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AARs... uh... ALL of them

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Three cheers for all involved! A tremendous effort, especially considering a lot of it was volunteer.

For me, two things stand out in this battle:

1) the players own morale, as reflected in the tone of their postings, was closely tracked by the global morale of the game. This demonstrates tremendous immersion and realism.

2) the simultaneous kill at the end of the game - show me another system where this can happen in such a realistic way.

Well. When the demo is out (and I've pre-ordered long ago), we'll be converting our primary (NT) server to dual-boot so I can play CM on weekends. Don't tell my business partners :)

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Fionn, Martin, Patrick, Steve and Charles;

My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your efforts, your diligence and your humour. The AAR's has been like a constant infusion of some wierd drug. I'm at a total loss for what to do now that they're gone. I'm hooked and beginning to feel the abstinence already. smile.gif

Thanks again for a wonderful trip to CM-land.


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Thanks for the AAR's guys. They were a lot of fun to read, and

were well written. One of things that I liked was the AAR's

being written *as* the orders and action phases were happening

respectively for each turn. This way there was no benefit of

hindsight when writing your thoughts turn by turn, but instead we

saw exactly what you were thinking and planning *before* you

had the benefit of seeing how the combat in the next action phase

would turn out. I think that made a big difference in the quality

and immersion of the reports.

And, of course, the AAR's gave me a good feel for what CM will play

like (only a lot more so in person, I'm sure smile.gif ). Sounds like

tremendous fun. And what's REALLY cool about this whole thing is

that not only will CM look great, sound great and have an

incredible interface but it will ALSO be *super* realistic. Wow.

There's never been a wargame of this sort that could really

claim that before. Who says you can't have your cake and eat

it, too? smile.gif

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*I had a HUGE amount of fun with this even though I ended up losing!*

Fionn: Army of The Third Reich

*great fighting, mate!*

Moon: Rooting fan

*Not only was this immensely enjoyable reading, but hopefully we readers will survive a little better from your insightful commentary!*

D.C. Chronical

*Excellent job Fionn, Moon, Steve, & Charles...Thank y'all!*

Strider Today

*Yes, this was a war movie. I think that we should consider posting these as movies!*

Chris Jenkins of the Jenkins Extreme

*Im sure I'm not the only one who was motivated to purchase CM because of the AARs. It was Fionn's post to csipg.war-historical that tipped me off to the AARs!*

guachi International

*It's got me at a high pitch of anticipation...JUST for the demo, let alone the full game! *

The Donan Word

*It was a great story and has been fun to watch unfold!*

The Bil Hardenberger Report

*Thanks again for a wonderful trip to CM-land!*

The Sten Examiner

FIVE STARS***** Read it and weep with joy BTS you have loyal followers of this game. When I first saw that there were AARs I thought; what's the big deal? Then I got into them. I was cheering for the good old Allies and must admit it was like a good war movie as Chris pointed out! I was on the edge of my seat and started cursing my phone connection because it wasn't downloading the last duel of the tanks fast enough! I like everyone else here are waiting for that demo! No, not just the demo the game itself!. I was convinced when I first saw this site that this is the Wargame of 2000 it will stand as a land mark for the wargames of the future. BTS You are the future for Wargames!

Three Cheers for BTS and are Pals who did the AARs

Hip Hip Hooray!

Hip Hip Hooray!

Hip Hip Hooray!

If your ever up this way in Canada let me know I'll buy you a round to.*

My 2cents Daily

Oh, uh by the way I'd be more than happy to be one of the next hosts for the next AAR... wink.gif

PS. I think the Wargame movie posting is a good idea although I'm sure it would eat you guys out of a harddrive hehehe..


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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Excellent job Martin and Fionn. Your commitment to our "edutainment" is truly commendable. You both impressed me with yor ability to criticize your own actions and provide objective AARs, in spite of your obvious immersion in your own perspectives at the gameplay level.

The 41 turns also allowed us to see both of you "learn as you go". I was SOOOO glad to see you Hunt with your last PzIV Fionn, rather than what you did with the Puma, lol!!! And Martin, it was refreshing to see you hold your Bazooka teams in hidden positions at the end, rather than try to rush them forward into the teeth of enemy infantry just to attempt a lucky shot. Also, as Fionn pointed out in his later AARs, your final machinegun placements were excellent compared tot he ones earlier in the game. While both of you and BTS have warned us all to "get ready to relearn", I sense that we have collectively already started on that process -- thanks to you and your generosity.

Steve, thanks for "handicapping" (in the horserace sense) the game along as it progressed. By doing so, you prolonged the struggle and allowed us to see the entire battle unfold. As both combatants have said, the scenario was excellent in design. In looking back though, I think the Deutschers have an overall advantage in the game's final form. I say this because: 1. Fionn could not harass the Jabo in any way (but he could now), 2. Fionn could not push vehicles (but he could now), 3. Fionn (by his own admission) completely botched the initial town defense. Just based on the punishment his totally rattled Falschirmjaegers dealt out when Martin tried to get into the buildings, I can only imagine what they would have done had Fionn protected them more in the early going.

