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How to get the game patched and what I need?

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I have just gotten the GOLD version

The game says version 1.07 on the load up screen, but what about the GOLD part of the game? Do I need patch 1.01?

ALso how to I get the BRUTE FORCE campaign to show up in the NEW GAME selection window?

I only see the 4 base campaigns? I loaded the 1.01 GOLD patch

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Hi Pvthudson,

It sounds like you've correctly installed the base game of Global Conflict which is at v1.07 but GOLD is a separate installation with its own folder and files etc.

Currently that installation, GOLD, is patched up to v1.01 so it sounds like you are only currently playing the base game of Global Conflict.

Can you check to see if you installed GOLD properly, just the Program file links or for the GOLD desktop shortcuts and let us know if that helps you to resolve the issue.

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