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Odd thing noticed during a traffic jam

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I've been playing the 'Last Defense" scenario over and over for a number of reasons, including a) do I have to unlearn, B) are my tactics as sound as I thought and so forth.

I was pushing a column of 4 half tracks and 1 Tiger up a road. Figured I'd hide the Tiger inside the column of haftracks. ure enough, a halftrack immediately in front of the Tiger gets brewed up. The Tiger pauses, 1/2 turns to one side and starts to push the dead half track off the road. Reverses to the other side and shoves the half track off the road, and then starts to move forward again.

Did I hallucinate this? It specifically happened twice and in 2 seperate motions.


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Just happened (for the first time) to me 10 minutes ago. So that's the second time I thought I hallucinated in 2 days. The first time was last night when I watched France beat New Zealand in the rugby world cup semi-final. smile.gif


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Yeah they said that tanks could push disabled vehicles off the road to make way. Even so you might want to have a tank reverse and move around the wreck, its a sitting duck when pushing the wreck to the side.

BTW if you should find yourself in a traffic jam under enemy fire, have the vehicle in the very rear reverse, the vehicle in front move fast forward a few meters, and the rest of the vehicles will sort themselves out rather nicely.


"Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter."

Sir Winston Churchill

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oops did you guys not know that pushing knocked out vehicles was in?

The TacAI does a lovely job of clearing the roads of wrecks doesn't it?

Yeah that's in and functioning as of a couple of weeks ago...

Pretty neat huh? Bet you've NEVER seen that in any other game wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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The All Blacks are playing in the playoff on Thursday..

The performance was shocking BTW... Do you realise that if it hadn't been for Jonah Lomu NZ would only have had 14 points IIRC?

24 points looks a little respectable but 14 points would have been a total walkover.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Sheesh, let's get a lil' sympathy here eh? wink.gif

All these evil, evil shots at the poorly armoured underbelly of yer average kiwi. Not nice at all smile.gif. Bear in mind that for 1/2 the nation the all blacks loss is an event (read catastrophy) of similar magnitude to BTS posting on this board "Sorry, CM is cancelled." (thankfully that ain't gonna happen wink.gif).

Of course the other 1/2 of the nation shakes their heads and say "Fer gods sake, it sucks we lost, but it's a only game okay?", looks forward to the approaching summer, the beach, and the arrival of Combat Mission (well in this case anyways) wink.gif.

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Peter/Stu - you know guys I think Rugby won this time - I and a lot of locals, press etc has been getting tired of the rugby league feel that has been developing out of the Super 12. The Bok games has been close on boring this cup and I never thought I would ever say that - FGS 2 games and only one try!

TG for the French - maybe they'll reawaken the old running spirit in all of us. Hope tonight we can show the world how it should be played (by both teams)

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