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Company/Battalion/Division/Regiment Detailed Info

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Does anybody know if there is a way to print out a full rundown of what each Company Battalion/Division/Regiment consists of within the game?

It is a very painstaking to continually view in game, what they consist of. Plus, i am no grog and can never remember anyway.

I like to have things at hand to browse and refer to.

cheers for any help

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Does anybody know if there is a way to print out a full rundown of what each Company Battalion/Division/Regiment consists of within the game?

I tried to generate a document like this once in an automated way from data supplied by Steve himself. I gave up in frustration. The amount of data is massive and it is more complex than the view in the editor lets you assume.

Best regards,


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Each Division??? What would you need to print such information for?

Nothing sinister, I am playing in the OOC at FGM. When I get into a battle I want to be able to check on what my opposition's, force make up might be.

At the moment I am going into the game and starting a QB and then selecting force etc.to look at what I am likely to face.

I just want to be able to read it off a pdf/word doc or something like.


US 505/82 Company= X rifle squads X mmg's X light or medium mortars X bazookas etc...

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