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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

1.04 Full list of changes

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- WWI games will now have a Minor Country Surrender Calculation Check = 50% * number of remaining units (Bill R.)

- swapped units are no longer fully committed so long as their action points are > 1. A swapped unit is now reduced to 1 AP and will be able to attack or move 1 AP if it is able to (Bill R.)

- fixed an 'Across River Attack' penalty formula error (Amadeus)

- fixed a National Morale Objectives map display error (Dan)

- fixed a unit movement error when the minor unit's parent withdraws from the war (Bill R.)

- fixed an AI naval unit movement error that allowed it to move through enemy ports such as Gibraltar

- fixed a research development level bug that caused the game to crash in the 'handle_end_turn' phase (lottowvorbeck)

- fixed an AI naval combat error that produced very long 'thinking' phases for when the game is played without FoW

- fixed an animate replay error that caused the game to crash during E-mail replay sequences (Falk, Sami)

- fixed a FoW error during AI turns when completely zooming out the map (ascrab)

- fixed a SUPPLY values display error when zoomed out one level (Winti)

- fixed a Partisan display error when zoomed out one level as they were not showing (Winti, Bill R.)

- fixed several swap unit errors (Bill R.)

- improved map text rendering speed and added the options to disable map text and national morale bar display

- retreating units will now also attempt to retreat to the better supply position (Big Al)

- operational movement highlights will now also highlight underneath existing units to indicate that these positions would be reachable if the existing unit were to subsequently move (Sharkman)

- free units can now be upgraded by their new parent country if applicable (Bill R.)

- minimum research breakthrough threshold now increased from 25 to 30% (Bill R.)

- fixed a unit medals experience display error for minor nations (Cantona66)


All campaigns

- River crossing combat penalty reduced from 50 to 35%.

All Main Campaigns

- Decision Event added for Germany to send supplies by Airship to East Africa in 1917. If successful, they will receive a morale boost.

- Scripts added for Spanish Partisans.

- Decision event fixed that was incorrectly charging Germany 25MPPs.

- Greek unit scripts amended (Glabro).

- Spanish military potential increased (Glabro).

- Germany now gains 30 National Morale points per turn if Holland is pro-Central Powers but neutral.

- The chance of the US getting annoyed by the Entente's blockade of Germany has been increased and can now be triggered by the Distant and Northern Blockades separately (Ludi1867).

- NM bonus to Germany increased for using unrestricted naval warfare from 50 to 75 NM points per turn per sea area (Dan Fenton).

- National Morale penalty to the UK of Germany using unrestricted naval warfare increased from 25 to 75 NM points per trigger point per turn (Dan Fenton).

- Attack value of Arab Partisans increased.

- The town of Hail has been added to the north east of Medina.

- Mountain Defense Bonus decreased from +3 to +2 (Glabro).

- Arab Partisans adjacent to Medina and Aqaba now have a 50% chance per turn of disrupting Ottoman supply in their respective locations. (Rabelesius).

- National Morale penalty introduced for Germany if Holland joins the Central Powers (Habari).

- Introduced a penalty to Austro-Hungarian National Morale if Trieste is captured (Kommandant).

- The National Morale boost to Russia when the first revolution occurs has been increased from 1,500 to 2,000, with a similar boost if France is still in the war (Rabelesius).

- Germany's National Morale boost from the Ukrainian Grain supplies increased from 100 to 150 per turn.

- Operational Movement and Forced March morale loss now increased from 25-40% to 50-65% (Iron Ranger)

- National Morale value of Cairo increased from 2,000 to 4,000.

- Road added between Oltu and Sarikamish in the Caucasus (Kommandant).

- Road added near Mount Ararat in the Caucasus.

- Failure to keep four German units within five tiles of Warsaw after the Russians have pulled out of the war will trigger the Ukraine to move 15% towards the Entente per turn. If the Ukraine attains a pro-Entente leaning then all Grain Imports to Germany will cease. This will mean that Germany will no longer benefit from the economic and morale boosts that the Ukrainian grain provides.

- Pop Up added to advise the Central Powers player of the importance of the Ukrainian Grain Supplies.

- The Zimmerman Telegram decision will now only occur when the USA is at 75% mobilization, and the AI will only send it 50% of the time.

- Naval Loop added to remove Russian ships from the Baltic when they pull out of the war. They will now be moved to the eastern end of the Gulf of Finland, and returned there if they are moved out of that area.

- Unit morale loss or bonus on surrender reduced to 5-10%, and on liberation to 10-15% (IronRanger, Glabro).

- Victory Conditions corrected (Syagrius). (Decisions 932, 934, 944 and their respective Victory scripts have been removed, and 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44, 931, 941 and 942 amended).

- NM boosts will now no longer charge MPPs when their Major has pulled out of the war (Habari).

- MPP income for Romania and Serbia increased from 10 to 25MPPs per turn if Russia has pulled out of the war.

- Coastline in the Gulf of Iskenderun modified and the river Goksu Nehri lengthened slightly.

- Half strength Iskenderun Detachment deployed at Adana

- Ottoman Detachment build limit increased by 2.

1914 Call to Arms and Triple Alliance

- Starting strength and Ground Cover values for both Belgian Corps increased.

- Montenegrin starting strength reduced slightly (Ivanov).

- Bulgarian mobilization dependent on Belgrade having fallen adjusted (Ivanov).

- Decision Event added for the UK so that if they deploy Maude in Basra then they will have the opportunity to provide him with a half strength artillery unit at a cost of 200 MPPs (Rabelesius, Kommandant).

- Romanian armed forces increased by giving them 1 extra Infantry and 1 extra Cavalry Corps (Rabelesius, IronRanger).

