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I just got an old computer of mine formated and have Ubuntu instaled on it, the computer have all the basic specs to run SC: TGW, but I have no fuc*ing idea of how to make the game run on it. I know the game don't officially run in linux, but if there is anyone here that use linux, I would love to have some support.

Obs: This is the fist time I use linux for real, so go easy on me. :P

Thanks in advance. :)

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There are windows emulators which will allow you to run SC2 under linux Wine being one of them. While I do have Ubuntu 10.4 64 bit installed on my gaming PC I haven't tried running anything significant under it.

In general, the Ubuntu seems more responsive than the Win7 Ultimate 64 bit also running on the same PC but I suspect the emulator will slow things down considerably.

Let us know how it works out for you.

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I don't really have any hints for running SC WW1 under Linux/Wine, but there are some other details to be aware of.

I don't know how well the copy-protection system that SC WW1 uses will work in a Wine environment. It may work fine, but I don't really know. Another issue is that you will use up an activation to run under Linux/Wine (even if it is a 'dual-boot' computer running Windows on another partition).

I don't know the exact graphics calls that SC WW1 is making. It most likely may utilize some DirectX/DirectDraw for drawing the screen (since it requires the 'dx7vb.dll' file). I'm not sure how good the performance may be under Wine. I suggest trying to get the SC WW1 1.03 demo working first. If that performs in a reasonable manner, then it may be worth attempting to get the full game running (with the possible complications of the copy-protection system).

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I don't really have any hints for running SC WW1 under Linux/Wine, but there are some other details to be aware of.

I don't know how well the copy-protection system that SC WW1 uses will work in a Wine environment. It may work fine, but I don't really know. Another issue is that you will use up an activation to run under Linux/Wine (even if it is a 'dual-boot' computer running Windows on another partition).

I don't know the exact graphics calls that SC WW1 is making. It most likely may utilize some DirectX/DirectDraw for drawing the screen (since it requires the 'dx7vb.dll' file). I'm not sure how good the performance may be under Wine. I suggest trying to get the SC WW1 1.03 demo working first. If that performs in a reasonable manner, then it may be worth attempting to get the full game running (with the possible complications of the copy-protection system).

I see your point, I will give it a try with the demo, luckly, I will try this only next week, so nothing has been made yet, I will take you hint, thanks :)

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