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I was just wondering if the poor computer ai during the demo is just a bug and will be improved for the actual game.

Example of poor ai in demo: Germans have a Tiger left after all M18s and bazooka teams are destroyed but doesn't use it to support main german infantry assault which as a result is badly chopped up.

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Before being too hard on the AI, how do you know what shape the enemy Tiger was in (internally, I mean)? Just because it's not abandoned doesn't mean all is well- could have main gun damage, thrown track, injured crew, etc.

Second, even if all is well, how does the Tiger know "all" Hellcats and bazookas are gone? Assuming AI doesn't cheat and the US Army failed to send their headcount to the Germans before the engagement, he may wisely be waiting in an overwatch role in case more US armor shows up. And how on earth would he know that the zooks were all dead? Every standing building is a potential bazooka nest, as far as it knows.

In Chance Encounter, the AI has certainly shown no reluctance to use the Shermans in a close infantry support role. Sometimes they get schrecked to death- otherwise they cause a great deal of trouble.

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The Tiger was in perfect condition. Also, the only building close to the wall the germans were trying to defend was captured by the germans. There was also enough open ground between the wall and where the infantry assault was launched (100m) for the Tiger to fire at the wall without nedding to worry about a bazooka. I just don't understand why a Tiger would fire at a platoon guarding my other flank while one company or so of veteran units were being eliminated by my other platoon.

P.S.- the map this happened on was Last Defense

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I forgot to say the Tiger had been hit by two M18 shells at 800m but the both dissipated and four 60mm shells on top but there was no serious damage. Also, the main gun was working because it was killing my other platoon. The Tiger wasn't immobile because it had moved away fom the main infantry assault to shell my other platoon.

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Don't feel bad, I was testing a campaign and lost all my tanks to a platoon or so of Shermans in the sapce of a few minutes (inc Panthers). I was white hot. Then the one lone remaining Panther I had porceeded to destroy every last American tank on the map over the next four of five minutes. What comes around goes around.


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Guest Big Time Software

As others have said, this might not be a sign of "poor AI". There have been many tweaks to various things, so yes, the AI plays better now than in the demo. However, before you use the word "poor" to describe it over all, it would be good to recognize how much it does RIGHT, especially compared to other games. No AI can be perfect, but CM's is certainly better than any other out there.


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Guest Scarhead

Heard the AI has been modified to cover the "sent grunts as bait first, then enter your tank and enemy tank keeps shelling grunts" trick.

Had the same problem with a StuG in Last Defense menat to (close) support a Plt attacking the sinlge left house in LD - it fired on houses at the right flank miles away instead of suppressing those GI's 50 yards away and allowing my SS to finish them.

But target priority is a tough nut - it seems it follows a "if you can see a target, engage it, if you can't see the selected target but another one, engage it" routine. Moving into a better position if you already can fire at another (less valuable) target is valued too little?

Hope the gold version deals with that.


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"In Chance Encounter...the Shermans in a close infantry support role...Sometimes they...cause a great deal of trouble."

Robert Hall knows ALL ABOUT this. If ONLY I had told my StuG to HUNT forward, rather than trying to mad-dash the remaining dozen meters to cover...

Oh well. Disturbing as it sounds, but it was fascinating to watch my tank die. I still have the movie; I'll send it to Matt and see if he can put it on the site. What Robert did with that Sherman deserves to be there.


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Guest Big Time Software


Yes, there have been many improvements both to the Strat and Tac AIs. Although targeting will never be EXACTLY what the human would do, in all situations all the time, it is much closer than with the demo.


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Guest Robert Hall

Ah Doug, nailing the StuG in the side as it advances too quickly is the easy part, it is the next movie I really like where your troops, desperately attempting to storm the church quickly, get blasted from two sides by heavy tank HE and machine gun fire and then from inside the church also only for those who make it that far. I counted 2 SMG squads, 2 unspecified Infantry squads and a Schreck team totally annihilated and a Platoon HQ, a Heavy SMG squad and another Schreck team damaged and pinned in that next movie.

Now that is what I think "In Chance Encounter...the Shermans in a close infantry support role...Sometimes they...cause a great deal of trouble." is all about wink.gif !


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