fireing at them?

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Guest Big Time Software

We did this for the sake of the game part of Combat Mission. In real war sometimes a unit knows damn well what is shooting at it, sometimes only a half a clue, and others no clue at all. In most situations it is fairly clear who is shooting at who, but in congested attacks (like what you mention) it would be utter confusion to a large degree (though not as much as you might think). However, it is difficult for us to make that kind of a call, so we decided to go with the all or nothing method. You either know who is shooting at you or you don't.


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