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I've tried this game now several times, and every single instance I end up quiting; I just cant seem to get past the squares. The distance seems distorted ( i know they do some vertical adjustment to the map to get the perspective in place ) but somehow that does not add up. If the vertical distance is half the distance of the horizontal distance on the map, then why does one need more units to cover the vertical distance? Meaning, any frontline N-S needs to have units "behind" them, so they zig-zag, for the same distance that 4 units can cover at an angular lineup. And then you really have to do some squinting since its an angular frontline, where the E-W are at normal scale and N-S are distorted. What really gets me every time, is that unless one does this, the computer moves units "right through" the vertex where two units meet and gets behind them. In mountains no less...its terrifying. And if one considers, even units that are adjacent to each other are in reality a whole "cube" appart, since the enemy can slip right through the needles eye. Its amazingly weired.

Would I so much more prefer that these games you create were done on traditional hexagons...I'd probably buy more games, thats for sure. Anyway, no grief, just dont like the squares...make no sense to me. Some may love them, but I cannot. The extra 2 directions for movement really makes little to improve the "play".

On another note: I dont like the "move-fight" thing at all either. Makes little sense, in that WW1 units should be able to react to the combat result of a precvious engagement. All units ought to move, then have combat, then do retreats, and perhaps have some "exploitation" by cavalry or units that follow retreating units a choice to move after them "as they retreat". And before combat occurs, Bombardments ought to happen...without giving away what it did. Historically, the English might bombard for a whole week, and only really trash the front line trenches, only to then run into a formiddable defense anyway. WW1 is full of "useless" bombardments...



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Hi Thomas

Sorry you feel this way about the tiles, and the only good news I can provide on that front is that in the future when SC3 is released we will be returning to hexes.


Those are good news Bill, hexes in SC3 \m/ > < \m/ yeah!!!

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