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purpose of HQ or XO support

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How can I use the HQ support team?

For example I have a heavy weapons platoon.

1 x HQ

1 x HQ support

3 x mortar squad

2 x MMG

2 x MMG ammo carrier

The HQ and the HQ support team both come in a jeep and both have radios. the HQ support team has the 'assistant' leader.

Is the support team usable for spotting or for commanding the mortars? Can I send the support team forward to act as a FO? Or vice versa, can I send the HQ unit forward and have the HQ support team retain local C2 of the mortars?

Any suggestions?

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Am finding this exact issue a problem also. It seems that you have to keep both the platoon and section HQ's close to the mortars and then have another spotter with a radio (FO or HQ) any place else on the map to call for the arty fire.

I have seen HQ's that have NO radio far away on the map be able to call for arty in this way.

Am suspecting its a bug where the UI does not show any radio in the remote spotter's equipment roster, nor radio contact, but the system ACTS as if the spotter has a radio.

I find that one cannot use either the heavy weapons section HQ, nor its platoon HQ for spotting, unless both are within close visual range of their mortars.

Am hoping that someone more knowledgeable can clarify...

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