- Starting experience of deployed Austro-Hungarian Infantry Corps facing the Russians reduced from 0.8 to 0.5.

- Basic Port Defense increased from 0 to 2 (Ludi1867).

- Trigger location for the sinking of the Lusitania amended (Glabro).

1917 Fate of Nations:

- Admiral Scheer's name added to the German Unrestricted Pop Up.

- Starting strength of the French Tank unit reduced from 10 to 5.

- Starting strength of the II ANZAC and Canadian Corps reduced from 11 to 10.

- Starting experience of the II Bavarian Corps in Flanders increased from 0.5 to 1.

- Starting shells of British artillery in Flanders reduced to 1, and their starting strength reduced from 10 to 8.

- Starting experience of all Entente artillery on the Western Front reduced to 0, as well as the experience of some British and French units.

- The French artillery near the Chemin des Dames now starts with no upgrades.

- France now starts with only level 1 in Gas/Shell Production, though they do have a chit invested in researching it.

- Germany now starts with Level-5 Trench Warfare.

- Russia will receive National Morale boosts by liberating Warsaw, Brest-Litovsk, Kovno, Vilna and Lodz.

- Bolshevik agitation is now conditional on the Central Powers holding Warsaw (Ivanov).

1914 Call to Arms Strategy Guide

- Call to Arms Strategy Guide corrected to reflect the continuation of Bolshevik agitation irrespective of whether or not the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk is signed (Rabelesius).

1914 Race to the Sea

- Unit script error corrected.


- Objective markers added.

- Forced March morale loss increased to 50-65%.

- Air attack values for land units increased.

- 1914 Race to the Sea - Bruges added as a second German capital.

- 1915 Gallipoli - Naval Mines added.

- 1917 Cambrai - German starting MPPs and Industrial Modified increased.

- 1918 Megiddo - German and Ottoman starting MPPs and Industrial Modified increased.

- 1917 Gaza-Beersheba - German and Ottoman starting MPPs and Industrial Modified increased.

- 1918 Kaiserschlacht - British and French Industrial Modifiers increased by 10%.

- 1918 Georgette - Belgian capital changed from Nieuport to Ypres.

1939 Storm Over Europe:

- Added 1 UK mine at 197,47.

- Decreased initial German IM from 80% to 75% to match the UK.

- Added 2 mines to the USSR in the Urals that are not tied to the Industrial Transfer event.

- Added an additional 2 mines to the USSR that are tied to the Industrial Transfer event

- Added a 750 MPP boost for the USSR once it reaches 100% mobilization.

- Increased initial US Industrial Technology to Level 1.

- Placed 1 chit in Advanced Aircraft, Heavy Bombers, Long Range Aircraft and Naval Warfare.

- Added 2 more Oil resources that will activate once the USA mobilizes for war.

- Added an additional 2 more mines to the US that are not tied to the USA mobilization event.

- Reduced US research costs by 50 MPP across the board.

- Increased the cost of Tanks, Fighters, Tacs and Bombers by 50 MPP for all countries with the exception of the USSR.

- Increase Anti-Tank TA/TD from 3/3 to 4/4.

- Removed 9 PARTISAN event positions for the USSR, all supply effect positions only and for towns not connected by rail.

- fixed a DE 301 UNIT script error regarding the deployment of the Canadian Bomber (Ivanov)

- Italy will now automatically be at war with Poland, once Poland surrenders, enabling combat between free Polish and Italian units (Happycat)

- Operational Movement morale loss now increased from 25-40% to 50-65% (Iron Ranger)

- LOOP events for USA to Europe now reduced from 4 turns to 2 and USA to the Middle East reduced from 6 turns to 4.

- action points increased by 4 for Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, Subs and Carriers (Desert Dave)

- action points increased by 1 for Transports from 24 to 25.

- Siberian UNIT transfer position changed from Sverdlovsk to Kazan.

- French Foreign Legion UNIT event now occurs when DE 100 is no.

- Italian Forces Break Out Of East Africa To Serve In Egypt UNIT event is now linked to DE 112 and when it is no.

- Tactical Bombers and Bombers now correctly have their proper Naval Attack values set (Big Al)

- Cairo added as a NATIONAL MORALE objective position (Bill R.)

- disabled DE 116 as both 116 and 117 may fire if a player is active with DIPLOMACY regarding Portugal (Bill R., Gunnar)

- US Infrastructure research now starts with 2 chits (Gunnar)

- Allied player is now warned each turn they abandon one of the critical Mediterranean city positions (Bill R.)

- SUPPLY events linked to DE 613 now properly linked to DE 113 (Winti)

- SUPPLY events linked to Axis US East Coast raids now properly target US resources as opposed to Canadian ones (Winti)

- UK DECISION event to transfer capital to Canada or Australia now has Ottawa as a #FRIENDLY_POSITION (Winti)

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Both the chance of Bulgarian mobilization increasing every turn after Belgrade has been captured, and the % by which it would increase, have been raised.

Now, there is a 50% chance every turn of Bulgaria moving 2-5% towards the Central Powers once Belgrade has been captured. This is in addition to the 10-20% increase when Belgrade is taken.

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Both the chance of Bulgarian mobilization increasing every turn after Belgrade has been captured, and the % by which it would increase, have been raised.

Now, there is a 50% chance every turn of Bulgaria moving 2-5% towards the Central Powers once Belgrade has been captured. This is in addition to the 10-20% increase when Belgrade is taken.

It's good, it makes Serbia a really important target, because falling early amkes bulgaria join and an open way to the ottomans. Thanks for the info Bill :)

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