My other comment on this is that unit quality seems to make a HUGE difference in this game. On the press to take the wall and the south hill, those veteran Panzergrenadiers looked like they could have taken the angle at Gettysburg singlehandedly (Setzen Sie Herr Pickett, wir nehmen der Wald, und die Hause, und der ganzen Stadt!!). smile.gif

I remember asking in a thread about whether the transition from level to level, with regard to unit quality, is linear. That is, is the difference between regular and veteran roughly the same as the difference between veteran and elite. Or are there quantum shifts at points along the continuum from Green to Crack? I'm not sure I ever saw an answer on that -- might have missed it though.

Bottom line -- thanks guys. You inspire me.

P.S. Fionn, I look forward to obliging you on your determination to face many of us in battle over the net. Is that a P47 I hear coming? wink.gif



Fact is the enemy of truth. - Don Quixote

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Congrats to both Fionn and Moon for a well played game. Reading those AAR's was like watching a movie unfold. Those AAR's were widely read..even a lot of the Gamestats folks were anxiously following the battle unfold! Again, great work guys, and how about an encore performance soon? smile.gif


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Guest Big Time Software

Thanks yet again for all the support. Makes us all the more happy to do these sorts of things for you guys.

Pixman, nope... not linear. Also since there is a decent hunk of random variation in any given situation, even if the code said it was linear the actions wouldn't be.


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Thanks for the "frickin' bone"!!!!!!


Seriously, it was majorly fun to read all these and I really appreciate all the work everybody involved put into them.

That ending with the two tanks facing off in a quick draw down main street was straight outta a western movie.

Here's hoping this Halloween will be more "treat" than "trick" if ya know what I mean. smile.gif

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Guest PeterNZ

Yeah, those AAR were cool. I read up to turn 12 or so tehn the final turn and aar, (just didn't have the time to read each one).. my heart rose and sank with each win and loss on each side! Fantastic!

I can't wait to get hold of the beta demo and twiddle with scenarios and multi-play.

Where is everyone going to meet to chat and organise games?


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Steve, thanks for the feedback on the linearity question. Sorry for the confusion regarding randomness. Strictly speaking statistically, I was referring to a linear relationship between the means of the normal distributions that would exist at each quality level(Assuming they are normal. If not, then when one unit acts way out of line from what we would expect at his quality level, we can yell, "He's skewed!!" Sorry, couldn't resist,lol smile.gif).

Anyway, your answer is as I suspected. The law of diminishing marginal returns says that quality should not increase at the same rate as experience. That is, a soldier will benefit more from his first 20 days in battle than he will from days 130-150. This is born out in literature as well. Ambrose strongly emphasized in Citizen Soldiers how a soldier's probability of survival increased dramatically if he could just get through his first ten days in the lines.

Bottom line, as always, is that you guys are on the ball once again. I suspect that the difference between Green and Regular (on average)is greater than between Regular and Veteran. Just a hunch that I do not expect you to respond on. We need some surprises after all.

Again, great job all of you guys.



Fact is the enemy of truth. - Don Quixote

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Hey BTS,

PLease don't let make CM playable over Mplayer.com or Microsoft's 'Zone'!!!!They are slow and only support PC's. Are you going to include any type of miltiplayer software in the final realease. ie: a battlefront.com multiplayer service!!

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Guest PeterNZ

Easier would be a simple chat room, java i guess, and you log on and chat and then exchange IP addresses (some java chatrooms can be set up to tell you your ip) and then connect to someone, pretty straight forward.

Otherwise it's just pass a file back and forth by email or icq.


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Guest Big Time Software

Pixman, you are so right about that. Veteran US units pretty much ignored "the new guy" until he managed to survive x# of days. Very much a sink or swim mentality. I suppose this is normal after you see so many fresh faces blown apart before you even get to know their names...

There is a great book written about the psychological strain on the combat soldier. I think this was done as a result of Vietnam. Charles has it, but can't think of the title. Anyways, most of it wasn't really relevant to CM, but one thing was very interesting. There was a chart of "combat effectiveness" in terms of days in combat without rest. Took a fair number of days to get into things, then a period of peak performance, and then a VERY steep drop in effectiveness, to the point where the Vet would perform no better than a realitively fresh guy. After that it went to "Vegitative State" and that guy might as well paint a target on his forehead.

Before WWII there hadn't been much research done because wars prior to the 20th century were not protracted, brutally impersonal affairs with nearly constant combat. Seems we are still learning.


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Guest KwazyDog

"Seems we are still learning."

Tis true, isnt it Steve. No matter what problems befall the world you can always be rest assured in knowing that there is someone out there dreaming up a technology that will better help in the killing of other people. The last 100 years really has been amazing from that respect.

World War 2 really does show what the human race and achieve when it puts its mind to a single task....props to jets, 500 pound bombs to kiloton nuclear devices. If only we could put that intellegence to better work.

Anyways, its Friday afternoon here in the land of Aus, and Im halfway through my first rum'n'coke of the day, so Ill shut up now, hehe. smile.gif Dont get me wrong, I believe military technology development is a necisity in our society as it stand. It just seems that it is something the human race really excels at.

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 10-22-99).]

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