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I'm mighty impressed

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Downloaded the beta the other day and I must say I'm so bloody impressed that I got late for work. After I'd done a couple of Sherms I actually went to see if I could spot the entry holes for the shells, that says a lot doesnt it ?

Some tanks burnt while other just stopped, is this random or a part of caliber/ammo type ? I also think the grunts is a little too hard to kill. I mean an elevated MG42 position shooting at a field at soldiers from a 100meters out should wipe out entire platoons. The same goes for the sniper at 150m, I was shooting at company HQ and didn't hit a single man for several turns. I have nothing to say against the armor battles they were totally outstanding, well actually the best I've ever tried. I put the StuG's on ambush roles in the last map you gave us and took out 2 Sherms and two more with shrecks.

No this game is looking so bloody awesome that I guess I'll loose my job and gf when it's arriving. When roughly does it appear on shelves anyway? (I know how difficult it is to deliver on time but when roughly, aboutish does it appear?).

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Knocking out vs brewing up basically has to do with the degree of overpenetration and thus the amount of kinetic energy left over after the projectile penetrates the armour. This excess is usually turned into heat and casues flammables such as rubber, human, clothing, ammo etc to catch fire.

2. Snipers. I BET he did hit and kill some enemies but you didn't notice due to Fog of War.

3. As for the MG42.. Well in some games the abilities of machineguns are vastly over-rated. These are popular games and would have you believe that advancing across an open field at the run is simply death. Even in Ww1 when they walked straight into machineguns they often got into the enemy positions so at the run they surely should.

4. As for being on shelves. Combat Mission can be bought ONLY over the net. It won't be appearing in shops.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Thanks for the reply Fionn.

For your reply on question 3 I must confess I know a little about the abilities of the MG42 because I used to be a MG3 man (modified MG42) in the Norwegian Army. In an open field with an elevated MG position it's a death trap moving in on a gun that spews out 17-22 rounds a second. They teached us to only use half second bursts then moving on to the next group of targets but hey anything you fire at will be peppered with rounds.

As I said I'm living in Norway does that pose any problems buying the game over the net ?

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Guest Big Time Software

The MG3 is basically a dummed down MG42, so it is similar. Granted, there are few things worse for infantry caught out in the open than a well trained MG gunner with lots of ammo and in good cover, but the weapon still has limitations. In CM I *have* seen MGs wipe out the bulk of a squad many times before, but the norm is to take out a few and keep the rest from doing anything but hiding and/or running away.

BTW, we do take height into consideration for MG lethality as well.

Overall the MG42 was a nasty bugger, but it couldn't have been such a sure kill weapon or the Allies never would have made it off the beaches, and if they did, never made it to Germany. The Germans used MASSIVE numbers of MGs (at CM's point, MG42) in both heavy and light roles, in the field and in fortifications, not to mention vehicles. A Volksgrenadier Company had something like 6 HMGs and 3 LMGs, a PzGren Company 3 HMGs and 18!!! LMGs, etc. This is a huge volume of lead that can be put out for such a small formation. If the MG42 was an instant death for anybody that got near it... I don't think they would have lost the war wink.gif


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Funny but all the reports I've heard the allies tried too duplicate the gun without any luck so you came up with the M60 many years later. When operating in offense the MG's are used as suppresion weapons there's no one denying that. On defense with a good LOS this weapon should either be flanked, rushed, arty'ed or tank'ed if not bye bye grunts. The same goes for the .50 vs in buildings I dunno if I overdo the importance of MG's but if I know there's a .50 out there I wouldn't like to hide in a wooden building.

A good example of the different types should be the bipod vs the tripod versions. The tripod should have a considerable bonus for defense fire, I've seen the gun hit acurately for +1000m. It's very stable during firing and has a totally different sighting mechanism.

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Guest KwazyDog

Actually after reading your thread howard I decided to do some tests and see what I came up with. I put a lone building on a clear map with an MG gunner in it and a platoon advancing on him from about 300m.

I tested it about have a dozen times and in all but one the platoon lost about 5-8 men in the first 2 minutes (sometimes more), and didnt reach the building once (hehe, more then once I saw a squad break and run as fast as they could to the rear of the battle area) wink.gif

Twice I saw squads get caught whilst running and loose 3-5 men in one burst from the MG. Youve had way more experience than I have had here but it felt right to me considering that the clear terrain in CM is still supposed to represent roughish terrain (terrain with rocks, slight raises and dips, etc).

Anwyays, thought you might like to know. It will be interesting to get you opinions when you can set up a similar scenerio howard smile.gif

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-Twice I saw squads get caught whilst running and loose 3-5 men in one burst from the MG

This was interesting. Of course if the grunts are laying down you won't score many hits that obvious but running troops... well that's a massacre. It's always difficult to say what is right in retrospect but personally I wouldn't want to charge an open field with MG fire all around me. I've even heard about germans shooting away big chunks of earth soldiers were protecting behind.

I wonder if BTS has different settings for bipod and tripod MG42's ? The tripod shoot way more acurately than the bipod.

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Usually the bipod and tripod versions are the same only mounted on a tripod. The LMG version as you refer to is a lighter version used by the Falschirmjagers and assault teams later in the war. The reason they started to make the 42 in the first place was because the 34 had to many moving parts and took too much time to assemble so they sought for an easier design. When they were finished they proved once again that less moving parts are better when it comes to infantry weapons. They also had a czech design which I don't remember the name of right now which were light and used by fast moving troops (it even had a bayonet attached).

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Howard, yes I know - what you're talking about is the FG42. But I was talking about how CM is naming them, so - an LMG42 in the game is an MG42 with bipod mounting, while the HMG42 in the game is the one with tripod mounting. This is at least what I remember from some emails within the Beta group.

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